7 Incredible Vitamins To Repair Nerve Damage

Here are some of the best vitamins that can help repair nerve damage…

7 Incredible Vitamins To Repair Nerve Damage

7. Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Vitamin B12 is essential for nerve cell metabolism. It aids in the production of myelin, which acts as insulation around nerves.

Vitamin B12 can help protect against oxidative stress and improve symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and other types of nerve damage.

Nerve cells are necessary for our bodies to function. They allow us to move, feel sensations, think, and remember.

6. Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps the immune system fight infections that can harm nerve cells and tissues.

It is an antioxidant, which means it reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in areas with nerve damage.

It has also been shown to help protect neurons, or nerve cells, from toxic substances.

Research has shown that vitamin E can improve the function of nerves damaged by a stroke or peripheral neuropathy.

5. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

Alpha lipoic acid or ALA for short, is a naturally occurring compound found in a variety of foods, including spinach and broccoli.

Because ALA has strong antioxidant properties, it can help protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

ALA may reduce inflammation and improve nerve function by neutralizing free radicals.

4. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)

Thiamine is an antioxidant and fat-soluble form of vitamin B1.

It helps to protect cells from the damaging effects of high blood sugar levels, oxidative stress, and inflammation.

It has been used as a supplement to treat diabetes-related nerve pain, inflammation in diabetic kidney disease, eye problems related to diabetes, and more.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids (EPA+DHA)

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help repair and protect nerve cells, leading to improved nerve function.

Studies suggest that these fatty acids can reduce inflammation in the body which is often associated with nerve damage.

2. Magnesium sulfate

Magnesium sulfate is a mineral that is found in the body, and it helps the nerves work in a number of ways.

It protects nerves from damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can lead to oxidative stress.

Magnesium sulfate can also help calm you down and relax your nerves, which could be helpful for people with anxiety or sleep problems.

1. Curcumin

Curcumin is a component of the spice, turmeric, which has many health benefits.

It is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect against nerve damage and other damage caused by free radicals.

Curcumin may also make nerve damage less painful and reduce inflammation and pain.

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Welcome to our video on the seven incredible vitamins for nerve damage repair in this video we’ll show you how vitamins can help you repair nerve damage living with nerve damage is an unpleasant and often painful experience that impacts your quality of life it can result in numbness tingling muscle weakness or even paralysis

You may also experience chronic pain as a result of damaged nerves that are unable to send signals properly throughout your body if the nerve damage is severe enough your ability to perform everyday tasks like walking or writing may be impaired nerve damage occurs when communication between the brain and other parts of the

Body is disrupted due to an injury or illness such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis or MS when myelin the protective coating around nerves is damaged it causes nerves to malfunction and misfire signals resulting in pain and other symptoms but did you know that some vitamins have been found to be beneficial in the

Repair of nerve damage we’ll get into each of them later before we continue please take a moment to like this video And subscribe to our channel to help us reach more people also don’t forget to click that notification Bell so you can be the first to know when our latest video comes out

Let’s start our countdown with number seven vitamin B12 cobalamin vitamin B12 is essential for nerve cell metabolism it aids in the production of myelin which acts as insulation around nerves vitamin B12 can help protect against oxidative stress and improve symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and other types of nerve damage

Nerve cells are necessary for our bodies to function they allow us to move feel Sensations think and remember unfortunately these delicate cells can be harmed by a number of factors including injury or illness fortunately there is evidence that vitamin B12 May Aid in the repair of this type of damage

Vitamin B12 is required for the metabolism and upkeep of healthy nerve cells without enough vitamin B12 in our bodies these cells struggle to function properly resulting in issues such as memory loss or difficulty with motor control or movement vitamin B12 contributes to this by assisting in the formation of myelin a

Fatty substance that acts as insulation around the nerves allowing them to transmit electrical signals efficiently between different parts of the body myelin sheets also protect against oxidative stress which occurs when molecules known as free radicals are produced Naturally by certain bodily processes but are not properly balanced out causing significant damage on their

Own myelin’s layer helps prevent oxidation from damaging sensitive neural tissue beneath it so ensuring adequate levels of vitamin B12 are available will provide your nervous system with some extra protection against such deterioration furthermore research suggests that sufficient amounts could potentially improve symptoms associated with conditions such as peripheral neuropathy

A type of nerve damage most commonly caused by diabetes or vascular diseases but can also be triggered by chemotherapy treatments or exposure to certain toxins so if you are suffering from any kind of neurological condition it is a great idea to get plenty of vitamin B12 in

Order to maximize your chances of fully recovering without resorting to medications or more serious interventions further down the line by doing so you’re giving yourself the best chance of resolving any current issues and preventing new ones from arising beef salmon tuna clams oysters sardines mackerel enriched nutritional yeast milk

Cheese butter and eggs are rich sources of vitamin B12 next on our list is number six vitamin E vitamin E helps the immune system fight infections that can harm nerve cells and tissues it is an antioxidant which means it reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in areas with nerve damage

It has also been shown to help protect neurons or nerve cells from toxic substances research has shown that vitamin E can improve the function of nerves damaged by a stroke or peripheral neuropathy nerve cell injury occurs when there is a breakdown in communication between neurons resulting in symptoms such as

Loss of physical sensation and movement control fortunately research has discovered several ways in which vitamin E may be able to help reduce the effects of both acute and chronic neurological impairments vitamin E has the ability to support a healthy immune system response against harmful bacteria or viruses that could

Cause additional harm to those with neural injuries scientific Studies have shown that high levels of naturally occurring antioxidants like vitamin E can help heal injured connective tissues that surround the neural Pathways responsible for motor function regulation it reduces swelling and boosts immunity in in patients with neurodegenerative diseases including ALS and Ms

Vitamin E in the bloodstream protects against irreparable damage and accelerates healing allowing for faster recoveries vitamin E is present in foods such as sunflower seeds almonds avocado spinach Swiss chard turnip leaves mustard greens broccoli and red peppers moving on to our countdown is number five alpha lipoic acid ala

Alpha lipoic acid or ala for short is a naturally occurring compound found in a variety of foods including spinach and broccoli because ala has strong antioxidant properties it can help protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals ala May reduce inflammation and improve nerve function by neutralizing free radicals

This makes it a promising treatment option for those suffering from diabetes-related neuropathy a type of nerve damage that commonly affects diabetics furthermore due to its anti-inflammatory effects on the nervous system research suggests that taking ala supplements could potentially repair existing damaged nerves alpha lipoic acid Works by assisting

Your body in producing energy more efficiently at the cellular level when taken orally or intravenously ala AIDS in the conversion of glucose into ATP molecules which are then used as the primary source of energy production in your body and when combined with other Lifestyle Changes such as exercise or dietary

Changes ala can help improve overall cell functioning including improved circulation normalized hormone levels lowered blood pressure and improved cholesterol levels furthermore taking alpha lipoic acid supplements increases glutathione an important detoxifying agent produced by our bodies which supports healthy circulatory systems and leads to improved well-being over time research suggests that consuming ala

Helps limit nitric oxide production while increasing nitric oxide synthase activity this helps improve vascular reactivity and lowers the risk factors associated with high blood pressure and stroke ala also has an effect on neurological functions due to its antioxidant properties against harmful toxins known as reactive oxygen species or RLS

IOS causes inflammatory responses that are linked to mental diseases such as depression anxiety and Alzheimer’s disease research shows that ala protects against radical oxidation-related damage lowering degenerative brain disease severity and onset age additional studies suggest that ala supplementation lowers systemic inflammation after trauma this lets nerves repair without scarring restoring synaptic communication

Channels that drive motor skill development in major accident survivors furthermore clinical trials show that regular supplementation maintains healthy insulin sensitivity improving metabolic control and alleviating chronic pain in diabetics suffering from neuropathic symptoms such as burning feet syndrome which causes numbness around the extremities after long periods of hyperglycemia exposure

Finally current evidence on the treatment of diabetic neuropathy in multiple countries around the world suggests that patients who regularly take prescribed doses of alpha lipoic acids has shown to improve their sensation perception especially when combined with dietary interventions overall alpha lipoic acids have several promising therapeutic advantages in both physical and psychological domains

Offering alternative holistic ways to life-altering illnesses without relying entirely on drugs giving hope to those with otherwise terrible conditions alpha lipoic acid is abundant in raspberries spinach broccoli Tomatoes brussels sprouts walnuts wheat germ avocado and peas next on our list is number four thiamin vitamin B1 thiamin is an antioxidant and

Fat-soluble form of vitamin B1 it helps to protect cells from the damaging effects of high blood sugar levels oxidative stress and inflammation it has been used as a supplement to treat diabetes-related nerve pain inflammation in diabetic kidney disease eye problems related to diabetes and more a study published in the Neuroscience

Journal found that daily administration of thiamin for 12 weeks helped to reduce neuropathic pain and improve a nerve conduction velocity or ncv in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy additionally a meta-analysis conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois concluded that thiamin supplementation was associated with improved ncv and reduced diabetic peripheral neuropathy symptoms

Thiamin has been shown to help reduce nerve damage caused by high levels of glucose in the blood it does this by inhibiting certain enzymes that can cause oxidative damage to nerves resulting in neuropathy additionally thiamin may help protect the cells from Advanced glycation and products or Ages which are created when

Sugar binds with proteins and lipids and accumulates in tissues this accumulation is thought to contribute to diabetic neuropathy so reducing Aegis could also be beneficial for nerve health thiamin also helps reduce inflammation induced by injury or disease in the nervous system by lowering inflammation around injured nerves its high antioxidant activity protects

Cells from oxidative stress induced by free radical generation during neural tissue repair minimizing reactive oxygen species damage or ILS thiamin may also help increase blood supply in small vessels throughout our bodies including capillaries that Supply vital organs with oxygenated blood this improved circulation brings much needed nourishment directly into injured

Areas which speeds up metabolic waste removal during cell regeneration foods rich in thiamin include pork beef chicken and other meats whole grains such as wheat germ and bran flakes legumes including chickpeas beans and lentils nuts like pistachios and sunflower seeds fish such as salmon or tuna and dark

Leafy green vegetables like spinach or kale number three omega-3 fatty acids omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help repair and protect nerve cells leading to improved nerve function studies suggest that these fatty acids can reduce inflammation in the body which is often associated with nerve damage according to the neurology Journal 2005

Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation improves nerve conduction velocity and reduces inflammation in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy Omega-3s also provide essential building blocks for cell membranes allowing damaged nerves to heal more quickly additionally Omega-3s are known to play a role in supporting healthy brain development as well as helping maintain normal neurological function throughout life

The 2011 molecular nutrition and food research studied the protective effects of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on peripheral nerve myelin repair myelin is a protective coating that insulates nerves and helps facilitate their proper functioning the study found that taking omega-3 as a supplement can help myelin heal faster

After an injury which makes neurons work better This research could have implications for understanding and treating illnesses such as multiple sclerosis diabetic neuropathy and traumatic injuries to the central nervous system similarly the 2017 clinical Rehabilitation study also examined the effects of Omega-3 supplementations on neurological function in patients with traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury or TBI is one the leading causes of death and disability in the United States 50 participants were randomized into two groups and neurological functioning was assessed using a variety of tests results showed that individuals who took omega-3 had significantly greater improvements than those receiving a placebo

These results suggest that daily supplementation with one gram per day of Omega-3 over a 10-week period May improve neurological functioning among individuals with tbis omega-3 rich foods include salmon mackerel Herring sardines walnuts chia seeds hemp seeds and flax seeds moving on to our list days number two magnesium sulfate

Magnesium sulfate is a mineral that is found in the body and it helps the nerves work in a number of ways it protects nerves from damage caused by reactive oxygen species or Ross which can lead to oxidative stress magnesium sulfate can also help calm you down and relax your nerves which could

Be helpful for people with anxiety or sleep problems it has been shown to help reduce muscle spasms caused by epilepsy other seizure disorders and electrolyte imbalances like magnesium deficiency magnesium sulfate is an important part of neural transmission because it improves blood flow throughout the nervous system this makes it possible for more

Electrical signals to travel along neuron Pathways more quickly lastly magnesium sulfate works as an anti-inflammatory agent which could reduce swelling in places where nerves have been hurt or damaged by direct trauma or overwork research shows that magnesium sulfate may help treat peripheral neuropathy a type of nerve pain that is often caused

By diabetes or chemotherapy but there is no evidence to suggest it can actually repair the underlying damage in general magnesium may help protect the nervous system from oxidative stress and promote neurogenesis or the growth of new neurons it can also help reduce excitotoxicity and may help lessen the pain caused by nerve damage

Overall magnesium sulfate has also shown promise in reducing inflammation and improving neurological symptoms foods that are rich in magnesium sulfate include wheat bran oatmeal buckwheat flour brown rice almonds cashews Brazil nuts peanuts and sunflower seeds legumes such as lentils and black beans also contain high levels of magnesium sulfate number one curcumin

Curcumin is a component of the spice Turmeric which has many health benefits it is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect against nerve damage and other damage caused by free radicals Studies have shown that curcumin can also help reduce inflammation in the body improve cognitive function and boost the immune system

It also helps in wound healing and promotes healthy aging curcumin may also make nerve damage less painful and reduce inflammation and pain studies on animals have shown that curcumin can help reduce the number of cases of peripheral neuropathy this is a type of nerve disorder that can cause tingling or weakness in the

Arms and legs also some research on humans suggests that taking high doses of curcumin over a long period of time might help with diabetic neuropathy one study published in neurochemical research found that curcumin treatment helped protect neurons from cell death caused by oxidative stress it can also reduce or even reverse some

Types of nerve damage caused by diseases like Alzheimer’s in another study that was published in close one the researchers found that taking curcumin by mouth could help a lot with Sciatic Nerve injury pain by blocking inflammation pathways when it comes to wounds a study done on Animals by researchers at Tufts

University School of Medicine showed that a 0.5 percent solution containing turmeric extract helped the skin heal faster it promotes collagen deposition which is a key structural part of normal tissue repair in addition to turmeric other foods that are high in curcumin include Ginger cumin mustard seeds black pepper and Chili Peppers

So there you have it seven incredible vitamins to repair nerve damage do you know other vitamins that can help with nerve damage share your thoughts in the comments below and before you leave please don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to our Channel and don’t forget to click that

Notification Bell so you can be the first to know when our latest video comes out thanks for watching and have a healthy and happy day