Nutritional Necessities with GLPs

Dr. McCann, Board Certified in OB/GYN and Obesity Medicine reviews important nutritional considerations when taking medications that cause calorie restrictions like the GLP shots. It is very important to stay healthy while having caloric restriction. Your body needs certain nutrients from the diet that is can not make itself. While all of them are important, this video addresses Dr McCanns top 3 nutrients which includes amino acids, B vitamins and magnesium. Learn about the newest recommendations regarding amino acid supplementation and how it may benefit health with caloric restriction. Concentrate on staying healthy while having caloric restriction.

Nutritional Necessities with the glps so it is key to strive for optimal nutrition with caloric restriction and a lot of people with these glps are having significant caloric restriction there are nutrients that your body cannot make by itself and these are called essential nutrients meaning that it is essential that you

Replenish these nutrients daily through your diet and this includes vitamins minerals electrolytes and amino acids and so when you’re on the glps you may not be getting these nutrients in your diet and so you need to make sure every bite counts don’t take in any empty

Calories so I’m going to go over my top three essential nutrients that you need and while all of them are important I’m going to go over the three that you may not be as familiar with so first let’s talk amino acids you want to optimize your weight reduction by making

Sure you keep your skeletal muscle mass and you lose that fat Mass because it’s the fat mass that causes these health problems including diabetes high blood pressure high cholesterol so the whole goal is to keep your muscle and lose the fat and traditionally I have recommended a highquality supplementation like a

Whey protein shake that has all of your daily vitamins and minerals and also is high in the high quality protein way to help uh with keeping your muscle while you lose the fat protein um specifically whey protein is um great for this traditional method because again you’re

Getting all your protein in but also protein is what’s called a satiety agent meaning that it helps you to feel full which is a goal in traditional methods however I’m noticing that it’s not helping quite as much with people on the glps and why is this because when you’re

On the gops remember you don’t want to eat you have delayed gastric emptying your GI system slows down and a lot of people can’t tolerate taking in the entire prote prot shake and then you add in the natural properties of the protein like the satiety and that makes you feel

Even more full and so people are having a hard time if they even try to take in the protein shake they’re having a hard time taking in all of it so it really isn’t helping as much if you’re not able to tolerate but a small bit of the

Protein and this is where amino acids come in so amino acids are the building blocks of protein and amino acids have been studied in their free form which is after it’s already broken down from the protein and just ingesting the amino acids there has been a lot of research

On amino acids and the research has shown that uh amino acids highly stimulate muscle protein synthesis and this stimulation occurs when combined with exercise um particularly resistant resistance exercise but also aerobic exercise but it also occurs when you’re not exercising so if you’re not able to exercise and you still take in amino

Acids it has been shown that that can help maintain your muscle and remember we want to at least keep if not increase the muscle mass that you already have the most effective amino acid formulations have all of the essential amino acids in it with a concentration with Lucine these are beneficial over the

Protein shake for certain conditions with caloric restriction especially with the glp 1es because these amino acids can be mixed with only a small amount of water so you can get all of your amino acids with a lot less volume which is beneficial when your GI system is slower

On the glps you might be able to tolerate more Amo acid intake than you would if you were to get the whole whey protein so it’s important to note that amino acid supplementation has not been studied specifically with glps and with delayed gastric emptying so the studies

That are done show that when you take in just the amino acids with normal GI function and again not on the glp ones that these amino acids are rapidly absorbed into your bloodstream and this excess of these essential amino acids help synthesize your skeletal muscle because your body has all this

Excess amino acids in the blood and it’s going to preferentially go to your skeletal muscle this might not be the same case when you have the delayed gastric emptying meaning that your blood concentration of these amino acids the level might not be as high since it’s not leaving your stomach as quickly and

So this has not yet been studied so you may not get the exact same amount of muscle protein synthesis with the amino acid supplementation however Studies have shown that the free form essential amino acid supplementation is well within the safe upper limit um of repeated daily ingestion meaning that there very little

Side effects with this amino acid supplementation and you should get at least some extra muscle or at least be able to maintain the muscle that you have even if the blood concentrations aren’t as elevated as with normal gastric emptying even better if you can tolerate a whe protein shake and then amino acid

Supplementation throughout the day a lot of the whey protein supplements have all the daily vitamins and minerals that you need um and this would even increase your muscle maintenance and your muscle synthesis even more in addition to amino acids certain vitamins minerals and electrolytes are

Key to get in your diet so most of these vitamins you can actually get with a multivitamin which you should be taking if you’re on the glps and are not taking in all the nutrients in your diet but we’re going to talk B vitamins so we’ve all heard of B12 which

Is in every energy drink because it does help with energy but there’s also a whole lot of other B vitamins that are important so here’s a list of the vitamins here’s what they help with and B vitamins are very important for the central nervous system and brain health

And proper functioning so you want to make sure that you’re getting in all of these vitamins how are you going to get in the list of all of these vitamins when you’re not taking in enough in your diet I recommend a b complex vitamin however if you’re truly deficient in vitamin B12

You may not be able to absorb the oral formulation and you might have to have the injections or you might have to have a sublingual formulation and lastly important minerals again while they’re all important we’re going to go over magnesium so it’s known that in very low calorie diets without the

Glps after the adaptation phase it’s not uncommon to have muscle cramps especially leg cramps and it’s not uncommon to have constipation so if these are already known side effects of a very low calorie diet and then you add in the glps on top of that the effects

In a lot of people of the constipation um are just Amplified magnesium supplementation can can help with constipation it can also help with some of the cramps that you get after your body’s already had that initial adaptation phase and magnesium is very easy to supplement you can get

It with just some milk of magnesia so in conclusion it’s key to maintain your health during caloric deficit and there are several nutrients including vitamins minerals and amino acids that your body has to have even when you’re in significant caloric restriction so it’s important to pay attention to your diet it’s important to

See which ones you’re getting which ones you’re not getting and to take daily supplementation if necessary