Vitamin D…and the Melanoma Madness!

Strap yourself in for a Vitamin D and Cancer whirlwind!
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So melanoma victim study let’s get to the data weekend exposure in this study for melanoma occurrence and risk higher Sun lower melanoma holiday exposure higher holiday exposure recorded lower melanoma risk 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. the high UVB period higher exposure lower melanoma occurrence no one wants to look at these

Studies and no one has studies showing the opposite it’s just fairy stories fairy stories indeed well here’s the home of hard data and real science and this talk I’m just about to share was a session I gave for metabolic subscribers every two weeks myself and Gabor Orosi go through the latest in

Health and Longevity Publications media kind of news stories and last Thursday I actually went through vitamin D some of my favorite cont content on vitamin D and as you can see cancer Etc only one other quick thing before we go ahead with the video I’ll be in Southampton

The attic Club again on April 13th coming and I’m looking at organizing other events as well in the broader west of England area in central England but the link is down below if you want to come along again we had a packed room last time great session and we cover

Health of course and all of that key stuff and we also cover the geopolitical intrigues that are going on in the world today so it’s a great show great venue and the links down below if you’re in the UK region within driving distance Etc so without further Ado anyway enjoy

My vitamin D and cancer Etc short presentation so migration the equator I dug really deep spent a lot of hours and I dug out the most likely reason for why we developed the whole vitam Vin D system and the lighter skin and it’s just about evolutionary drivers really

Or the great Creator I have no problem with that but I just use evolutionary as a descriptor and it was an Adaptive process that people who Moved North where there was very little sun and UVB most of the year we still needed the Vitamin D it was crucial for

The immune system and for Myriad functions so 300 million years ago we came out the sea and we actually learned or developed the ability to use vitamin D and sunlight we needed vitamin D for bone formation and many other functions it became inextricably linked into our physiology and our our Humanity really

We had a clever trick because in the sea there was plenty of calcium and other minerals and you could have vertebrates with bones but on land not so easy so you had to get a true nutrition and it turned out that the Sun got incorporated into the whole complex machine and was

Part of helping form bones and take calcium from the diet and magnesium etc etc and proteins of course protein structures so there are studies there that incredibly strongly link the available ultraviolet going back tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of years to the indigenous skin coloration and one study

Took around I don’t know a couple of billion data points of UV and they mapped it back hundreds of thousands of years based on the changing climate and they found that there was a direct straight line correlation with your skin tone now obviously not looking at your

Forearm because you could be out in the swn and I could get a forearm as dark as someone in India easily so they looked in the armpit and they found this beautiful correlation so would appear like unassailable reality that as we move north with less UV we

Did not need the dark pigmented skin like in Nigeria Etc to protect us and protect our folate to allow successful birthing you know and fertility and we needed less pigmentation because we still wanted the vitamin D up at 4550 nanogram so just steadily the humans that had lighter skin by chance tended

To be more successful and particularly fertility you know vitamin D links into fertility too so it’s going to accelerate this adaptation so you just ended up getting more and more wher people were generally doing better and better and eventually you end up with white people and it was only 40 or

50,000 years and not a huge amount of time and the aboriginals actually there’s a land bridge that’s long gone now but they split off and they ended up in Australia across a land bridge that no longer exists and because they were so isolated and they had plenty of food and plenty

Of great resources really uh they had a beautiful life and as the result they developed differently because there was less kind of evolutionary pressure in the Ice Age and all that that happened to Europeans so so much now in terms of peoples and their attributes it just depends on the

Pressures that were put on them and how that selected for certain types so anyway I’m off the point so the key driver was the absence of UV flux meant the skin color changed Etc and I won’t go through this but it it shows like the skin coloration on latitudes and

Everything and there’s a trade off interestingly and this is the key point I often tell people the Massi today or 10,000 years ago doesn’t matter their vitamin D is around 45 nanogram for men and around 55 nanogram for women now that’s around 100 Nano or 130 Nano so

These are levels way higher than the guidelines and they natural levels even though they have black skin they’ve got intense UV they got a great diet with meat and milk and they stay up in around 50 nanogram but their cousins genetically the same genetically the same the band two they went to the

Cities started wearing lots of clothes eating processed foods you know that the white man brought and their vitamin D is not much better than Europeans or Americans it’s down at 20-some so we can see the real vitamin D level of the real healthy human there’s no question about

This and the guidelines put you like that even 20 is fine and and that’s a lie that’s a fraud simple fraud here are Caucasian athletes in Wyoming and they’re out in the S they’re very fit and healthy not insulin resistant that drives down your D level and they’re probably eating pretty well

As well I hope they’re eating meat I’m sure they were and they’re up men in the 40s and women in the 50s so Caucasians same thing this is the healthy level 30 nram IP put as the lower limit of safety for me but the system puts 20 or even 15

Is okay so it’s a lie it’s a fraud and this one I love from Professor Hollis not Professor holik hollik discovered the metabolite the vitamin D that goes through our blood that comes from the sun comes from D3 from Foods as well uh but Hollis did this experiment with

Pregnant women and lactating women and I thought it was a stunner and he proved his point so eloquently that the world made sure no one heard about it it was that good it was made sure that no one knew about it so evolutionary s a mother might get

6,400 IUS a day of vitamin D that was his estimate and the baby only got the breast milk like a hundred years ago and for the previous 10,000 Years 100,00 Years million years so the baby only gets breast milk obviously there’s no supplements in evolutionary history and

The mother would get lots of SE obviously because you’d be out working like the men are hunting and they get loads of sun and usually good food the modern reality is the mother they recommend 400 IUS a day might be up to 800 now so you can see the farce all the

Women in America and Europe are all clothed they don’t want to get too much sun right and they recommended 400 instead of evolutionarily they would have got 6,400 approximately and because the baby obviously won’t get enough vitamin D they recommend 300 for the baby now the baby’s tiny so 300 for the

Baby should mean a few thousand for the mother right body weight but they don’t care they just don’t care it’s idiocy so that’s the modern reality they supplement the baby because the mother is deficient now how many other things do babies per force must be supplemented because the mother’s breast milk is

Universally deficient in something how many other things the answer is nothing there’s nothing else that breast milk they say the experts is Def ient and the baby will suffer so you must supplement the baby nothing but vitamin D right so again this is stupidity or fraud so that’s modern reality versus natural so

Hollis was very smart and he said okay I’m going to give the mothers in one arm of the RCT vitamin D3 plenty of it like would have happened in evolution and the other side will just do nothing but the 400 but we’ll supplement the baby right baby has to be

Protected and interestingly the Ethics Committee were worried about this because the baby might not be okay because the Dogma is the baby must get supplements and Hollis insisted we’ll jump in if the baby’s got a problem but you know the mother getting proper vitamin D will mean that the baby will

Be okay so vitamin D3 in the breast milk for his mothers who got proper vitamin D was 47 in the breast milk and naturally the mothers who were getting 400 was 12 it was deficient in the breast milk for the baby so the baby needed that supplement simply because

The mother was not getting an appropriate amount and 25 ohd in the mother over here supplemented was 57 and the 25 ohd over here was 38 it was much lower because they were only getting a trivial supplement and this is nanograms but the baby over here with

The mother supplemented was 46 which is good so he proved his point the baby over here was directly given supplements and was 43 that’s that’s okay but over here the baby was getting no supplements it was totally natural he proved his point and the milk activity of vitamin D

In the women who were kept proper supplemented with vitamin D or got some sewn as it came into spraying was 780 units and the women over here their breast milk in terms of vitamin D for the baby was 147 which was useless so he proved his point you supplement the

Mother at an appropriate level and the baby’s fine just like was the case for hundreds of thousands of years he’s only proving basic reality so to cap the point the mother getting proper D gives her D3 at a proper level the milk is properly loaded and the milk activity is

Appropriate and the baby’s fine this is natural even if you use supplements to give them other supplements it’s actually nature working over here the mother is dreadfully low in vitamin D because the supplement recommend is a joke right it’s a crime in my mind and

As a result her milk is useless so this is a simple picture right guys God bless Professor Hollis this is a simple picture he proved it beautifully but SEMO wise proved his point about washing hands after doing autopsies so you wouldn’t kill loads of others when you

Deliver babies with dirty hands from the autopsies but they basically threw him in an insane Asylum and uh and basically killed him so luckily Hollis just never got his data His Brilliant data circulated they didn’t actually put them in the Sal sylm but you know this is modern medicine so

This is the way it is and uh I think that was V5 uh the milk activity 620 versus 70 I think it was week five or week six so perfect point I won’t go through this bit but every bad disease bone mineral density fractures colon cancer walk time for eight feet for

Elderly attachments loss everything Associates with low vitamin D nearly every modern chronic disease so I won’t go through the creation because Gabor has some stuff to go through I’m going to cherry pick but in a good way I just go through how it’s created just how it’s linked to just some many diseases

It’s just hilarious uh low vitamin D now control system criticality I’ll touch on this because I think it’s good we have 35 trillion cells every single cell has all of our DNA we that kind of covered for our code and inside the nucleus you’ve got the DNA but interestingly your blood serum

Level that you get in the doctor’s test the 25 ohd that’s active and it can also through the kidney create 125d at much lower amounts that’s very targeted and Powerful hormone so that’s like the bullet but the 25 ohd is like an ammo pack and it is used directly in Myriad

Functions for your health and it can actually go create 125d and that’s vitamin D receptor and a transcription uh kind of protein it can go in to your DNA when you have a problem and vitamin D is used the active metabolite 125 is used to actually go in and

Transcribe a segment of your DNA code for a protein that’s required that’s how profound it is and there’s also a safety switch I found this from very early papers back in 2014 that when the prot is produced there’s a back feed signal that shuts off this process so it’s all

Self-controlling you can’t have twoo much vitamin D it’s self-limit all beautifully designed and I just went through back then the mechanisms where the 125d goes in to the exact point in your DNA finds the Protein that’s needed that’s why the D was triggered unwraps your double helix two strands of DNA for

The p with the vitamin D receptor and creates mRNA to Cod the Protein that’s required that’s trans transcription and basically then the RNA and the cytoplasm in the rest of the cell most rnas are grabbed by the cell and replicated by default because the cell makes the assumption that the RNA

Is there for good reason because it came out of the nucleus now an RNA vac kind of Che and you could argue whether that’s good or not but these proteins when you have TB for instance vitamin D enables critical proteins to be extracted from your library for catle cidon is an

Example that’s a kind of bioside for TB and other uh kind of infections so you produce a big burst of these biocides that attack the invading infection and replication in this cell means you create a kind of a storm of them and they are relevant to Myriad

Diseases so this is the profound nature of vitamin D and yet the system says we don’t care about vitamin D uh you only need a few 100 micro units which is a joke it’s not important our drugs are better yada yada yada all fraud and there’s papers on this here’s one I

Pulled out it was 2007 vitamin D mediated human antimicrobial activity against tuberculosis is dependent on the induction of cattle sidon and I just went through the process there so papers in this no one cares and they did a an actual test an experiment as part of

This paper and vitamin D you can see going higher here drove up cattle siden and then the other enzyme that shut things off went up after there was an appropriate concentration of catle cidon and the 125 D3 receptors were shut off so it’s amazing stuff and it’s just

So important for the immune system and I know Dr David Grimes I interviewed him in late 2020 and he implored people if you are going to take this new product right this new vaccine okay I wouldn’t but if you’re going to do it please get

Your vitamin D level up before you do or you could have any amount of autoimmune or clotting issues and I guess Dr Grimes will proven entirely correct so I won’t go through these but they just show again and again low vitamin D correlates with everything terrible and high vitamin D correlates

With minimal terrible things colon cancer is a killer and mortality over 32 nanog these are fair comparative studies you know look at the rate of colon cancer versus below 20 and that’s below 20 a lot of people are below 10 uh and you can see the straight line that if

Everyone was at a even a reasonable level of vitamin D from the correlation you could have a 55% reduction in colon cancer one of the biggest Killers breast cancer is the same now it’s not saying vitamin D is magically stopping the cancer but if everyone is up at in the

50s like carnivores and Loc people yes you’d have massively lower cancer okay and breast cancer I said was the same similar thing similar thing always the same and I forget what that one is dose response gradient or risk of breast cancer according to 25 ohd yeah you’re talking about just hugely lower risks

Here’s mortality chalk and cheese really and that’s only over 25 nanogram per mil right I always stay above 50 so is my wife but anyway and multiple sclerosis there’s the smile curves now the problem with these is yeah you get where there’s low vitamin D with latitude you get much

More multiple sclerosis lots of that on this but unfortunately around the equator you might also have less because they’re not eating processed food Etc but it either way it’s a striking they call them the smile curves for lots of diseases they’re up on the latitudes but part of it is modernity and processed

Food but part of it is lack of vitamin D too and I won’t go through the rest of the multiple sorosis but you can see it versus sun exposure in this study matched cases and controls uh sun exposure higher dramatically lower uh Ms and actinic damage is better and I

Love this one they measure with a microscope your skin and they get a direct say you’re lying about the sun you got well this actually looks at your skin and is able to measure the amount of slight sun damage you got in your skin and truly see if

You got a lot of sun and the relationship is even more powerful people who have actinic skin damage from the S I don’t mean that’s bad it’s just microscopic evidence of more s you’ve got near nearly 10 times lower multiple sclerosis in the people who have proven

More sun exposure so quite dramatic and it was exposure I think ages 6 to 10 and 10 to 16 because they were looking at it as exposure in youth is a bigger determinant than exposure later which would make sense it heads off the future problem of Ms so the conclusion was it’s

Critical I won’t show these here’s more smile curves for type 1 diabetes and there was a finished study where they did supplementation versus none an actual RCT now it’s not big numbers but it did show again dramatically lower type 1 diabetes as it happens autoimmune in the supplemented and technically it was kind

Of an RCT not just an associational study uh yeah influenza of course and Corona huge huge seasonal senoidal curves one factor not the whole Factor one factor is vitamin D and the factor they tell you that’s complete BS oh in the winter people are inside and closer to each other and it

Spreads duh guess what in the last 30 40 years all winter long people are indoors and all summer long they’re indoors and their corporate jobs right 40 50 hours a week there there’s no real major difference so that’s not the reason the reason is vitamin D and human immune system

Cycles and viruses of different activity levels depending on the UV yada yada yada that’s the reason it’s nothing to do with RNA vaccines that’s for sure um there was a hospital experiment that was form but it was too small but it did show a massive difference between

Placebo and vitamin D in the winter but again the numbers are small and I wouldn’t fully trust it yeah this one I think is is worth pondering it it’s truly shocking I mean in nhanes 3 in the 1988 to 94 the amount of people who were above

30 nanogram which is the minimum was around 50% of Americans but by 2001 around 10 years later it was only 20 25% were above 30 and even 30 is too low for me and for black people there was only 10% or 12 above 30 nanogram 10% of them in America

And 10 years later there was only three% of them I mean these numbers are shocking and I think I gave the example well I won’t go back now but the Massi if you looked at the Massi all of them These Bars would be up at 100% pretty

Much 100% of them would be above 30 100% nearly be above 40 so it just shows you the catastrophe of low vitamin D in the world today is just beyond Reckoning it’s that bad just a brief interlude here to remind you that I’ll be in Southampton on April 13th in the Attic

Club and the link is down below if you’re in the region and would like to come along we had a superb session last time went on for hours huge q&as great inputs great crack as we say in Ireland great phun so the links down below for my Southampton next uh speaking

Appearance April 13th 2024 and I was just saying about the literature there’s loads of stuff in the literature this is 10 years ago but Lambs are given 10 times more vitamin D three in their milk formula than humans so the agriculture system is prioritizing vitam D for animals but the

Medical system for humans is saying oh don’t worry about that oh no no no it’s it’s conspiracy theory so it’s pretty sick now I hope you’ll agree 1988 they were just showing the pany of the Sun that the sun had effect on nearly every gland every function every organ the Sun

The Panacea of the S European journal of clinical nutrition 2012 no no one’s listening I think the diagram is from 88 but reviewing the whole thing was 2012 but they’re basically pulling their hair out saying guys the sun is hugely important now I’m going to finish off

With cancer because all of this says go out get tanned to Hell get Sun lamps if you don’t have sun and to be honest that’s what I do and that’s what I say so the big sticking point is but what about skin cancer ior well let’s talk

About about that and as you might expect it’s not what you think oh by the way here’s the USA around 10 or 15 years ago the vast majority are deficient and 15 years before 2010 50% were deficient but now 70% are 10 years ago now what is it 80

85% hey soon we’ll have everyone deficient in vitamin day won’t mer can fizer be happy with that okay so why one of the drivers against having healthy vitamin D level is the skin cancer melanoma histeria UVB is around 290 310 nanometers wavelength this is what produces vitamin D right so blue is the

Zone of a narrow zone of special wavelength of Life of light that’s UVB not UVA and it enables vitamin D synthesis and cholesterol sulfate which is a long story hugely important this is crucial for health for humans the red is the zone that enables tan protection and warning sunburn so

It’s overlapped so the same wavelengths give you the warning signal of aemma or slight sunburn so you know when to back off right only an idiot would get really burned because come on if you get this on as the season gets stronger and you keep getting as much as you can without

Burning you’ll develop a tan and that will automatically regulate and make sure you don’t burn the so that’s it and the green suggests Cosmetic Skin cancers may be caused by the same Spectra but this is a suggestion and remember that melanoma is the only really problematic

Cancer skin cancer it’s not even skin it it occurs in the colon and everything but melanoma is the bad guy with huge mortality rates the other basil and squas skin cancers are actually called by some people cosmetic because they’re so easily removed and the mortality is

So low they’re kind of cosmetic issue my father had it 10 years before he died he just went up and he got an operation like outpatient and they put a little plastic kind of thing in his head just to keep the little Stitch wound covered and a couple of days later that

Came off that’s the standard for the skin cancers that may be promoted by some melanoma ain’t promoted by some right that’s the Revelation here today so 95% of terrestrial UV energy is UVA and it goes through ozone and even glass it’s got benefits but you might argue that UVA could be

Uh causing or cause a lot malignant melanoma so the irony is it’s not even the UVB that we try and block it’s probably the UVA that has some connection to melanoma and it goes through glass and ozone and most Sun blocks anyway so the melanoma Zone if there is

One that’s the serious stuff and it’s more attached to UVA and the squamous and basil cell skin cancers which are kind of cosmetic have tiny mortalities and the deaths per year out of 340 million people in the USA or 2,000 two out of 304 two in 340,000 people that’s one in

170,000 people each year dies from these skin cancers which are potentially linked to UVB it’s a farce there’s 9,000 deaths a year for melanoma and that would be more linked to UVA right most sunscreens don’t block UVA some of the modern ones do but most of the the historical ones

Didn’t so they were completely like a chocolate teapot as we’d say in Ireland a chocolate radiator utterly useless but the sunscreen block like hell UVB it can’t even go through tissue paper so they stop be getting your vitamin D they stop be getting your sun callous or your

Tan they don’t do anything related to cancer right they’re a disaster and I said who’s the idiot Evolution itself or how humans interpreted it or the medical industry or big Pharma or the Cosmetic sunscreen industry yada yada so melanoma vitim study let’s get to the data weekend exposure in this study for melanoma

Occurrence and risk higher s lower melanoma holiday exposure from Big surveys with the study groups few thousand people higher holiday exposure recorded lower melanoma risk 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. the high UVB period they asked them higher exposure lower melanoma occurrence strong correlation seen in this study to their vitamin D level surprise

Surprise I’m one of many many studies showing this effect higher Sun lower malignant melanoma lower mortality from melanoma out the Wazoo no one wants to look at these studies and no one has studies showing the opposite it’s just fairy stories God sorry the real risk factors for malignant melanoma in the same study

Called out by these teams significant sunb burning incidents did have a weak risk or higher risk ratio for melanoma and anyone who burns themselves let’s be honest I don’t want to be harsh they’re kind of an idiot anyway because no one burnt themselves a thousand or 2,000 years ago that’s a modern phenomen

Phenon of office workers getting two weeks off in high summer and going to south of Spain and burning their ass off that’s just idiocy and light skin freckles red hair and a propensity to burn was a risk factor for melanoma so in a nutshell as much sun as

You can get without burning will make you live longer and healthier and you won’t have to worry about melan and you might get a little bit more Cosmetic Skin cancers but it’s a small price to pay and if you burn burn burn baby you will cause deep damage to your

Skin and it may tend towards a higher risk for melanoma is not a simple message as much sun as you can get without burning right don’t be an idiot and you’ll be healthier and live longer and everything will be better and uh and don’t and if you burn it’s your own

Problem and it’s your own fault and I have loads more studies in that period as well that the more sunscreen use invariably was connected to higher risk of melanoma even when corrected for every Factor they could DEC confound with always sunscreen Associated melanoma and I think that’s just simply because it doesn’t cause

Melanoma but when you go out you have a false sense of sec it stops the tanning reaction it stops the burning reaction and the UVA goes like a freight train through the sunscreen and damages the Deep layers of your skin so SK sunscreen is a driver of malignant melanoma simply because it

Acts as a false sense of security a fake Shield that allows you to deeply burn yourself without actual skin burn or sunburn or aemma go figure go figure right and that’s it guys now the bottom line I’ll finish with this I’m kind of on a roll here I hope you’re enjoying it somewhat

This study from Sweden went out it was a cancer study looking a melanoma and then they expanded the study hugely when they realized what they saw was shocking they be they began to change it into an all cause mortality study so basically all cause mortality was half

In the upper quartile of sun exposure the highest quarter of the Swedish women 30,000 of them the highest quarter in terms of sun exposure at half the all cause mortality and this applied after adjustment for comorbidities other illnesses smoking education and income because you could say well the Swedish

Women are getting more son or off in the say shells but no they corrected for everything they C and it didn’t change a thing more son live longer who’ have thought dose response relationships seen throughout another sign of causality dose response it wasn’t spotty it wasn’t

Kind of chaotic it was all the way more sun longer life I can’t say fairer than that the the 25 ADR D was cited as a reason maybe but there so many other benefits of the sun huge amounts of photoproducts that are generated by our body based on sun exposure and they

Haven’t even investigated them and of course UVA in moderate amounts or good amounts causes vasel dilation and nitric oxide release which is probably the best possible thing you can do for arterial Health it goes on and on and on and the solution I just gave the solution basically and the solution is

Loads of vitamin D I circled healthy sun exposure because it’s the best way nutrient dense diet fat dens diet oily fish cod liver pate Etc correct d3e supplements good ones are okay and get adequate calcium vitamin K2 vitamin A and magnesium because hyper vitamin D without getting a kind of appropriate level of

Co-actors could be a problem actually too much D and not the Natural Balance of the other things you usually get along with d particularly vitamin A K2 calcium magnesium they’re kind of the big hitters and the prize is everything bone strength immune function Vigor longevity cancer resistance disease protection the whole lot

Right that’s it folks and I can from the epilog was here and I can share some of these slides after but they’ll all be in this video and that was my uh advice and I think it stands today 10 years later so I am going to

Stop my rant on vitamin D it’s just reminded me how strongly I feel about it and um we’ll have a quick chat on this I think a quick open Q&A maybe and then I kind of have to go I have a family issue I mentioned before with my my mother a

Kind of a a problem but I’ll I leave Gabor go through his uh slides then may I have a comment in the in the meantime oh absolutely garbor yeah um I think I I have like two short comments one is that uh how the the Medical

Science uh became so ignorant of uh of vitamin D because uh you know that of course the the Pharma industry will do anything and everything to suppress uh such an easy and efficient uh way of improving your health but what about the science and I think um after I looked

Into so many different uh uh topics in in medical in medical science area it’s it’s it’s always the same there is a high level of uh arrogance by uh I think by most medical doctors but also yes but but but especially by the the thought leaders uh

They are uh so arrogant in believing that uh their education is so elitis and they they are on top of the latest uh science uh by by education itself and what I actually uh find um over and over again is that uh some very basic lack of understanding in in uh the

Functional Anatomy or or physiology is what hinders uh the proper understanding of of these processes and and uh I think that the V vitamin D metabolism is no exception Ivor mentioned that uh the focus uh has been uh mainly on bone health uh or had been I think the tide

Is 30 a little bit but it it had been the medical Dogma that you need low levels of vitamin D H because it’s uh it’s imperative for for bone health and uh the the the Met metabolism was simplified that you get the the D3 the the the vitamin or pro hormone uh from

Either the sun Sy synthesize in your skin or in your diet so you can supplement foods for example and then it is converted to an intermediate compound with the 25 ohd which is measured in the lab when your levels are determined and then it’s in the liver mainly and then it’s uh this

Intermediary compound is converted to the actual hormone by your kidneys and then it’s circulating in your blood and every cell has access to this hormone and this the the level of this hormone is extremely strictly regulated so it doesn’t really matter what you do with your sun exposure it doesn’t really

Matter what you do uh with your food or supplementation because you will have in almost all uh circumstances the the same level of this dehydroxy vitamin the 125 ohd and that that’s that’s a gross misunderstanding of the actual physiology and the the two most important p understandings are that

First um you there are different uh tissues in fact almost every cell in your body uh we know by now most of your cells can convert can do these conversions which were originally believed to be exclusive to the liver and the the kidneys they do they can do

This conversion and then there there’s a second is that some cell types and especially your immune system require much higher level of of the intermediate for the conversion than what what is normally believed to be sufficient for bone health so that’s why we are talking about different levels and different

Supplementations your average medical doctor may still be in the eyes age of uh of this science that you need something like 400 800 units a day and you can get it from your food from your average Western food not none less and and uh then you should be okay for for

Everything that’s absolutely not the case and my second comment is that just an online friend told me yesterday so it’s very recent feedback uh he was getting my cods all Autumn last year and asked me what to do I thought I told him how about your vitamin D level and uh he

Said he he he didn’t know so actually I recommended him to start with a higher dose if if if you want to increase quickly uh you have to start with the with a level which is about conversion uh limit of your of your liver so you start with something like

25,000 uh units depending on weight 2030 I would say and then uh every two weeks you decrease it by I don’t know 5,000 units and uh he told me that since uh I think uh since he reached 10,000 units per day or for two months or so he

Hasn’t had any it’s peak season it’s been peak season for for colds and he hasn’t had the slightest running nose or or or anything so that that’s the power of having a proper vitamin D level and it’s not an immune suppressor because otherwise you you would start uh experiencing different uh problems with

The imbalance but it’s a it’s a immune balancing hormone so if you come from a deficiency State then it looks like it’s an immune suppressor hormone because you were in a evolutionary inappropriate state but if you if you uh Reach the the the proper level then your immune system

Will be balanced it’s not an immune suppressor because there is a natural negative feedback mechanism so you cannot suppress your immune system too much with proper levels I’m not talking about over supplementing to problematic levers which can occur of course so you have to be careful and you know perfect

Points and I I’ll just respond on the latter one there Gabor absolutely dramatic and astonishing lack of colds and flu or lack of serious symptoms uh when your vitamin D level is High I mean there there will be exceptions but astonishing so in several years now

Really since 2013 when I changed my diet my D went up um almost nothing compared to the previous 10 years and even covid the whole family got it over 10 weeks in I think early 22 and we had three or four out of seven almost no symptoms and the worst of

Seven was a flu for two days my daughter I H I had to go easy on work for one day because I was headach and fluish I was working full on the next day and that is just the standard when you’re at 4550 nanogram it’s astonishing uh I will say

That and the previous Point yeah the medical system has been influenced by big Pharma I remember a doctor who is a brilliant brilliant guy His Name Escapes me he’s up near Seattle I meant to visit him and interview him but the FDA raided him a couple of times because he was

Coming out with a lot too much truth but he said once that he talked to a PhD in Pharma very significant person and that guy acknowledge that a lot of their products are tackling various points on the vitamin D pathway and basically said to them they don’t like talking about

Vitamin D because that pathway is kind of one of their gold mines right go figure so there’s a direct competitive threat from vitamin D the pathway the physiology the supplements the whole thing is a competitive challenge for big Pharma unfortunately and they got a lot of money and a lot of influence over

Several decades and they are part of why doctors are so ignorant because they’re a big part of setting education Etc and we know that it’s the same with many things and just the last point you made there the amount that they recommend is to avoid Ricket a severe and profound

Vitamin D deficiency extreme condition and it’s basically like if an adult male needs 2 and a half th000 calories and two grams of protein per kilogram let’s say it’s like they were saying no no no no we’ve checked and you can still survive without major problems on 1,200 calories

You might be a walking skeleton and you might have long-term major issues but we have determined 1,00 calories is all you need to not actually be seriously impaired and die quickly it’s it’s the same logic it’s absurd and most of the vitamin levels are dictated based on avoiding severe

Pro profound extreme conditions like rickets and what was the one at C then um with the limes and the lime and the vitamin C where your vessels break down blood vessels God talking about scurvy scurvy scurvy yeah so they tell you to take enough vitamin C to avoid the

Extremity of scurvy after that they don’t care about your health and that’s the way it is so rant over again I’m going to quickly go through the chat and Gabor if you don’t mind running over we’ll do have an answer yeah so that’ll do it folks the session last Thursday

Went on a lot longer Gabor presented on some of the latest studies that have been published and then there was further Q&A and we discussed vitamin D cancer the latest science and everything so that’s metabolic and as I mentioned uh Southampton the attic Club April 13th coming I’m doing a live

Appearance with uh two different talks you know on kind of health and then more geopolitical realities what’s happening in the world and Q&A after Bol so a great night they got a bar it’s a great evening’s entertainment I would say and cheap at half the price thank you