3 Kidney Vitamins All CKD Patients MUST Take Every Day

There are just 3 vitamins You absolutely need If you want to improve your kidney function
#kidney #kidneyrepair #00kidney
Katherine here, I’ve been helping people with kidney problems for 10 years now and I’ve met people who were able to reverse kidney disease: all of them had to find a way to get a balanced vitamin intake.
There are 3 vitamins – just 3 – that are crucial to do this.
You CANNOT heal your kidneys without them.

FACT: YOUR kidney function is never going to improve if you don’t have the right levels of the vitamins I’m going to show you in today’s video.
So today we are going to see what the top 3 vitamins you absolutely need are.

More in this video!


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There are some very inspiring success stories here on 00kidney,
people are reversing their kidney disease thanks to what they’re learning from this program.
If you want to give a fast boost to your kidney health, you should consider downloading it.
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More to watch:

What to know before taking vitamin C

How to use the kidney vitamin to lower creatinine

A superfood incredibly rich in these vitamins


Intro – 0:00
The 3 vitamins you ABSOLUTELY need to help kidney health – 0:17
Number 3 – 0:59
Can taking vitamins really help lower your creatinine levels? – 3:27
Number 2 – 4:50
Number 1 – 7:29


IMPORTANT: seek appropriate professional advice before taking any action based on the info provided on this channel.
All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor.
The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
This is not medical advice, nor can I give you medical advice. Everything here is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical advice.
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The Only 3 Vitamins All Kidney Patients Must Supplement

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Catherine here i’ve been helping people with kidney problems for almost 10 years now and i’ve met people who were able to reverse kidney disease all of them had to find a way to get a balanced vitamin intake there are three vitamins just three that are crucial to do this you cannot heal

Your kidneys without them fact your kidney function is never going to improve if you don’t have the right levels of the vitamins i’m going to show you in today’s video so today we are going to see what the top three vitamins you absolutely need are our number three in particular has been

Proven capable of slowing down kidney disease number three is let’s see what’s inside vitamin c vitamin c is widely known for its function as an antioxidant it actively improves immune health and protects the kidneys from oxidative stress and it also plays a crucial role in wound healing bone and tooth formation and

Heart health of the three essential vitamins for people with kidney disease we are going to see today vitamin c is the most powerful when it comes to fighting anemia and this could give you an immediate kidney health boost this is because anemia is extremely common in ckd and it’s a known cause of

Kidney damage and even death so take vitamin c possibly during a meal rich in iron the most well-known source of vitamin c is citrus fruit but you can also get vitamin c from strawberries green and red bell peppers broccoli breast sprouts and kiwi fruit but in many cases it will

Be better to also supplement these skin nutrients actually there is even a recent study suggesting that supplementing it in the right dosages may help remove uric acid from the kidneys protecting them and lowering the risk of gout all these benefits can be obtained by supplementing vitamin c in a low dose

Because vitamin c is excreted by the kidneys intake greater than 100 to 200 milligrams per day should be avoided by people with ca in stage four or five to avoid oxalosis which is the accumulation of metabolic byproduct of the vitamin c now very important vitamin c also comes with a hidden danger

The vitamin c supplement in your medicine cabinet may actually be causing your blood pressure to rise instead of lowering it Yes not all brands of vitamin c on the market are safe i’ve explained all you need to know about this key vitamin in my video up here watch it now to know more before i show you the next vitamin this one is our number two because it can significantly reduce the severity of

Proteinary among patients with ckd there is one question that needs an answer can taking vitamins really help lower your creatinine levels i know that a lot of people don’t like taking too many supplements i get it you’re probably taking enough pills already but the general consensus today is that people with kidney problems

Need to take the three vitamins of today’s video the reason is that patients following a renal diet are way more at risk for vitamin deficiencies compared to the general population many of the medications that kidney patients take and there are quite a few may block the absorption of key vitamins and

Minerals based on the most recent studies on the subject most experts in national medical groups are recommending people wiki problem to take vitamin supplements daily the national kidney foundation also took a hard look at multivitamins in kidney disease and agreed that people with kidney disease are more likely to develop deficiencies

In many vitamins so yeah it is scientifically proven that you cannot heal your kidneys without three vitamins now guys if you still have any doubt feel free to ask in comment section and i will try to help okay our next entry is a vitamin that can literally save your diet

Number two vitamin d the kidney vitamin this vitamin is routinely prescribed to kidney disease patients to help preserve their bones seriously consult your doctor if you are not taking it yet and it also has some impressive and underrated benefits in a recent study vitamin d significantly reduce the severity of

Proteinary among patients with ckd protein oil is one of the most important indicators of kidney health reducing proteinuria means directly slowing down the progression of cjd also kidney disease patients with the higher levels of vitamin d are considerably less at risk of dying from cardiovascular disease the number one cause of death in

The world not to mention that it was recently proven an association between low serum vitamin d levels and a faster decline in kidney function and you cannot get vitamin d in high enough concentration from basically any food yes supplementing this one can save your kidneys and your life and since

Vitamin d is so popular it is also very very easy to find since the needs of the people bikini problems are similar to the general population you can probably buy this one at the supermarket too commonly recommended dosages in all the stages of cigarette are between 600 iu and 1000 iu

There is just one thing you need to know before starting to supplement vitamin d when supplementing alone vitamin d may cause calcium to accumulate in the arteries absolutely not something you want but if you supplement this vitamin in combination with one key mineral and one supporting vitamin it can change

Your life because now you will feel more energized during the whole day and all the extra calcium this vitamin is letting your body use will go straight to your bones and not your arteries this is how you repair your kidneys i’ve explained the best strategy to achieve

This in my video up here watch it not no more and obviously consult your doctor before supplementing anything but the vitamins i show you in my videos are safe to supplement in the right doses our number one is let’s eat number one vitamin b okay okay this is not technically just a

Vitamin it’s a group but you will usually find all b vitamins in a single supplement and most importantly all the b group is essential here’s why doctors and researchers think this group of vitamins can really help lower your creatinine levels folic acid also known as vitamin

B9 is involved in the production of red blood cells and people bikini problems really need more red blood cells anemia is extremely common and dangerous vitamin b12 just like folic acid vitamin b12 can help fight anemia it’s also crucial to fight fatigue some people consider it the energy vitamin

Vitamin b6 is frequently too low in people with kidney problems and it’s crucial for the nervous system and immune system vitamin b2 or riboflavin boosts the immune system and fights headaches vitamin b3 or niacin helps with cholesterol b5 fights stress b7 lowers blood sugar in diabetes and i’ve

Kept the best for last vitamin b1 this one is crucial for energy production and it’s also needed by the nervous system to work properly and according to a study taking b1 in high doses can protect the kidneys of people with diabetes from damage diabetic patients in the early stages of kidney

Disease treated with high dose of or 300 milligrams of vitamin b1 for just 3 months saw a return to normal urinary albumin excretion this means that their kidney disease actually regressed and their creatinine was immediately lower and guys you know that there is one superfood that’s so rich in this

Vitamins it can actually help you lower your creatinine even if you only eat it in very small amounts want to know more watch my video up here and this is all for today thank you for watching