The Most Powerful Raw Vegan Plant Protein Formula on Earth

Plant based raw vegan protein has been raised to a new level. Vegan Plant protein should not be simply isolates because the body requires other factors to actually absorb the amino acids, otherwise it just constipates and does not absorb. This formula is not pure protein, it is whole plants that have been dried and powdered, so it also contains the much needed minerals, enzymes, vitamins, fiber, essential fatty acids, sterols, polysaccharides and countless other phytonutrients needed for the body to function properly. No expense was spared for this vegan formula. One look at the ingredients reveals a collection of the most amazing and powerful plants sources from around the world with numerous benefits way beyond simply being just a source of protein. No other protein formula has chlorella, pine nuts, durian, Prickly pear Nopales cactus, quinoa sprout, hemp seed, almond, brazil nut, bladderwrack, alfalfa juice, pumpkin seed, date, TMG, coconut juice powder and many more legendary ingredients. Available as just raw plant powder, or sweetened with monkfruit. Try it and experience this amazing nutrional vegan powerhouse for yourself!
It’s available at or
or on Amazon
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[Applause] we all need protein heck even collagen is protein it’s amino acids and the older we get the more we seem to need protein why well I’m sure you’ve heard of sarcopenia the wasting away of muscles that’s why older people looked like skin and bones their muscles are

Gone that’s because they become less efficient at being able to process and maintain muscles and that’s because their body is less able to absorb it because they have weaker stomach acid they just don’t move their body is enough they don’t have the right enzymes the right absorption so that’s why they take more

Protein I don’t know if you noticed you ever take some of that stuff you get really constipated that’s cuz that stuff turns into cement in your body and they can say whatever they want how many grams of a protein for serving it has yeah but it’s not absorbing into your

Body just cuz this powder has this much protein in it doesn’t mean you’ve got that much protein absorbing into your body so the um grams per serving doesn’t matter what matters is how much of what you take actually absorbs into your body and becomes muscle and becomes you know

Your body collagen and things like that so my question to you is what if if you’re taking a protein powder and by the way I know some people say well if if you you ate right you wouldn’t need powder okay fine the highest sources of protein in the Plant World NATO is one

Of the highest there is most people do not want to eat that cuz it’s nasty one of the second highest sources is fava beans which are not really beans they’re in the Pea family and getting fresh fava beans is kind of hard unless you’re next to a Mediterranean Market so it’s really

Convenient to have a really high source of protein powder that you could just put in your drink like a smoothie or water and just drink it now some of the other highest sources of protein in the plant world are for example chlorella does your protein powder have chlorella

I pretty much guarantee you it probably doesn’t you know I was in the same boat you were I don’t want to eat meat I want to just eat plants and I want to have a lot of protein I want to have muscles I want to live long and be healthy so I

Looked around at what was out there and I was just not happy with what was out there so I spent years researching what the best sources were and I created my own formula that I took for myself and I got into bodybuilding and it worked people started saying well give me what

You got let me tell you what’s in this stuff because this is what I take and this is what I found to be the most powerful formula you could possibly get in today’s world like I said does your protein formula have chlorella in it chlorella is considered one of the most

Complete Foods on the planet you could theoretically live off this stuff indefinitely it has all the amino acids it’s a complete protein more than any Whole Food on Earth plus it has all kinds of minerals enzymes chlorophyll and pretty much everything else it quadr scles the friendly Flora probiotics in

Your gut making it one of the most potent growth factors available it boosts the immune system immensely it helps children grow and stay healthy it helps digestion it helps remove chemicals toxins and heavy metals from the body pound-for-pound nothing has more protein than chlorella another crazy ingredient in this formula is pine

Nuts nobody has pine nuts do you know what pine nuts cost go check it out go check out what a handful of pine nuts cost the reason you don’t see pine nuts in any protein powder is it’s very very expensive but I don’t care I want the

Best period Indians use pine nut soup as a replacement for mother’s milk pine nuts are also super high in essential fats the body needs and another thing my formula has and nobody else has is durian it’s one of the only protein powder in the world with durian known as

The king of fruits durian can weigh up to 10 pounds it’s an awesome source of protein for muscle building and essential fatty acids it has a high sulfur content which is great for youthful skin and tryptophan which makes people feel good and relax I I also have

No pal Cactus known as prickly pear who has that it’s a super high amino acid complex of polysaccharides and fiber to push the protein through high amounts of protein tends to constipate so you need lots of fiber and prickly pear has a lot of that quinoa Sprout we all know that’s

A good source of protein the Sprout is the most powerful nutritious stage of this ancient Inca super grain with all the essential amino acids to be a complete protein it’s high in B2 riboflavin which improves energy metabolism in muscle and brain cells the ink is set it increase the stamina of

Their Warriors it contains twice as much fiber as other grains making it great for lowering cholesterol and fighting heart disease good old pumpkin seed a real nutritional Powerhouse they are a great source of protein and it helps with hair loss prostate and hormone issues bodybuilders pay attention

Pumpkin seed is high in protein and zinc that’s good for heart disease and even your eyes and your vision hemp seed contains all nine essential amino acids and a perfect balance of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids it’s heavily mineralized it’s great for losing fat gaining muscle and improving athletic performance it’s easily

Digested it’s 50% protein nettle Leaf who has that this is one of the super plants you can live off this stuff Nettles are one of the richest sources of protein and minerals especially calcium iron and silica the vitamin K in Nettle strengthens bones it removes lactic acid and uric acid in gout it

Supports the growth of your probiotics which is beneficial intestinal Flora it lowers blood sugar increases insulin sensitivity due to chromium content and protects blood vessels from insulin damage nettle is the only known plant that contains formic acid which is used to dissolve cholesterol nettle also contains a protein molecule called UDA

Which attacks fungus in the body who has nettle in the formula then there’s a little bit of Brazil nut in there Brazil nuts are one of the best natural sources of selenium did you know brazilnut trees can live 500 to 700 years they have multiple anti-aging qualities it lowers

LDL bad cholesterol and raises HDL good cholesterol it’s an excellent source of B vitamins then there’s yucker root powder who has that it’s a great source of steriles and saponins which increase absorption of nutrients and cell wall permeability it’s a strong anti-inflammatory it’s great for post-work workouts sterols bind

Cholesterol help formation of hormones through adrenal glands it’s high in Resveratrol a very strong anti-aging anti-tumor phytoestrogen that counters a lot of stronger estrogens which can accelerate the growth that you know what yaka is great for bloating sometimes an issue with people who take too much protein or have weak digestion and the

High levels of Resveratrol which is a neoc cardiogenic substance make it a leader in anti-aging and cardiac cell regeneration and degenerative joint disease and this is all from a wild desert plant that nobody pays much attention to but me and then there’s amberry one of the highest sources of

Natural vitamin C needed for all the other herbs to fully function in the body vitamin C plays a vital role in secreta goog activity which is hormone regeneration and is an excellent alternative to hormone replacement therapy there’s also a FAL Al juice powder in there it’s a complete food

Vitamin C D E and K for strong bones and immune system eight digestive enzymes all 18 essential amino acids making it a major source of protein fatty acids and saponins which strengthens bones rebuilds teeth and cleanses the colon then there’s malic acid in there this helps the body absorb all these

Wonderful nutrients it helps dissolve uric acid in the body which helps with gout and also oxalate kidney stones it helps increase oxygen transport into cells and is an ATP per cursor ATP is the fuel for cells and helps them function properly then there’s a little bit of bladder rck in there that’s a

Seaweed packed with vitamin K an excellent adrenal stimulant and it’s a good source of immune stimulating polysaccharides which stimulates white blood cells and then I put coconut water powder in there who does that it’s a surfect tint which helps nutrient absorption it’s a great sweet flavoring with the benefits of coconut water it’s

A great nutritious electrolyte with lots of B vitamins essential fatty acids iron magnesium selenium zinc April acid and proteins then there’s triethyl glycine TMG which is made from beetroots nobody even knows what this is it’s a great for helping nutrient absorption energy production hormone production protecting your DNA and rebuilding your adrenals

It’s one of the best methyl donors known almost every molecular bodily function requires methylation and there are over 4,000 methylation reactions in the body like switching genetic DNA back to where it should be stomach acid formation hormone and neurotransmitter production energy immunity water balance liver support immune support and on and on and

On most people are undermethylated leading to less than optimal functioning of almost every bodily function and genetic problems and TMG helps get things back on track it’s also great for the liver which is the body’s primary regulator for cholesterol and creator of glycogen and energy by helping bring

Stomach acid levels back to normal TMG ultimately helps everything from increased nutrient absorption to adrenal rebuilding which means more energy and getting hormones back on track this may prove Pro to be a new breakthrough in optimal body function then there’s also magnesium malade in there it’s a critical mineral necessary for good

Nerve and muscle function healthy blood vessels balanced blood pressure and athletic endurance it’s important for tooth formation heart and kidney health and restful sleep it counteracts stress irregular heartbeat emotional instability and depression next to oxygen magnesium is one of the most important substances in the body we need

Lots of it and almost everyone has dangerously low levels it’s as important for life as the air we breathe stress depletes magnesium so everyone in the modern world needs it and then there’s some dry dates in there it’s a sweet source of fiber iron protein and lots of minerals it helps with constipation

Intestinal disorders weight problems heart problems energy and stamina and it’s also sweetened with a tiny bit of monk fruit a natural zero calorie almost zero glycemic sweetener wow now you know what I’m talking about there is nothing out there nothing even close to this for protein it comes it sweetened or

Unsweetened the only sweetener is like I said dried dates and a little bit of mon fruit and if you want unsweetened there’s just the raw herbs that are in there so you get your choice you get it at Marcus MK us or Marcus or on Amazon it’s also on

Amazon now so you can get your overnight shipping nothing comes close to this this is the ultimate it’s not just protein this is so many other things I want you toexperience what it’s like to be fully alive and if you eat that other crap you feel like sluggish you feel

Constipated you just don’t feel like you’re getting much out of life well try this and I want you to leave the comments in the comment section especially on Amazon let people know what it’s like to have this stuff because I want the world to know what

It’s like to be healthy to be fully Alive to know what it’s like to have the best so I want you to experience this so go do it and let me know let the world know because life needs to be lived right life you shouldn’t be wasting away

The last 30 years of your life watch watching yourself in the mirror just shrivel up I want to be fully Alive okay all right I’ll see you in the next video Bye Oh