Why You Need More Testosterone And How To Increase It Naturally !

I will talk about Why You Need More Testosterone And How To Increase It Naturally with these simple methods.




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#testosterone #natty #calisthenics #weightlifting

Testosterone is one of the cornerstones of muscle building and strength development and is the primary male sex hormone and androgen in males production starts in our teenage years during puberty and it tends to dip towards our late 30s and early 40s and each individual male will have different levels of testosterone throughout their

Lives so if you naturally have lower levels due to your genetics or you’re just at an older age what are the effects that will happen on our bodies well having lower levels can cause decrease in your sex drive low energy weight gain depression mood swings and low self-esteem well today I’m going to

Give you some tips that you can use to avoid these symptoms by boosting your levels of testosterone naturally well our number one method to boost your testosterone is by exercising so yes exercising helps to boost our levels of testosterone especially using compound exercises but be aware that too much

Exercise can also decrease our levels of testosterone because it makes it harder to recover so make sure you train adequately and allow enough time or days to rest well speaking about recovery number two is rest getting enough sleep on night is very important because number one testosterone production

Actually happens during our REM cycle of sleep so making sure you get enough sleep at night is very important because number one it allows again for the testosterone production and to recover from our workouts number three is eating right and eating enough food consuming the correct nutrients is important for

Healthy test levels so eating too much sugar or processed food will create an imbalance of your hormones so eating the right Amounts is crucial because undereating will lead to lack of nutrients and therefore lack of energy that the body can use this will also help you maintain a healthy body weight

Number four is you want to avoid too much alcohol or tobacco so cigarettes because these will also decrease your levels of testosterone and number five you really want to manage your stress levels long-term stress will increase your cortisol level s which will in turn lower your testosterone levels as they

Both work hand in hand so as one goes up the other will go down so please manage your stress correctly I’m going to give you guys a little bonus which is taking supplement pills now taking supplement pills such as Asanda zinc and vitamin D will help your levels of testosterone

But this shouldn’t be your main approach doing the steps that I explained earlier will have a bigger and better impact on your testosterone they’re taking supplement pills so please be aware of that and please note that what a normal level of test testosterone is for a 20-year-old is going to be different

Compared to what it is for a 60-year-old man so please be aware that should be about what is a healthy level of testosterone for you so I hope you find this video very useful take these steps into consideration and use them to boost your tea levels naturally so thanks for

Watching and I’ll see you guys in the next video I’m out