10 Foods That Boost Immune System (Kill Pathogens & Viruses)

In this video we explore the top 10 foods that boost the immune system to kill pathogens and viruses.

Keeping a strong and healthy immune system is essential if you want to protect your body against harmful microbes, such as viruses, harmful bacteria and toxins.

Junk foods, stress, overeating and poor sleeping habits can weaken the immune system which makes you more likely to catch an infection or develop an autoimmune disease, so it’s important that you understand how to boost your immune system using the following foods and nutrients.

▶️ Top Recommended Supplements:

🌿 Wild Oregano Oil:
🌿 Acerola Cherry Powder:
🌿 Raw Coconut Oil:
🌿 Vitamin D3 (with K2):
🌿 Zinc:


▶️ 1. Garlic
▶️ 2. Bell Peppers
▶️ 3. Wild Salmon
▶️ 4. Coconut Oil
▶️ 5. Beef Liver
▶️ 6. Sauerkraut
▶️ 7. Pasture Raised Eggs
▶️ 8. Bone Broth
▶️ 9. Oysters
▶️ 10. Avocados


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⏰ Timestamps:

00:00 – Intro
01:11 – 1. Garlic
01:40 – 2. Bell Peppers
02:17 – 3. Wild Salmon
02:45 – 4. Coconut Oil
03:25 – 5. Beef Liver
04:18 – 6. Sauerkraut
05:19 – 7. Pasture Raised Eggs
05:55 – 8. Bone Broth
06:34 – 9. Oysters
07:06 – 10. Avocados
07:48 – Extra Tips


#immunity #health #nutrition


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💚 I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.

Disclaimer: The materials and information contained on Ryan Taylor’s channel are provided for educational and general purposes only and therefore are no substitute for informed medical advice or care. Please consult a medical doctor to seek treatment for any illnesses or medical concerns you may have.

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The top 10 foods that boost the immune system against invaders. The immune system is a collection of natural defences which protect the human body from pathogens and disease. This system protects us against invaders like viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and other foreign particles that could damage your health and make you sick.

Unfortunately nowadays people have weaker immune systems because they consume too many junk foods and do not get enough nutrients into their diet. In today’s video we are going to explore 10 of the best foods that strengthen your immune system so that you can help protect yourself against harmful microbes.

These will also help you to fight off existing infections faster with less side effects. Before we dive in however please hit the like button, subscribe and turn all notifications on. This help me to reach more people with nutrition and health tips.

This video is for educational purposes only, so do speak to your doctor if you have any medical concerns. 1. Garlic Number 1 is garlic. Garlic is the number one most potent super food when it comes to protecting the body against diseases and infections.

It contains a powerful sulfur based compound called allicin what has been shown to be stronger than antibiotic drugs. Eating fresh raw garlic is excellent for helping the immune system to destroy viruses, bacteria, mould, fungus, parasites and yeast. 2. Bell Peppers The second food on our list is Bell peppers

Did you know that eating 1 whole raw red bell pepper is enough to meet your daily requirements for Vitamin C? Eating these regularly and other foods rich in Vitamin C helps to speed up white blood cell activity in the body.

These are the immune cells that actively seek and destroy pathogens like viruses and harmful bacteria before they can do too much damage to your body. Some other excellent sources of Vitamin C include berries, leafy green vegetables and sauerkraut. 3. Wild Salmon Food number 3: Wild Salmon

It is highly recommended to consume wild caught salmon on a regular basis to support the immune system. This oily fish is rich in natural omega-3 fats called DHA and EPA which actively strengthen the outer walls of your cells.

This helps to protect your cells from being infected by viruses and harmed by other types of invaders. 4. Raw Coconut Oil Coconut Oil is up next. Did you know that eating foods that are cooked in vegetable oils cause inflammation in your body and weaken your immune system?

However Raw Coconut Oil has the opposite effect, and has a high smoke point making it an excellent choice for cooking. Raw coconut oil contains monolaurin, an extremely powerful anti-viral compound that destroys the outer envelope around viruses so that they can effectively be killed off.

The medium chain fats in coconut oil also help to build stronger cell membranes in order to protect your body from infections. 5. Grass Fed Beef Liver Don’t underestimate the power of beef liver in number 5. Although beef liver is unappetizing to many people, it remains one of the most nutrient

Dense foods on the planet. Absolutely loaded with Vitamin B12 and iron, beef liver helps to build healthy red blood cells which carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the entire body, which in turn aids in the protection of trillions of cells.

You can get beef liver in the form of a pâté, or ask your butcher to mince it and have it mixed with regular ground beef to disguise the flavour. Coincidentally, beef liver is also loaded with the active version of Vitamin A called retinol.

This strengthens the mucosal cells in your nose, sinuses and airways which can help block viruses and harmful bacteria from entering your body. 6. Sauerkraut Number 6 is sauerkraut. 70% of your immune system is made up of friendly bacteria that live throughout your body, especially in the gut.

You have trillions of friendly microbes which make nutrients and also help the body to build anti-bodies to viruses and other pathogens. Unfortunately junk foods, artificial sweeteners and antibiotic drugs kill off your friendly microbes which can weaken your immune system.

Eating a side of sauerkraut 2-3 times per week feeds the friendly microbes in your gut because it is loaded with both prebiotic fiber and probiotics. It’s also one of the richest sources of Vitamin C in the world, containing over 700mcg per cup. That’s over 7 times the daily requirements.

Other fermented foods which support your microbiome include kimchi, pickles, Greek yoghurt, kefir and miso. 7. Pasture Raised Eggs Next up is pasture raised eggs. Eggs contain all the building blocks of life and are loaded with immune boosting nutrients. The yellow yolks are rich in active Vitamin A, which strengthens the mucosal lining of

Your sinuses, throat, airways and stomach. This mucus captures and traps foreign invaders before they can infect your cells or damage your body. Opt for pasture raised eggs instead of the cheaper variety, as these contain higher levels of omega-3s and Vitamin E which also support your immune system. 8.

Bone Broth Number 8 is the all-powerful bone broth. Historically humans would always consume bone broth made from stewed and boiled animal bones. This actually played a role in human evolution in strengthening the joints and connective tissues of the hands.

Drinking this liquid on a regular basis supplies the important amino acids, collagen and minerals that the immune system needs to stay strong and healthy. These raw materials are used by your liver to make glutathione, one of the strongest antioxidants that protects against inflammation, autoimmune diseases and infections. 9. Oysters 9. Oysters

Oysters are one of the richest food sources of Zinc, which is the most important trace mineral for your immune system. Getting adequate amounts of zinc in your diet helps to increase T-Cells, these are a part of your white blood cell army that fights off pathogens and targeted invaders.

Eating 3 oysters is enough to meet your daily requirement for zinc. However you can also get bioavailable zinc from crab meat, lobster, mussels and shrimp. 10. Avocados Last but by no means least, avocados Refined foods like sugar, flour and cereal grains weaken the body’s defences because

They raise the blood sugar very quickly which depletes key nutrients. However, eating avocados helps to replenish the body because they are loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats and potassium. These nutrients help to balance out your blood sugars and strengthen the pituitary gland in your brain.

The stimulates the release of more T-cells, phagocytes and natural killer cells which attack viruses and harmful bacteria in your body to protect you from infections. Keeping Your Defences High Now that you know some of the healthiest foods to support your immune system, I want to share

With you a few extra tips to stay healthy and protect your body long term against viruses and harmful infections. Sleep If you don’t sleep for at least 7-9 hours per day then you’re much more likely to catch a cold or suffer with a disease.

When you sleep your brain releases melatonin, the most protective antioxidant in the body for repairing and restoring the trillions of cells. Not getting enough sleep raises your blood pressure and puts stress on the nervous system which in return weakens the immune system.

If you struggle with sleeping, I’ve put a link down below to my video on how to improve your sleep. Fasting If you’re eating frequently through the day, such as snacking and grazing you aren’t giving your body the chance to rest and digest.

Long term this weakens your immune system and makes you more vulnerable. Intermittent fasting is a simple diet technique where you eat the same amount of calories in the day, just closer together. For example, you could eat all of your daily meals in a 5 hour window and allow your body

The remaining 21 hours to fast. This has an enormous impact on your immune system because it reduces inflammation, oxidative damage, and stimulates the repair of DNA and white blood cells. Fasting also triggers autophagy, a process where your body cleans out viruses and old

Dead proteins and recycles them into new healthy tissues for a stronger overall body. Stress Mental stress and anxiety causes your adrenal glands to release cortisol which is very destructive to the body in large amounts. Long term stress weakens your immune system and viruses tend to come out of remission

Such as the cold sore virus for example. You must find ways to keep stress extremely low if you want to keep your immunity high. Gentle exercise such as weight lifting, long walks in nature and physical work are all great ways to help relax the body and release stress and tension. Summary

The immune system is your first and last line of defence against pathogens, so it’s important to keep this strong if you want to live a long and healthy life. Nutrients and natural compounds found in whole foods provide the materials that your immune system needs to fight off harmful invaders.

Getting adequate amounts of sleep and keeping your stress levels low also contributes to the resistance of viruses, bacteria, fungi, mould, and parasites. As well as preventing autoimmune conditions and the growth of cancer. For the top 10 herbs for healthy lungs to kill viruses and clear mucus from the lungs click on this video.

I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.