Bye Bye Bloat Body Care – Love Wellness | Honest Review + First Impression | LauraWayxo

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Hey welcome back to Laura way XO my name is Laura and this is another love Wess review you guys know I love love Wess I Am All About Love Wess through and through one thing about love Wess is I did start out with their original product called the killer that changed

My whole entire routine as far as feminine care and now I’m transferring into more of their ingestibles for you know Body Care Health Nutrition that type of thing so the one of them that I want to talk about today is bye-bye bloat I’ve already done a review on

Bye-bye bloat I loved it I saw results but I did feel like something was missing until I saw what they came up with recently so love oness dropped a new line of items under bye-bye blo and it’s a whole entire regimen for bye-bye blo so I’m really excited to introduce

It to you guys and also show you how to use it this video is going to be honestly just my first opinion how I feel about it using it just you know already having it for the first time they are they are unopened so I still

Have like the plastic around it the only thing that I want to go ahead and let you guys know is the lymphatic massage roller did come in this box so it was wrapped well one thing about love oness that I’ve noticed is any time they have products outside of their ingestible or

Their wipes or you know things of that nature they don’t do a very good job of having high quality items for like for example the vitamin organizer while that vitamin organizer was free I was using it every single day so I was having issues with just having that basically not last like

It wouldn’t clasp all the way down or something and then you know after I use it after a while it’s like I kind of wanted to use it since I use them every day almost every day now um so yeah hoping this one has a little bit more

Longevity as far as like a lifetime um cuz I don’t want to have to buy another one of these if I don’t have to if that makes sense but I will show you guys how I use these products I will also show you what I think about them because some

Of them you’re probably thinking well there’s other things on the market obviously but I think that one thing about love Wess I’ve realized they’re very intentional every single one of their products are very intentional so anything under the bye-bye blow series even knowing how byby blow worked for me

Anything added on I feel is going to add to nurturing me more and I love that so and also One-Stop shop for getting everything that you need as far as your bloating I don’t know about y’all that makes it easier for me don’t got to go

To Ulta Sephora jump over to uh Walmart and then jump back over to wherever else I I want to let you guys know step one was to alleviate the bloating fast um those pills have digestive enzymes and Botanical so this pack of depuff and um sculpting at home from love Wellness

Does not come with the full-sized package of the bye-by blow pills you will have to buy the full-sized version on your own but they do give you a sample which is two capsules however I’m going to start on step two which is detoxing and prepping the skin for massage and this is their

Sculpting body mask they call it a firming clay mask I was really interested to see what the texture of this was because I’ve tried a lot of like body masks or masks in general whether it be for my face or you know my back or anywhere really and this I was

Pleasantly surprised y’ I don’t even know how to explain it like it was sish but it was like lotiony but it was like body butter it was smooth y’all it was real real smooth and I don’t really see the firming aspect of it I feel like

Maybe I missed the whole part of that I thought it was going to be like the I know a lot of girls when they put on the Aztec clay mask they used tend to tell you like they feel pulsating sensation this is nothing like that at all it’s

Pretty much like feels like nothing’s happening um I didn’t feel it firming it was actually really difficult for me to tell when it was dry once it was dry and I’ll actually show you in a next clip like when it’s all over my body it was

Actually already dry as soon as I got put it on you’re supposed to put a thick layer but my Skin’s very sensitive nowadays so I try not to do too much I don’t like to PO it too much cuz this is actually really heavy as light as it is

It’s very heavy it’s weird so you got to try it for yourself honestly but yeah I put that on it was super quick it felt like lotion felt like body butter I really really liked this texture I did want to tell you guys about my bloating

I think a lot of people tend to not understand why they bloat and and for me personally it can be from excess gas because usually I’m like swallowing air when I’m eating or drinking and a lot of the foods that I eat are high in fiber and fermentable

Carbohydrates so if you think like vegetables fruits beans like earlier that day I actually had brussel sprouts and that can really cause digestive issues and cause gas to build up so that’s a part of why I bloat I also bloat when I’m constipated so basically stool builds up in my Tes

And that leads to discomfort which gives me that icky feeling from bloating um I know some people have irritable bow syndrome that’s a chronic condition though um it’s basically bloating with other digestive systems like um cramps diarrhea constipation all of the above so if you have IBS sorry but that

Definitely causes bloating and I hope this is something that can help you I’m not lactose intolerant but I know a lot of people might be that can cause bloating as well my hormone horm monal fluctuations now I experienced bloating during my menstrual period And I was

Actually on my period during this so I was not upset but I definitely was feeling a little bit you know icky and I think I I don’t like bloating because it makes me feel like all the work I’m doing with my fitness my nutrition is

Not working and I hate that and also um some people just have medical conditions so bloating can be more serious like um I have some girlfriends that have celiac disease or they have ovarian cysts or even tumors so bloating can come from many different things but for me it

Really just comes from excess gas and hormonal fluctuation if I’m eating right like in the correct portions when I’m ready to eat my meal and eating slowly helps you swallow less air when you’re eating it’s weird but it’s true and that can reduce your bloating also I try to

Limit my gas producing foods which can also trigger bloating so and then I stay hydrated I manage my stress and of course I take my probiotics so one thing I did notice when I was in the shower is the you have to touch all the areas that

You put the product on because it looked like it still was like on my skin so I felt like I had to rub it in a little bit more in the water just to get it off um but other than that super super good experience now I’m going to go into step

Three so step three it’s hydrating and activating lymphatic flow with their silky Body Oil I really loved the texture of this oil it was heavier than shower oil and it was lighter than post shower oil so really it was like it really was like a massage oil to be

Honest but it wasn’t as light as like an essential oil it had like this extra thickness to it I don’t know where it came from but like it had an extra layer of like heaviness but it was still runny you just got to try it because it felt

Really nice it really did it’s it really was silky it is so important to have lymphatic flow proper lymph flow is essential for maintaining fluid balance in your body’s tissues if lymph flow is obstructed it can lead to swelling and that’s actually a condition that’s called lymphodema

Um a really good example of someone who’s really relevant right now who’s always been relevant by the way Wendy Williams she talks about her lymphadema all the time that is a lymphatic flow concern Additionally the lymphatic system also plays a vital role transporting dietary fats and fat soluble vitamins absorbed in the

Intestines to the bloodstream Additionally the immune cells within the lymph nodes are also crucial for fighting off infections and diseases so you can can help your lymph Flow by exercising that activity helps pump lymph fluid through the vessels and it promotes a healthy flow you can lymphatic drainage massage which is what

The bye-bye bloat kit is supposed to help you do and just a at home version that’s why it’s really good to like really relax and massage yourself maintain a healthy weight um excess weight can put pressure on the lymphatic system and that impedes your lymph flow and of course drinking plenty of water

It keeps that lymph fluid flowing smoothly so if you do have concerns about your lymphatic system remember love Wellness me byebye blow all of these are just tools to use in your Wellness Journey but make sure you consult your doctor to determine if you have underlying treatments that you need

Or just a cause that’s outside of um any just regular normal swelling and bloating La