Taking THESE Vitamins Eliminates Acne!

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With recent scientific studies we’ve learned that vitamin deficiencies can cause acne, which is awesome news because for a LOT of people they can completely clear their acne by addressing these deficiencies! In this video I dive into the science out there and what results these studies have shown. If you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up, leave a question below and subscribe if you haven’t already!

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Yup been taking one supplement every day with a meal for years now one hundred percent improves acne what’s up guys my name is Brian Turner and I’ve dealt with extremely severe cystic acne which is why I share what I’ve learned so that you can get rid of yours faster today

I’m gonna be sharing a few vitamins and minerals that have been proven in studies to help eliminate acne now I can safely say I guarantee that this is going to be the most valuable video you watch all week but honestly if you have acne then possibly your entire life now

Without further Ado let’s just get into this foreign Of work into researching all of these as I was creating my acne program the which has been able to effectively help hundreds of people completely get rid of their acne so I’m going to be reading a lot of this directly from the vitamin section of the

Acne Secrets book which you can get in the bundle so let’s start with this very first one all right now we’re starting this off with zinc this is an essential mineral found commonly in foods like seeds and nuts beans whole grains it contributes to a lot of different

Functions in the body now this is actually a crazy statistic 12 to 40 percent of the USA is deficient in zinc depending on what age group you’re looking at in a study they supplemented half of 332 patients with 30 milligrams of Elemental zinc each day for 90 days

And they found that 31.2 percent of them saw an improvement in their acne now something else to keep in mind though is that for some people who are deficient in zinc their natural testosterone production is lower than it should be and then when they start supplementing zinc that testosterone level rises and

That can cause acne it’s not super common but keep a close eye on whether having more zinc increases or decreases your acne I’ve talked about this on my channel before and the majority of people commenting said that they noticed an improvement though okay next up

Number two is vitamin E in a 2014 study they found that patients with severe to very severe acne had low levels of vitamin A zinc and vitamin E compared to those who did not have severe acne vitamin E can be found in foods like nuts seeds leafy vegetables oils it can

Also be found in supplemental form as well as being used in topical moisturizers and different skin care products usually in the form of toosopherol vitamin E deficiency is more rare because it is found in a lot of different foods but that doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed to be good I

Have a tip that I will share at the end of this video to easily check if you’re deficient in any of these vitamins or minerals that I mentioned and that brings us to number three which is vitamin A this is probably the vitamin that we’ve all heard about the most when

It comes to acne because of Accutane which is a derivative of vitamin A the vitamin A that you get in a prescription like Accutane is different than the vitamin A that you just get off the shelf at a supplement store so you really shouldn’t attempt to use over-the-counter vitamin A in the same

Way to clear your acne and by that I I mean don’t Mega dose store-bought vitamin A just like you would with Accutane because it is very dangerous and it requires monthly blood work to make sure that you are healthy what is great though is that just like in the

Last study we’ve seen that people who are deficient in vitamin A tend to have more acne so eating foods that have vitamin A or supplementing vitamin A so that you hit your RDA which is your required daily allowance can help to clear your acne a lot of foods have

Vitamin A but some foods that are really high in it are carrots sweet potatoes broccoli spinach bell peppers there’s a whole bunch more number four vitamin B3 specifically nicotinamide in an article review in 2006 they found a large study that shows vitamin B3 can effectively eliminate dominate acne here’s what the

Article said during the past 50 years many clinical reports have identified nicotenamide as a beneficial agent in the treatment of a variety of inflammatory skin disorders now with this one it’s really important to note that vitamin B3 comes in two different forms which is niacin that’s the more

Common one and then nicotinamide which is what we’re talking about both are vitamin B3 but the one that’s shown in studies to help improve acne is this one nicotinamide overall the B complex of vitamins have gotten a ton of attention in the acting Community lately and lots of people have seen improvements when

Using them and also something that’s cool is that both topical and oral use have been reported to improve acne something important to note is that most of the foods where you can get vitamin B3 actually have the niacin form of B3 so it may just be easier to supplement

This one okay next up this one is extremely important and it’s vitamin D okay so just think of three of your friends right out of the four of you two of you are for sure deficient in and vitamin D and that’s because 50 percent of the United States is deficient that

Is insane now this is really bad news because being deficient in vitamin D can definitely cause acne in one study of 80 acne patients in 2016 they found that supplementing vitamin D helped improve acne and listen to this crazy quote deficiency in vitamin D was detected in 48.8 percent of patients with acne

That’s crazy half of the people who had acne were also deficient in vitamin D imagine if everybody who had acne just started trying to submit a little bit of vitamin D so listen to this other crazy part in that study in a subsequent trial Improvement in inflammatory lesions was

Noted after supplementation with vitamin D and 39 acne patients with vitamin D deficiency this right here learning this this is one of those things that you learn in a video that’s worth its weight in gold and you guys just got it for free so definitely let me know how this

One goes for you now next up is one that Allah lot of people don’t even know exist and this is selenium this is a mineral that we can get from nuts and seeds like Brazil nuts and it’s crazy in a study in 1990 they found that there

Was a lower level of selenium in the blood of those who suffered from acne now if you’re like me you have absolutely no idea what selenium is until a couple years ago is when I learned about it but look at what this other study from 2008 says low levels of

Blood selenium have been documented in acne patients and one study examined the effect of selenium and vitamin E daily for 12 weeks in acne the combination led to improvements so this is yet another piece of evidence that backs up that not only selenium but also Vitamin E help to

Improve acne now next on the list is vitamin B5 pantothenic acid you’ve probably heard of B5 because there are a ton of viral videos about people pretty much eliminating their acne after using it and in a study from 2014 they tested 41 subjects with B5 supplementation for

12 weeks and they saw improvements in their acne lesion now on the contrary there are reviews from users on the internet claiming that they experience things like hair loss and other side effects when supplementing B5 so in terms of how to dose it you’re gonna find all sorts of different protocols on

The internet some have very high doses so I definitely recommend talking with your doctor before you start taking any B5 so what we’re learning from this video is that vitamin and mineral deficiencies can be the cause of acne and addressing that can fully eliminate acne for some people which is nuts right

And it’s important to know that you can get vitamins and minerals from your food or you can supplement them and earlier I talked about how you could check to see if you were deficient in things and this is the tip ready use to log the food that you eat for a whole

Day so you can see what vitamins and minerals you’re receiving from the meals you eat and this can help you address any deficiencies in your diet now how you do all this is completely up to you I definitely recommend talking to your doctor before you start supplementing

Anything but if I was to go through and try all these things I would do one at a time and I would wait maybe about two or three weeks of consistently taking that vitamin or mineral to see if my acne improved this way I could really see which ones helped improve my acne

Instead of just taking them all at once and having no clue which one was the help if you found this video useful of course subscribe because there’s tons more where that came from but also check out my acne program the because I’m telling you this is just a

Small section within the program and this is just filled with gold there are so many other gold nuggets so many gems throughout the entire program so check out all the details on the and if you’re looking for my favorite skincare brand of all time use banish

Brian five will get you five dollars off your first order and with that give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it subscribe not subscribed already and I’ll see you guys in the very next video