Does This Gym Even Care About Women?

Last week, a Planet Fitness member posted a video to Facebook saying that she saw a transgender individual shaving in the women’s bathroom. While this is nothing new, many people across the country are canceling their Planet Fitness memberships.

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Welcome back to the comment section I’m Brett Cooper so obviously feminism has changed a lot in recent years I don’t know if we are in fourth wave are we still in the third wave we are in some far-off wave of feminism at this point but feminism at the beginning the way

That it was originally created it was fighting for women to be put on an equal playing field as men to make sure that we had the same rights the same protections and we achieved that you might not think that based on the way that feminist talk today but we did

Achieve that but these days it’s gotten quite confusing because now women are being told that we and our safety and our comfort actually needs to play second fiddle to a new group of people and women across the country have had it before we dive into the story though

Make sure you like this video subscribe to the channel if you’ve not already and then ring that notification Bell so that you never miss a comment section upload so I know this is not news to any of you but every day we see transgender women taking over women’s spaces beating them

In sports sometimes physically hurting them in the process winning women of the Year Awards becoming bleeders and chest feeders thanks to their cocktail of hormones that they take every day marching into our bathrooms and our locker rooms and that’s what happen last week in Fairbanks Alaska a Planet

Fitness member was in the women’s bathroom when she saw a trans individual shaving over a sink and this is the video that she posted on Facebook immediately after good day I just wanted to say I just came out of Planet Fitness and um there is a man shaving in a

Woman’s bathroom I realize he wants to be a woman he gets to be a woman I love him in Christ he’s a spiritual being having a human experience he doesn’t like his gender so he wants to be a woman but I’m not comfortable with him shaving in my

Bathroom all right I just thought I’d say it out loud heck yeah Patricia love her her name is Patricia she posted that video it went viral she also posted this photo to go along with it what a lovely lady in the locker room love to see it

Everybody now she didn’t just post it for all of her friends to see she also talks to Planet Fitness talked to the administrative team showed them this picture told them what was happening in the all ages women’s locker room and you know what they did they revoked her membership they revoked her membership

And kicked her out because she had taken a photo of somebody in the locker room which violated their policy and they said that she had no right to complain because they value diversity and they don’t discriminate at Planet Fitness we started to notice a pattern here like

Who the protected class is cuz that’s really what you kind of have to understand but here’s the whole story of how it all happened this is Patricia talking to Libs of Tik Tok and I walked in the restroom he and I CAU eye contact he was he had full face of shaving cream

And I I I got his attention took a picture because I felt intimidated as I walked when I walked out of the bathroom I a girl sitting like he was in the mirror to his left wrapped in a towel and she was a young girl I don’t know

How young she was but she was young so I took a picture of him and I thought well I’m going to I’ll talk to the authorities and see what my rights are that he needs to be out of here so I I actually told him I said you know you

Are who you are and you need to not be in a woman’s bathroom the fact that she went up and talked to this individual is fantastic like didn’t just snap a picture but went up and said you know this is not right like that takes guts

Patricia I love you you are fantastic so he uh said you know what I’m LGB queer I’m trans I’m I’m I’m transitioning right now and I said doesn’t matter you’re a man and you should not be in here so would please leave and he tried

To argue so I walked out so then it was Wednesday morning is I got a call from Planet Fitness it was 8:55 a.m. and they said Patricia you know we have a situation Miss Silva you know what I’m talking about this is Planet Fitness and and we need to cancel your membership

You you crossed our rules and I said I was not the offender we were offended every woman in that bathroom I’m sure was offended and she’s absolutely right about all of that and the most important part of the story in my opinion is the young girl that was

Sitting there in a towel in the same room it is completely and utterly inappropriate now later that week Libs of Tik Tok was sent another photo from a different Planet Fitness member from the Fairbanks Alaska location and look who was still there in the bathroom complete

With tights and a skirt this time Liv of Tik Tok said breaking I just received this image from Planet Fitness in Alaska the man who was caught shaving in the women’s bathroom is still entering women’s private spaces Planet Fitness stood by him their policies allow men to

Use women’s locker rooms and if you complain you might have your membership revoked like we live in the upside down I say this all the time but that’s the only way that you can describe it it quite literally does not make sense somebody tweeted and said plantet Fitness judgment free zone unless you

Are a normal woman that does not like hairy dudes invading your private space in which case you will be mocked and your membership revoked and sadly it’s not even surprising at this point it’s just another notch on the Belt it’s just another company that has their priorities completely skewed and

Completely disconnected for most Americans unlike Ruff greens Ru greens would never do this to you now not only does the company of Ru greens have great values but they also make make a great product and they know that dog food is dead food and your pet’s health is just

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On you unlike this company now this obviously caused an uproar on social media boycott Planet Fitness started trending almost immediately and people were canceling their memberships right and left here I am in front of Planet Fitness just cancel my gym membership because they don’t protect women’s spaces and they prioritize men over

Women you Fitness boss babe absolute boss here’s another one this one was wild so uh I just left canceled my membership I went in the lady who helped me out she was new she was in training she got to the point where she asked the reason why I was canceling and I

Informed her about the Alaska situation and and she was like I never heard of that and I can believe it because she’s she’s new to plan Fitness but what got me was when it got to the point where she had to put in the reason for the cancellation she asked the manager what

She should put in there and she told him what I had said he said well we can’t put that I’m sorry why not not do you not want to have that on your record oh you don’t want to think about that that’s why people are leaving in droves

People so not only is Planet Fitness siding with the Trans non-discrimination thing but now they’re covering it up instead of admitting what they did was wrong they hid the reason why I canceled my membership and this man is not wrong they are literally covering it up right

Before I sat down to in this episode I was scrolling on Twitter and I saw that Libs of Tik Tok had a new exclusive about this story they had one of their journalists call Planet Fitness and asked them about this story say hey I have a daughter that wants to sign up

She’s 13 which by the way you can get a Planet Fitness membership by yourself at age 13 13-year-old girls can be in this women’s locker room with trans individuals just putting it out there anyway they had their journalists call and say hey I saw the story I just want

To know what your policy is and you just need to watch this because they are instructing their employees to cover it up was that photograph of the person who identified as a woman but was was that a real photo of someone in bathroom no no that was not that so

That that wasn’t even a real photo from inside the kind of Fitness at all nope wow okay we were shocked too and yeah and they had to like pull apart the the picture and it’s not in a Planet Fitness restroom at all I mean it’s just disgusting another person on Twitter

Said so I’m a Planet Fitness number I just called the Plano Texas club and asked if it was their policy to let naked men and the women showers the guy read me a statement about non-descript ation so I asked again does that mean naked men will be showering with me and

He said if I’m ever uncomfortable to tell the front desk and they will assess the situation of course I am cancelling WTF is wrong with these a-holes well what’s wrong with them is that they simply don’t care about women they would rather bend a knee and parot Dei talking

Point to give you their non-discriminatory policy then actually do what is right and protect their female members and people have had it another person tweeted and said I guess they want to learn their lesson the oldfashioned way like a few other companies have done and they certainly

Did because guys in 5 days their market value plummeted $400 million just look at this this is the Planet Fitness One Week market cap woo all the way down here’s another view of their stock over the past 7 days it’s just crazy like companies when are you going to realize

That your actions have consequences hey Bob that the majority of normal Americans who you Market to who buy your products are not bought into any of this they don’t want any part of it they want to be left alone they want to be protected like that’s the bare minimum

When are you going to learn and you know I wish I could say that this happened at the perfect right time but honestly I wish this had happened sooner to Planet Fitness because this is not their first time back in 2015 Planet fitness’s transgender friendly policy threatens women’s safety Midland lawmaker says

There was an entire lawsuit about this back in 2015 in 2023 in Georgia There was a man arrested after exposing himself to a 15-year-old girl in Planet fitness’s locker room and he defended himself by saying that he was identifying as a woman this was another

Recent one sent to Libs of Tik Tok just this week she wrote that I received this letter from a former Planet Fitness customer she reached out after encountering a man in the woman’s bathroom Planet Fitness responded by saying that their policies allow trans people to use whichever bathroom they

Want women beware of Planet Fitness and guys this is the policy that we’ve been hearing about and we’ve been talking about some members may feel uncomfortable with a transgender member using the same locker room facilities bathroom showers or other facilities programs separated by sex this discomfort is not a reason to deny

Access to the transgender member Pless Fitness staff should work with members and employees to address this discomfort and Foster a climate of understanding consistent with the Judgment free character of Planet Fitness so they’re not actually going to deal with the discomfort and the inappropriate behavior that obviously has been

Happening at Planet Fitness no they’re going to work with you to make sure that you understand that you need to be judgment free if you are a plan of Fitness number get out find another gym like it is truly truly absurd we women are not asking for much we are simply

Asking for our spaces to be protected we’re simply asking for what we fought for and what we achieved stop giving these people your money hey guys Brett here for more stories and videos just like that make sure you subscribe to my show see you next time