Sissy Squats And Overhead Press – Mad Scientist Super Set

MASSIVE PUMP WARNING: Quads felt fresh so decided to put my Lab Coat and Goggles on and whipped up a Mad Scientist Super Set of Sissy Squats and Overhead Press. WTF Mode Engaged. Giga Quad and Shoulder Pump Achieved. Also fried our Side Delts.

Captain Of Crush 1.5 Grip Trainer –
Adjustable Dumbbells –
100lb Vinyl Barbell Set x2 –
Ez Curl/Skull Crusher Bar –
50lb Kettlebell –
KetoMojo Ketone Tester –
Resistance Bands Set –

CashApp= $CRUSHEQUITY if you want to support me directly.

****(Yes these are Amazon Associate Links, but this is all stuff I OWN and USE. I get like 1-3% of any sale which is ya… I’m just sharing what I personally have and spent money on when ive been on tight budget so I Believe in them. I’m not sponsored by anything.)****

10lb Whey Isolate for $95 –
Pre Workout –
L-Arginine L-Citrulline –
Calorie/Sweetener Free Electrolytes –
Turmeric+ 7 Superfoods Blend (AMAZING FOR JOINTS/CIRCULATION) –
Multivitamin (I Use Beef Liver) =
Fermented B Vitamin Complex (AMAZING) –
Vitamin D+K2 (If you didn’t know you want K2 w/ D for it to work) –
Cod Liver Oil –

#bodybuilding #weightlossjourney #strongman #fastedtraining #homegym #muscle #lifting #lifter #lift #gym #training #gymtok #weights #weighttraining #workout #fyp #fypage #foryoupage #4u #weights #motivation #effort #intensity

Intensity let’s talk about that for a minute I’ve been going on and scrolling through Instagram actually a little more the last week than I normally do one thing I’ve noticed it’s surprising me like there’s comments should you go to failure or how hard should you push

Yourself in the gym and all this seeing these comments about recommending not to go intense not to go to failure and that makes no sense to me to a beginner I would I would think that the best advice and simplest advice to give them I mean

Just going from myself is to go to failure because that eliminates all the that mental stuff you start talking about this rp3 or rp5 or all this I mean that’s fine for like an advanced person but for a new person that’s just a bunch of [ __ ]

That’s like you got a process I think you just make it super simple especially like those first few months 6 months or even year here just go in there find your 8 to 15 rep range and just go hard go to failure because then if you do

That you know you’re working hard you never have to ask am I working hard enough am I going to get gains but I know for a fact you go in there and you go to failure on your lifts and you’re going to you’re going to see results I

Mean so I I don’t understand what stuff that about not going to failure is that makes no sense to me but you know this is That’s My Philosophy that’s how I’ve been doing it since I started and that just seemed to be to make everything as

Simple as I could possibly be if you’ve been here a while you know I I’m a I believe in the kiss method keep it simple stupid that’s kind of how I manage all my stuff one of the philosophies of it you know because I’m I can sitting there and I’m like okay

Let me because what when you’re new when you haven’t been Lifting for a long time how the hell you know what two reps in reserve is how do you know when you have three reps left you know what I mean how do you that takes time and I think

That’s more for like you know that’s when you’re adding the like we were going back to yesterday that’s when you’re starting to decorate put art up on your walls when you’re just starting out you focus on the foundation and then you put your frame up and then you can

Start then you start putting the walls and [ __ ] up but you have to do that in steps if you you can’t hang the art and make it look pretty before you have the structure built the foundation the frame in the roof and then then you can start

Making it look pretty I don’t know I just thought that was interesting that there’s this big push to not go to failure and this and that I mean I guess to each their own I mean what works for you works for you but that just seems like bad advice to me

But in any case today’s going to be a fun workout we’re doing something different we’re doing a nice super set so we’re going to do overhead press super set with [ __ ] squats what who why what we’re overit well the reason is my legs I think are fresh they’re they’re

Good they’re ready for some [ __ ] squats they’re ready for some kind of quad work and as you know I did the workout in the park so I did a lot of sprinting and that was what I did for my legs workout I took a week off of the zercher squats

Which I’m glad because my whole that whole glute hamstring posterior chain area they needed to break with all the kettle bells and every week I do search squats and that served me well but that doesn’t That’s not including my quads and leg day is another 3 days away you

It’s it’s this Thursday leg day is on Sunday and worst case scenario I just flip chest and legs so I’ll do chest on Sunday and then legs on Monday if my quads are still a little sore by then so we’re going to do some quads this is

Going to be a pretty intense super set standing overhead press super set it with [ __ ] squats I mean this is going to be pretty taxi on my nervous system so I like that yeah got the Pre-Workout took some pre-workout normally on shoulders I don’t take any pre-workout

CU I work tonight and I like to get my nap but I think it’s early enough I’ll still be able to get that one or two hour nap before work and yeah I just obviously I’m super setting overhead press with [ __ ] squats so I wanted that little extra juice from the Pre-Workout

As far as overhead press we’re going to do higher rep today right now for overhead press what I’m plan on doing is just 110 lbs just going into failure each time because I think uh shoulders especially it’s important to do endurance work CU that’s something that just from a functional real life

Scenario there’s a lot of overhead stuff you need that endurance in it you know you need to be able to just pick stuff up set it up on the Shelf pick stuff up put it on the shelf or pick stuff up and throw it so yeah oh and then also we’re

Not doing any direct triceps today we’re just whatever we get from the overhead press that’s our tricep work because Saturday we’re going to be doing an arm workout arms and triceps along with finishing up the fermented hot sauce and starting another project which I think you’re going to enjoy so tune in for

That that’ll be interesting not going to spoil what it is but it’s Unique and I guarantee you you can think of a thousand million things and it’s not going to you’re not going to get it it’s going to be something completely different you’re not thinking about so

That’s going to be fun and it’s going to be directly related to a workout all right leave a comment what you think it is anyone gets it I’ll send you a $50 Amazon or Walmart gift card I’ve never bought gift cards so I don’t really know

How it works But whichever one is easier I’ll message you on Instagram and send it but uh you’re not going to get it but go ahead and try and $50 that may not seem like a lot but that’s a lot to me and I just for something fun yeah so uh

Yeah it’s directly related to pre-workout but it’s again guarantee you’re not going to you’re not going to guess it so tune in for that that should be Saturday which means the video should be Sunday that’s going to be cool when uh I get enough of this fat out to start

Seeing my triceps a little bit more oh you get starting to see it a little bito oh hold on that’s new hold on a second that I can feel it that’s so you know that the last few weeks man I’ve started actually the last couple weeks I’m really starting to feel

It’s I don’t think it’s just the fat loss because I’m it’s well for one thing like my shoulder I really I think more than any muscle I can feel meat growing on my shoulders like I can feel the meat on my shoulders I think I I notice and

Feel muscle coming up on my shoulders as much as anything because I think a lot of other thing places I’m just a lot of it’s losing fat like especially my quads I mean I’m growing obviously M show those but uh yeah that’s cool though actually cold

Not pumped at all I had just noticed that that’s the first time that’s cool you can’t see it because I’m pale as [ __ ] in the bright ass light but right there I can feel you know that horseshoe muscle this one not so much but right here probably because I do so many

Scroll Crushers I really feel that oh you can see it look at that that’s the first with my hand on it you can really see it oh [ __ ] look at that so you know that that’s what makes this so cool just little things like that but yeah so I think like

Yesterday and obviously if you noticed the audio got the audio fixed I had there’s like a AI setting for cutting out external noise when I was out at the park I had that turned on I forgot to turn it off so that’s why the audio was

Screwed yesterday for the back but uh we got that fixed and it’s should to be a great workout so we got to do the kettle bell swings and then we’re going to warm up same as yesterday gluteus medius but this time while I’m doing the squatted

Crap lock thing I’m going to be warming up my shoulders with arm circles and then the 5B so I’m going to be doing like this you know and uh cuz why not do them both at the same time and so I’ll probably show a few you know like five

Six seconds of that and then cuts to the kettle bell and I’ll probably just show the last 5 10 seconds of it and then we’ll go right into Shoulders good Set that’s so cool with the kle Bell man that kle Bell and WRA warm up it just jacks to just just jumps you gets the sweat flowing and is it’s like running a Sprint one of the best hacks I’ve discovered warming up with a single 90% kettle bell am D okay overhead press with 6 squats he says okay okay glutes tight quads engaged thrust with grass oh wow all right not taking those ones to failure wow those are a lot easier than they were the last time I did what was that 10 days ago hell yeah gains baby as expected

That’s a nasty super set in a good way we’re keeping the rest down since we’re using lighter Weight behind the on these ones Difference between fresh and like only a minute and a half a rest glutes tight quads engaged FR with your ass wow I like it I don’t know if I’ve ever seen someone do a shoulder quad day tell you one thing this is a cardio workout overhead press right into [ __ ] squats heart’s Going all right I’m G do a few more sets and we’ll come back for the final few what happened where the chairs go you done with the [ __ ] squats no I just found out realized I didn’t need them can’t go quite as low but I can do

Them just holding on to the wall for a little support the reason why I got to that point is my side delts were absolutely on fire like hurting and think it’s CU I was unconsciously using more shoulder than I would like so I was super setting these

With like a modified wide shoulder press or some [ __ ] or dip press or something so Not only was that I mean it’s probably good for the shoulders I gives me ideas actually for super sets at some point but I I mean I want to be doing [ __ ] squats not

[ __ ] whatever so I try to against the wall and I can’t quite go as low and I have to be careful cuz I almost I went low on and it kind of felt it given and I don’t I don’t want to I don’t want to

Fail on a Cissy squat but so that is the one danger of it if I fail I got nothing to grab on to really but but any case so we’ve done six total sets so far we got two more and yeah good old overhead press man shoulders are freaking do eight sets of

Overhead press are failure and you try and tell me your side delts aren’t blowing up all right so in this one we’re going to alternate so we did one front one back or one behind the back one front one behind the back one front one behind the

Back and now we’re going to do one alternating and then of course on the final when we just rep out front man shoulders are freaking hurting bro in a good way not a pain way but just in a you just did a bunch of burnout sets with leg extensions and you know how

Your quads feel wobbly that’s kind of how my shoulder still right now [ __ ] okay how about we do that just something sh something happens no that’s giving oursel permission to fail we don’t fail we’re Fire Die baby fire or die glutes glutes tight quads engaged almost just gave out oh

Wow that’s what we’re talking about really feel it right here and bit right here actually bit right here as well hell yeah that’s a [ __ ] super set baby eighth overhead press 6y squat super set here we go oh definitely feels like it too I challenge everyone anyone I

Challenge anyone watching to try this super set it’s Crazy Get oh my God okay okay GLS tight qu engaged PS yeah Here we go eight sets all right hopefully that one doesn’t come to bite me doesn’t hurt but definitely hot right there yeah I might have pushed it a little bit on those I’m feeling it right here I’m going to have to put some Bend gay on there maybe even ice

It that’ be all right though I definitely pushed it try some B All right cical oh Oh oh yeah constant tension that whole time it’s like those flut raises I do with the fives I think always even a little same B principle just a little different stimulus oh forgot to check the quads and the shoulder damn woo do you see that [ __ ] I

Didn’t notice that in live time you can see like that [Applause] quad I don’t know if you can see that on camera but I can see Ito static holds for the wind man W All right y’all I’m going to do few more sets of those and I’m done actually forg check pump is pretty crazy you actually see my TR Del puffed up pumped and I can see my side Del look at that looks like I got a softball look at that oh that’s badass

Dude look at that my rear delt even feel a little pumped that’s so awesome dude that’s like one of the coolest Parts about all this is seeing those changes oh my shoulders I’m telling you I could feel the meat didn’t put on my shoulders I could feel the meat that’s

Why I had to turn the camera on as soon as I took my shirt off I was looking at I was like damn my shoulder don’t not usually that that round I mean like that you see how it’s puffing up that’s so cool all right for real peace out y’all