The Top 8 Vitamins For ANXIETY

Here are the top 8 vitamins and supplements to help reduce anxiety. Dealing with anxiety on a chronic, or even intermittent, basis can be crippling, and prescription medications often come with a lot of side effects. Learn about how to manage anxiety with more natural vitamins and supplements. Don’t forget to sleep, exercise, and eat healthy: these are crucial for long term management of stress and anxiety!

Helpful Supplements:
1) Vitamin B Complex: A Vitamin b complex can be good for promoting general relaxation, lowering symptoms of anxiety. The may be even more beneficial if your diet is not very well balanced. A vitamin b complex may not work for everyone but is worth considering if you are trying to avoid prescription medication

2) Magnesium: This can also be quite helpful for promoting relaxation, and most individuals don’t get enough in their diet. Estimates show up to 50% of people are not getting enough magnesium from day to day.

3) GABA: GABA is a chemical in our brain and spinal cord that functions as the brakes in our nervous system, it is the primary neuroinhibitor molecule in the brain. These supplements, GABA and L Theanine, can both increase gaba activity, promoting relaxation and lowering anxiety.

4) L-theanine: see above

5) CBD: This supplement is an extract from the marijuana plant, and is well known for reducing anxiety. If looking at CBD as a supplement, look for a solid / reputable source.

6) Ashwagandha: This is a unique supplement that can lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. If your anxiety is due to excessive stress, this may be a beneficial supplement to look at.

7) Lavender: Lavender is a family of plants known for its anxiety reducing properties. It is most often used in essential oils and aromatherapy, and can temporarily alleviate anxiety

8) Apigenin: This is a compound found in plants, most frequently extracted from chamomile.

If you are looking for more natural ways of managing anxiety, check out our other videos on stress and cortisol reduction:

***All content on this channel is intended for general medical education. Please talk to your healthcare provider before making any changes to the management of your health***

#anxiety #stress #relaxation

Here are the top eight vitamins and supplements to help reduce anxiety anxiety often comes from an imbalance in chemicals in our brain and body thankfully there’s a lot of supplements that can help the body get restored to its Natural Balance as you decide which supplements you want

To look at and potentially give a try remember that the most effective ways of managing long-term anxiety often come back to the basics focusing on getting good sleep exercising and putting good food into your body taking good care of your body especially getting that seven

To eight hours of sleep a night can go a very long ways in helping to reduce the symptoms of anxiety first up today are the vitamin B’s a vitamin B complex can be helpful for promoting General relaxation and may help reduce some of the symptoms of anxiety this is probably

Going to be even more beneficial if you don’t have the best balanced diet and you’re not getting enough vitamin B’s in the normal Foods you’re eating a vitamin B complex does help some people others not as much definitely worth considering giving it a try if you want to avoid prescription medications

For anxiety next up is magnesium magnesium can also help promote General relaxation and the problem is most people don’t get enough of it in their diet the last estimates I’ve looked at state that up to 50 percent of people don’t get enough magnesium in their diet aside from relaxation magnesium has a

Ton of benefits for the body it’s generally a good idea to shoot for getting about 550 milligrams of magnesium in your diet per day I will actually take a magnesium supplement when I get home from work to help relax me after a stressful day in the office

If you’re looking at taking a magnesium supplement a good choice would be magnesium glycinate or magnesium three and eight these are going to be absorbed in the body much better than something like magnesium oxide uh if you’re looking for a supplement that has a Little Bit Stronger of an effect take a

Look at Gaba or l-theanine if you haven’t heard of these before Gaba is a chemical that’s in our brain and spinal cord that functions like the brakes on our system it’s the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain these supplements Gaba and l-theanine are strongly associated with relaxation in lowering of anxiety l-theanine is

Another natural supplement that can increase Gaba activity so this works similarly to the Gaba supplement itself I mentioned taking a magnesium supplement after I get home for work I’ll often add l-theanine to that as well I find for myself that the combination of these two really helps me

Slow my mind down and just get ready to spend time with my family in the evening and eventually fall asleep fun fact the companies that make energy drinks will often add l-theanine to the energy drink it itself because it can relax and nerves and actually help prevent people

From getting jittery after they consume the energy drink I think it’s kind of sneaky but next time you have an energy drink look to see if l-theanine is on there next up is CBD this is a compound found in marijuana CBD is well known for reducing anxiety and many people find it

Helpful to take it on a daily basis if you’re looking at using CBD as a supplement there’s two main things I would be aware of supplements are not regulated by the FDA like prescription drugs are and so there’s never a guarantee that what’s listed on the bottle is what you’re actually getting

In the supplement that you’re being sold look for the most reputable Source you can and make sure that they’re getting their products checked by a third party or that they’re very well known for having good quality uncontaminated products the second thing to keep in mind is that CBD has has been shown to

Have a negative impact on our sleep cycles it’s an interesting one because it does help some people fall asleep but it can disrupt the depth the quality of your sleep similarly to how alcohol Works ashwagandha is a unique supplement that can lower levels of cortisol the stress hormone if your anxiety is due

From excessive stress then ashwagandha might be a really good supplement to look at this is an Indian herb that’s been used for a long time in traditional Indian medicine is very well known for reducing anxiety and stress Studies have shown that ashwagandha can lower levels of cortisol again this is the stress

Hormone by about 20 percent in otherwise healthy people some people feel pretty flat after taking this for a couple months so a lot of individuals will cycle on and off it they’ll take it for a month or two and then take a couple week break this can

Do two things one help make it more efficacious or more effective when they are using it this may help reduce the chances of feeling flat after being on it for a while next up is lavender lavender is a family of plants that’s known for its anti-anxiety properties

This is most often used in essential oils and aromatherapy it’s actually been shown with studies to relieve the symptoms of anxiety lavender doesn’t have a sedative effect it’s not going to sedate you but it can help improve quality of sleep and reduce insomnia to supplement with lavender there’s two

Main ways you can take 80 to 160 milligrams of a supplement containing 25 to 46 percent of linolol alternatively you can try using aroma therapy which is most typically used for 30 minutes in a well ventilated room the last supplement of the day is called apogenin this is a

Compound that’s found in plants it’s most frequently extracted from chamomile this is probably why chamomile tea is also known for helping promote relaxation apogenin has some research that shows it may be helpful in reducing anxiety and getting a bit better sleep at night the easiest way to take this is

Through supplement form you can find it in capsules online I have noticed it starting to become more common in grocery stores in pharmacies thank you so much for watching let us know if any of these supplements or anything else has helped lower your anxiety don’t forget to subscribe if you want to learn

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