Charlatan Kenneth Copeland Claims IMMUNITY FROM COVID Because of Jesus!

Jesse talks about insane grifter and liar Kenneth Copeland, who claims that he will never get COVID because of his walk with God. Specifically, he said, “I walk by faith – therefore I will never have COVID of any kind!” This may come as a surprise to those who remember that he eradicated COVID back in March of 2020 when he said, “In the name of Jesus… I execute judgment on you, COVID-19!… It! Is! Finished! It! Is! Over!” Compounding the surprise of many will be the fact that the very next month, in April of 2020, he blew COVID away with his mouth, praying, “Satan, you bow your knee, you fall on your face. COVID-19, [blows air from mouth] I blow the wind of God on you. You are destroyed forever, and you will never be back.”

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This is the dollar more daily and I’m Jesse dollar Kenneth Copeland is uh a clown Kenneth Copeland holds a special place in my heart because as a child I was raised in a white Christian nationalist household that revered men lot up to and including but including not men like Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Copeland

Himself my mom had shelves with books of written by Kenneth Copeland he’s a prophet of God well he is grifter he’s a charlatan he’s a liar he’s a scumbag Kenneth Copeland is a is uh takes little old ladies Social Security checks Kenneth Copeland is worth between 300

And 750 million dollars I’m sure Jesus would be real happy with the the audacious ostentatious excess of wealth he’s also a false prophet weirdo uh he’s had this to say the other day this is what’s so baffling to me about this flavor of Christianity this particular sect of Christianity is that

Everybody just shuts down their logic gland they just they just dispense with reason and rationality and just take these grifters for everything that they say they just take them at their word oh he is truly communicating with God he wields the power of Jesus and Kenneth Copeland the other day made this deranged

Claim that he’s never going to get coven of any kind because he walks in faith and the other side of that coin is that if you don’t walk in faith or if you get kovid it’s because you didn’t walk in faith you’re not quite as much of a of a

Jesus guy as him because you got a wildly communicable disease that has killed Millions worldwide over a million human beings just in the United States I guess they didn’t have a bat phone to Jesus to make them immune and we watched this brief clip just about a minute or so and

Then we’ll revisit some Kenneth Copeland dumb [Laughter] and God be the glory in our traveling when we we’d leave and and go somewhere and we’d have to be tested for covet and we’d go out tested when we go in and then test it when we come back again and then you know all

That just keep continual testing like that all the time and it was not just me it was it was our team and we were tested negative five different times why we had our armor on we knew how to walk by faith we knew what it took to do that

And it’s not only when I’ve heard Gloria say it so many times if you know what to do in the natural and you know what to do in the Supernatural you can walk in Divine health and that’s what we’re talking about so I believe it and I walk by faith

Therefore I will never have covet of any kind amen and anyone can do this this is a whosoever thing wow with the shield of faith I walk by faith therefore I will never have coveted of any kind says the be kind disciple of Christ it’s all a bit much especially

Considering back in 2020 March of 2020 this clip he did away with covet he he says in the name of Jesus I execute judgment on you covet 19. it is it is finished it is over strange how he’s now talking about how he’s immune from it because of his walk

With Christ when he eradicated it in March of 2020. I execute judgment on you covet 19. I actually change but on you Satan you Destroyer get out you this nation I demand judgment on you I demand I see man I demand a vaccination to come immediately yes I call you God

I call you gone gone you come down from your place of authority Destroyer you come down and you crawl on your belly like God commanded you when he put his foot on your head in the Garden of Eden you will destroy through covet 19. no more no more no more no more is

Finished finished it is over and the United States of America is healed and well thank you again and then of course you’ll remember the clip in April of 2020 where he blew kovid away he blew covered away I’m Blue the wind of God on you on you you are destroyed forever

And you will never be back thank you our god thank you let it happen cause it to happen cause it to happen so look ultimately it’s this if you’re a person of faith and you believe this man to be an Earnest honest legitimate uh representative of the Christ

You need to do some soul searching to to use an overused term Kenneth Copeland is a grifter Kenneth Copeland is a guy who flies around in multi-million dollar private jets that he owns he doesn’t live as Jesus lived he does not live as Jesus would live he’s a liar

He he proclaims himself to have ended covet it is over it is finished Satan you bow your knee you fall in your face covet 19. I blow the wind of God into you you are destroyed forever and you will never come back April of 2020.

I just got covered for the first time in May this last May so apparently this didn’t work apparently his proclamations under the the the the banner of God is a lie anyway I’d love to know what you think about this if you’re a person of Faith what

Are you thinking about a guy like this a grifter like this do you disagree do you agree 714-576-4054 of course you can email me daily at if you appreciate what I do um please consider supporting and helping produce what I do right here you can click the join button below become a

Channel member for two bucks a month or you can go over to join the patreon family I doubtit podcast follow me on social media I’m on Twitter Instagram and tick tock at Dollar Moore this is it brings a lot of stuff home from a childhood it it’s a bizarre looking back

And putting myself into my you know 11 year old body when I was told that Kenneth Copeland himself was a righteous man of God and then in with my adult brain being able to to realize that I was lied to that the people around me were deceiving me

Or maybe they were just deceived themselves I don’t know anyway very sad that there are people who give of their time and their treasure to uh piece of like this uh I’ll see you next time until I do I’ll probably be just as fired up uh be genuine take care of one another