Expensive Beauty Products That Are ACTUALLY Worth Your Money!

Hey guys! Todays vlog has a lot! We have a closet clean out, some life updates, a spring clothing haul + I share some of my expensive products that are actually worth the money! Comment below your fav splurge product! #vlog #beauty #dailyvlog

*Shop all my favorite products:

*Shop my Revolve favs for spring:

INSTA: @AshNichole
TikTok: @AshNichole_xo
Clothing Brand: @Parallel Apparel

He Well I did it my entire for you page has convinced me to get this crisscross chair but also Alicia has one says It’s amazing I ended up getting rid of the gold woven chairs that I had here at my desk cuz it kept rubbing against the desk and ruining it so switched those

Out for this and we’re going to do a quick little time lapse of me putting it together wow we listen to my favorite mder of Course I can’t even begin to explain to you guys how frustrated I am that I’m sick again I got sick so much last year and then I I got really sick during Christmas thought I was better like got over it it was like a stomach thing then

Top of January got hit really hard with a really bad cold and here I am again with a very bad cold I’m wondering if I need to get like checked looked at I I don’t I don’t I don’t even know but I’m so over it I literally went on a birthday weekend

Getaway for Lexi cuz her birthday was this past week and uh-oh I feel like I’m catching something and I was right I ended up sick the next day I swear every time I go on vacation somewhere I end up with some kind of something anyways I’m

Done venting about it I have some hot lemon water here and we’re going to take a magic mind this is one of those Focus do more shots this has adaptogens matcha and it is an immunity support so it has like vitamin C and stuff like that in

It there it is also two weekends ago I did a gallentine with with Taran and some of her friends and we went to this really cute plant shop and then in the back they had a bunch of plain pottery that you could paint very much like a

Color Me Mine um and I I made this little mug I’m literally obsessed with it I just did a bunch of little baby strawberries all over this mug and I’m determined to go back and get a set of 10 and just do a ton of different little

Baby fruit cuz this is so freaking cute cold brew sometimes you forget about it but it hits every time it is another day another unboxing it is that time of the month where I show you guys everything that I got from revolve I think I really popped off with this

Order you guys are you guys are going to be obsessed starting off strong this is from the Remy Bader X revolve collection this beautiful brown leather jacket I realized I don’t have a brown leather jacket if you have seen me in one it’s because I borrowed it from Alicia so I

Figured I should get my own it’s so good I have one just like this but black and I’m very excited to have a brown one because I’ve been really into Browns lately this skirt is from Super down it is a snap down on the side and I think

It is just such a fun little detail there was a top on Instagram that went viral that snapped across the front and this is giving the exact same vibe in the best way I got a simple tank top just cuz I need more like basic things

This is from Tula Rosa I just love the color I don’t have as many weddings this year as I did last year but I do have a couple on the books so the last handful of revolve orders that I’ve done I’ve been sure to like grab an extra dress

For weddings specifically um and this one is so gorgeous you can’t even really see it how goes down so long um this this really beautiful green with ruffles everywhere and this is from the brand House of harlo and I’m so excited to wear this next we have a bodysuit and

This is from Michael Costello this is kind of like a offthe shoulder kind of vibe something I have learned with revolve is their bodysuits never fit me correctly um they’re always long so this is my first time sizing down instead of getting a medium I got a small and

Hopefully that works out I have a good feeling about it just to note if you are to get bodysuits from revolve that’s what I’ve learned I got another offthe shoulder moment this is a really sweet sweater like a cropped knit sweater and again it goes off the shoulder in a very

Like flattering show off your collar bone kind of way two off the-shoulder tops it’s my be my like new thing I did get one more dress this is from Michael Costello as well I really love how his dresses fit me this is a really cute short dress this is a halter it’s kind

Of hard to see but it crisscrosses in the back and it goes up around your neck like that and just in case a random Vegas moment opportunity comes my way I’ll be prepared this is also just a great like girls night out dress another basic gray top from Lovers and Friends

You always need simple stuff like that I also got a lovers and friends tank top this is a cute little like spaghetti strap okay these next few things are probably my favorite how cute is this Lovers and Friends corset I love this so much it is so girly in such a fun way

And get this it’s a matching set it comes with this really cute short I’m obsessed with the material if you can see it’s this really cool woven pattern it’s just so fun and girly and is going to be so cute at an event and then check

Out this skirt this is from the brand more Toom it is a funky denim mini skirt and I can’t get enough of this I saw this immediately immediately it was like Ed toart it comes with a really fun matching denim corset top together unreal I have so many pairs of

Girlfriend denim but none like this these are the baggiest denim that I own easily alici has a pair of Alice and Olivia jeans that are this baggy she got them size so that they hug her perfectly like at the hips and I think I want to

Do the same thing with these they are really long but I think they’ll be great with heels they’re just a little big in the hips and I’ve told you guys before that I tend to get my denim fitted so I think I’m going to do the same thing

With these if you guys want to see like my process of that let me know and I’ll show you now this next thing is something that normally I wouldn’t go for this is a fun drop waist denim dress with a very short skirt um if I wear

This I’ll definitely have to be wearing some like biker shorts underneath it 100% but so cute just a fun little like girly moment here and I feel like that’s what this entire order is like me having a fun little girly moment this is Lovers and Friends also I got a cute little

Bikini this is from tul Roa I just loved specifically this top I thought it was so fun and simple and I tend to like lean towards stuff like that this is the bottom I have been really struggling with finding a bikini that really complement my body or that I feel really

Good in um so if you guys have any recommendations please let me know I got this Lovers and Friends corset top it is so cute it has this like satin lining across the top that is just so flattering and is going to be so cute

For a date night and then last but not least these shoes I do not own denim shoes I’ve almost purchased some multiple times and I’ve been like Ashley are you actually going to wear them probably not don’t do it and then I saw these and these shoes look comfortable

Like look at those heels those are some thick heels I love the denim it goes so well with like three of these fits already without even trying this is the brand Ray and I know I’m going to love these just because I can tell that’s a comfortable shoe right there so all in

All I’m very happy with this order I’m going to have everything Linked In the description box below so if you want to shop through all of my favorites go ahead and do that and I will be posting probably all of these on Instagram so follow me there as well good morning

Just did a pilates class with Alicia it was fantastic I feel like I’m finally starting to get back in the groove post shoulder the planks are still hard but we’re getting through it I put a rosemary oil on my scalp and a hair mask on the ends of my hair I’ve been using

This bioio rosemary pre-wash oil so I just like put it in my scalp rub it around slick it back and then I’ve been wetting my hair and I put a hair mask in this is from Salt hair I’ll put it on the ends and

I’ll wrap it up in a bun which is so perfect because Pilates is that like bun look if you’re going for the like Pilates Vibe so it it looks really good while you’re working out but then I can like hop right in the shower and it

Gives all of that stuff time to marinate my hair so I’m going to take a shower real quick okay it’s lunchtime I’m actually not that hungry but I need to eat something um I’m still fighting this cold so I’m wanting to do something a little nutritious and if I’m not that hungry

Smoothie it is and you guys always ask me what I put in my smoothies so I figured we just do a little chitchat here’s what’s in my smoothie situation always start with a banana a smoothie without a banana I don’t want it normally I would do a banana in three

Dates the dates not only act as like another fruit option but really sweeten it up since we don’t have the dates today I’m doing a second banana cuz they’re they’re kind of small almond milk the rest of this one protein this is vanilla whey protein it’s supposed to

Have a very high grade whe supposed to be better on your stomach I always add a little bit of collagen to my smoothies and then a decent scoop of almond butter athletic greens I like adding it to my smoothie to get all those vitamins and greens in

The system drizzle a little bit of Honey again the dates would take care of the sweetness but since we don’t have the dates I’m adding a little bit of honey in there and then I love cinnamon I love cinnamon and everything we’re using the rest of what’s in here cinnamon also is

Great for your gut like helps aids in digestion so this right here is a gut happy smoothie we’re going to add some ice and a little bit of water cuz the milk wasn’t enough and then here we go oh yeah so good so I have some updates for you

Guys I love thinking of you guys as kind of like a diary I don’t know if you realize that or not but you’re kind of like my diary and I’ve been wanting to do a couple changes for a while now and I I’m finally starting to implement them

Um one of them I already started I have gotten off birth control I have heard so many contradicting things about birth control obviously like there’s reasons I I was taking it and um I scared to get off of it because of those reasons but also I like haven’t had a period since

September which is such a long time first of all I’m not pregnant second of all I have seen my OB and talked to her about it we did a few tests just to make sure everything was in the clear um everything looked good I’m still waiting

On some blood test results but again I feel great I don’t have any bad symptoms I’ve been on it for over 2 years and had Z zero complaints until recently when my period literally just stopped showing up I had an absolute panic attack thinking I was pregnant and once I realized I

Wasn’t and that there was clearly something else going on like I have been taking steps to figure this out the good thing about being on the pill is I can just stop taking it and if I change my mind I can always take it again but as

Of tomorrow I will have been off of the pill for a week I’m wanting to start tracking my ovulation cycles and my entire page is starting to become how to track your cycles and I’ve never done it before cuz obviously I’ve never had to but if you guys track can you please

Leave me tips in the comments below because I’ve never done this before and I’m nervous that I’m going to get it wrong and wind up pregnant luckily I do feel like I’m in a good place for this because I’m 34 if I got pregnant I I

Know that I can take care of a child and I know my boyfriend is also in this with me and like we’re talking about marriage so like I know we’re in a good place where we can do this and obviously I talked with him about this I didn’t just

Like make this decision I cleared it with him and he just wants what’s best for me too so yeah I did it I don’t have an aura ring I really want one but I wanted to try Alicia’s first she never uses hers I want to start using that as

A way of checking my body temperature every single day um I know there’s other things you have to look for and yeah I’m nervous and I’m excited and I’m just hoping for me need to be tiptop shape but still like preferably would would prefer not to get pregnant the second

Big change that actually hasn’t happened yet I think it’s going to happen tomorrow for me is I am feeling very frustrated with my body and I have gotten to a point where I’m starting to wonder if something’s wrong if I have an allergy if I’m inflamed because of

Certain foods that I’m eating I talked to a doctor the same one who encouraged me um to get off my birth control pill she’s a H istic doctor and she was saying she thinks that there’s something I’m eating that is in the healthy category that I have every single day

That might be causing me to be inflamed or to have some gut problems um and that’s why I look and feel so swollen every single day I don’t feel it in the morning but at the end of the day I am bloated and it’s uncomfortable so she’s

Wanting me to be gluten-free dairy free have no soy or corn for a month like 4 to 6 week she said one of those on their own is a lot because there is soy and corn oil in absolutely everything oh she also doesn’t want me to have seed oils

Normally I would say let’s just try like one at a time but I actually don’t have much going on in March so if I’m going to be home for the majority of March I feel like I can do that so I’m going to shoot for it and I’m actually going to

Start tomorrow cuz tomorrow is March 1st I nervous and scared I’m such a foodie at heart and even though I eat really healthy during the weekdays like I love going out to dinners with Jackson or Alicia and and having pasta and iing love cheese I love cheese so much um but

Maybe one of those things are hurting me and if I could just figure out which one it is I can easily avoid it cuz it’s not all of them it’s one of them starting tomorrow I’m going to try to change up my diet a little bit and hope for the

Best I really don’t want to but I want to feel better and at the end of the day that’s what’s most important I just filmed a Tik Tok of expensive product that I own and that I will continue to buy over and over and over again because

I love them that much I know a lot of you guys don’t actually have Tik Tok or don’t follow me on Tik Tok so I’m just going to share the exact same thing that I did for the Tik Tok because I feel like people need to know about these

Things a lot of these things are brands that I actually worked with in the past that that partnership actually introduced me to the product and I have become obsessed ever since so I feel like if you guys have been watching me for a while you’ll see some similar

Products that you’ve seen but also there’s some in here that I’ve just I just love and found myself and will always love anyways these are products that I will forever have stocked okay starting off first with oia I started working with oia last summer I believe so you guys have probably seen this

Before that was my first time actually using oia I had seen them before in stores they are more on the pricier side but they’re also super clean products they’re going to be more expensive when they’re like that I cannot even begin to explain how much I love this stuff I’ve

Purchased this is my third purchase of this combination this is the oia undaria cleansing body polish this is the oia unia algae body oil and you put them together so you’re going to use this in the shower scrub all over your body it like really lathers onto your skin it’s

Going to pull all the dirt and dead skin off of your body and then after you’re done with your shower go in with this everywhere you will have never felt more softer skin this stuff is incredible and it’s worth every penny I swear to God obviously I would have told

You if this guys was sponsored but just to clarify this is not sponsored that’s how much I love this stuff I have never in my life tried a better clarifying shampoo this is Ol plex’s Bond maintenance clarifying shampoo this is something that you use like maybe once a

Month maybe every 6 weeks to like really get into your scalp and like clean your scalp and your roots and get all that like dirt and product build up possibly off of your head and my scalp feels so fresh when I use this stuff excuse me

What’s going on back there it is on the expensive side worth it again you don’t use it that often and you don’t need a lot these are new to me and I’m obsessed I wear them every single day this is Georgio Armani’s fluid Shear glow enhancer this is number 10 and this is

Number 11 I wear both of these nonstop it looks very dewy and very skin-like it has a shimmer to it but it doesn’t look like glitter this color this is 10 this just looks like a nice bronzed cheek and this one right here is the perfect blush

Combo I’ll wear this like on days like this when I’m doing just a skin tint and some like mascara like the bare minimum I I’ll wear this and then I’ll also wear this on like a full face of makeup for going out it looks great both ways and I

Can’t get over it never in my life have I gotten more compliments than when I started wearing tenir 29 by leil labo this scent gets everyone’s attention guys and girls will come up me and be like I’m sorry to bother you like what scent are you wearing you smell so good

This stuff is so amazing it’s a gender neutral scent when my boyfriend comes over he’ll actually like borrow this and wear it all the time cuz he loves it too can’t talk about this enough I’ve worn this scent for years and I will continue to wear this scent for years I actually

Really didn’t want to like this hair oil because of how expensive it is and I didn’t like it at first because I put on way too much product the glory and like goodness about this stuff is you don’t need a lot this stuff is thick it is

Rich I have fine hair and I need like three drops that’s it I’ve had this for so long I’m not kidding maybe 2 years it’s still amazing this lasts a long time and that is why it is worth every penny there is no better Foundation than this

Bad boy this is so buttery it soaks into your skin and looks like skin it’s not too full coverage which I personally love if you want like a full thick face of makeup this is isn’t the one for you but it does give coverage which is not always the case with natural looking

Foundation so I cannot get over this this is Georgio Armani’s luminous silk perfect glow Flawless Foundation love this stuff there is no better setting spray in my humble opinion than the Charlotte Tilbury airbrush Flawless setting spray I think the thing I love the most about this is that it doesn’t

Mattify I’ll wear this on days when I’m doing just a skin tint and I’ll wear this on days when I’m doing like a full face of makeup it works either way your makeup will last all day and then last but not least tatcha this is the tatcha

The Dewy skin cream this is the more thick more intense cream they have a water-based version that’s a little bit lighter that I love to use in the summer while it’s still cold this bad boy and I will continue to get this forever and ever because it is so so good also the

Packaging is just impeccable it’s absolutely perfect those are all of the expensive products that I absolutely love and I feel like you would like to I am headed to get a facial right now and then run a few Errands I’m very embarrassed by this so just know that this closet is a disaster it’s been a disaster it literally holds coats and event clothes that I don’t wear regularly and then also just like clothes that I haven’t worn in a really long time that I haven’t dealt with

Because it feels like a lot of work but I have nothing going on today and it’s cold and gloomy outside so why not Today there there’s a process that’s happening here that I’m very excited about we are not fully organizing this we’re just gutting we’re gutting things that need to be gutted and separating them from things that we’re keeping hopefully all these shoes and bags can go on the top shelf and I can put this

PR shelf here in the Middle I don’t mean to brag but I did that fairly fast it’s not super organized but basically what we have are bags and shoes up top clothes I tried to get all the like dresses and long coats like off to the side so that I could fit

My PR shelf in there I’m ecstatic I wasn’t expecting to like go in so hard but I’m really happy that I did this feels amazing this is such a great start I’m going to have like some friends go through it all and then donate it and I’m just like feeling good right now

This is why this is why you got to do these things this feels Amazing nice Wow A