How to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus US [ Top 6 Tips ]

How to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus US

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Here are the Steps To Prevent Yourself From Coronavirus:

1. Keep Your Hands Clean 
Dr. Tom Moorcroft also went on to say that the number one preventive
measure offered by the CDC is to practice good personal hygiene and to
wash your hands with soap and water frequently.

You especially need to wash your hands correctly for at least 20 seconds
after you come from a public place, or after sneezing, coughing or blowing
your nose.
You can also sanitize your hands when soap and water aren’t available
using a sanitizer that has 60%+ alcohol content.
Put some sanitizer on your hand and cover all surfaces of your hand until
they feel dry.

2. Don’t Touch Your Face 
Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose, especially with unwashed
Even with clean hands, get into the habit of not touching your face.
This is because our hands touch many surfaces, and since the virus is
capable of surviving on the surface of any material, we can easily pick it up
on our hands.
Once we unknowingly contaminate our hands and touch any of the entry
points, we can transfer it into ourselves.
In other words, to get infected instantly, all your need is one touch to your
eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

3. Avoid Close Contact 
Avoid close contact with people that are sick or if you are sick yourself.
Put as much distance between yourself and the community, especially if
the COVID-19 is rapidly spreading.
This is absolutely crucial for people that have a weak immune system or
have a medical condition that puts them at a higher risk of getting sick.

4. Practice Social Distancing
Like avoiding close contact, practicing social distancing is as much of a
step to prevent coronavirus for yourself as it is to protect others. CDC recommended maintaining a meter long distance, i.e., 3 feet, between
anyone that sneezes or coughs.
World health organizations state this step to be crucial in preventing the
spread of coronavirus.
Authorities like the CDC, WHO, many governments, and all the healthcare
providers recommend staying at home if you are feeling sick.
They also explain that if you choose to stay at home, you could be helping
to flatten the curve.
Now it’s pretty evident that not all people can work from home and
eventually will need to leave the house to work.
For people like that, authorities ask them to practice necessary
preventative measures.

5. Follow Public Health Guidelines 
With the progression of this novel coronavirus, many states and cities took
it upon themselves to introduce their own public health guidelines for the
local public.
By mid-march 2020, many public gathering places like educational
institutes, sporting events, and restaurants and bars were shut down.
Therefore, be informed about the local public health guidelines of your city
and prevent coronavirus by abiding by it as best to your ability.
In addition to that, also stay updated with the latest development about
COVID-19 and follow the guidance and advice of your local healthcare
providers on how you can best prevent the spread of coronavirus.

6. Boost Your Immune System 
According to many health care providers, the best defense against
infections, viruses, and diseases is to have a strong immune system.
Therefore, on top of practicing all the preventing measure, you should also
work to boost your immune system better.

Dr. Moorcroft explains this by saying that our bodies are better able to fight
off illness when our immune system is humming, and for that, you need to
put in all your efforts to get in tip-top shape.

We can utilize this time and practice like social distancing to work on all of
our health habits that we have been procrastinating like….
making smarter food choices, starting daily activities, and educating
ourselves about the myths of nutrition.

Also, get adequate sleep, sunlight, and fresh air daily.
Make use of this time to making long life improvements.
To further educate you about your immune system, our health experts
busted three common myths that we usually believe and presented us
with three truths about the immune system in replacement of those myths.
The truths are:
1. You can boost your immune system by consuming plenty of fruits and
2. Exercise and sleep are essential for boosting our immune systems.
3. Our immune health is directly linked to our gut health.