Top 5 Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Symptoms, signs and Treatment

Chronic fatigue syndrome is diagnosed when unexplained tiredness lasts more than six months and severely interferes with daily activities.
The post-viral period, particularly following flu or COVID-19, is a common cause of chronic fatigue syndrome.
A weak immune system can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome by keeping the body in a constant state of fighting infections.
Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress, alongside poor sleep quality, are significant contributors to chronic fatigue.
Hormonal imbalances, including abnormal cortisol levels and deficiencies in DHEA or growth hormone, are linked to chronic fatigue syndrome.
Genetic predisposition plays a role, with a higher risk among those whose first-degree relatives have chronic fatigue syndrome.
Physical or emotional trauma, overactivity, and a passive lifestyle can all trigger chronic fatigue.
Nutritional deficiencies, especially in vitamin D and vitamin B12, are common causes of chronic fatigue.
Treatment strategies include addressing underlying conditions, increasing exercise intensity gradually, and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Low-dose antidepressants, antihistamines, melatonin, and valerian roots can improve sleep quality and help manage chronic fatigue.
Antidepressants such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and sertraline (Zoloft) are often used to treat hormonal imbalances or depression associated with chronic fatigue.
Supplements like vitamin B complex, vitamin D, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial in managing chronic fatigue.
Probiotics, especially Lactobacillus species, can improve immune system function and reduce inflammation.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), L-carnitine, and D-ribose are less studied but commonly used supplements that may help with energy production and mitochondrial function.
Adaptogens such as ashwagandha and ginseng are explored for their potential role in energy production and managing chronic fatigue.


This information is provided for general knowledge and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your doctor for any questions or concerns you may have about your health.

If a person has the flu and experiences tiredness and weakness it’s easily explained because most people feel fatigued during the flu however when a person has a constant sense of tiredness that doesn’t improve with rest and the cause is unidentifiable it is turned chronic fatigue syndrome this condition is diagnosed

When it lasts more than 6 months and the tiredness and fatigue are so severe that they interfere with performing daily life activities the first and most common cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is the postviral period many viruses including very common ones like the flu virus and covid-19 can cause fatigue syndrome even

After the recovery period which can last for months not only common viruses but many rare viruses also cause chronic fatigue such as Q fever West Nile fever parv overis and many others the second most common cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is a weak immune system if the immune

System is not competent enough the body constantly fights infections meaning the immune system is always in an activation regimen this increases inflammatory cines which can cause a sense of fatigue in the brain thus there is a high probability of increased inflammation levels in the body when chronic fatigue syndrome is

Due to a weakened immune system the third most common cause is mental health issues such as depression anxiety and stress poor Sleep Quality also plays an important role these issues cause changes in neurotransmitters and hormonal imbalances in the brain which we perceive as chronic fatigue for example during depression there is a low

Level of Serotonin and dopamine which are responsible for mood motivation and energy levels sleep deprivation increases stress hormone levels promoting chronic inflammation in the body and decreasing growth hormone levels which are produced during nighttime in the Deep Sleep stage and promote tissue regeneration and repair the fourth most common cause of

Chronic fatigue syndrome is hormonal imbalance people with chronic fatigue often have abnormal stress hormone levels known as cortisol which can be elevated or decreased additionally many patients with chronic fatigue syndrome have a deficiency of dehydroepiandrosterone d hea a precursor to the male sex hormone testosterone in some cases low DHEA or

Growth hormone deficiency causes chronic fatigue syndrome as growth hormone is responsible for tissue repair and regeneration these hormonal imbalances can develop due to chronic stress infections impaired immune system function or genetic factors the fifth most common cause is genetic predisposition if a person first-degree relatives have chronic fatigue syndrome

Then there is an increased risk of the condition the sixth most common cause is physical or emotional trauma overactivity or a passive lifestyle both can cause chronic fatigue the seventh most common cause is nutritional deficiencies especially vitamin d and vitamin B12 deficiencies which cause chronic fatigue treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome first involves

Treating the underlying condition if it can be determined before medications priority is given to gradually increasing the intensity of exercises cognitive behavioral therapy is also used to identify malfunctioning thoughts and replace them with healthy ones for example the thought I will never get better can be replaced with

I’m working on my fatigue and small steps make a difference to improve Sleep Quality lowd do anti-depressants such as amitryptiline anti histamines melatonin or valarian Roots may be used if a person has hormonal imbalance or depression anti-depressants like floatin proac and ceraline zoft are often used and the duration of

Medication can range from weeks to months before being gradually stopped stimulants like modol provigil and methylphenidate rolin are used cautiously due to potential side effects and dependency risks supplements commonly used for chronic fatigue include vitamin B complex vitamin D magnesium and Omega 3 fatty acids as they play crucial roles in energy

Production nervous system function and reducing inflammation probiotics especially lactobacillus species can improve immune system function and reduce inflammation less studied but commonly used supplements include kenzy Q10 CoQ10 which is an anti antioxidant important for energy production elatine which helps transport fatty acids into mitochondria for energy production and

Dr ribos which is involved in the synthesis of ATP the energy currency of the cell adaptogens like ashanda and jinsen may also play a role in energy production