Monthly Wellness Treats: Every month the Joy of Opening My Vitamin Box.

Monthly Wellness Treats: Every month the Joy of Opening My Vitamin Box.

“Monthly Wellness Treats: Each month, I eagerly anticipate the sheer delight of unlocking my vitamin box. It’s not just a routine delivery; it’s a joyous occasion filled with anticipation and gratitude. Inside, I discover an assortment of wellness treasures meticulously curated to support my health journey. From essential vitamins to specialized supplements, each item is a testament to my commitment to self-care. But beyond the physical benefits, it’s the act of receiving these monthly parcels that fills me with happiness. It’s a gentle reminder to prioritize my well-being amidst life’s hustle and bustle. With each opening, I’m reminded of the importance of nurturing my body and soul, turning a simple delivery into a celebration of vitality and self-love.”

“Monthly Wellness Treats: Every month the Joy of Opening My Vitamin Box., “Monthly Wellness Treats, Every month the Joy of Opening My Vitamin Box., “Monthly Wellness, Treats, Vitamin Box, My Vitamin Box., Joy of Opening My Vitamin Box., “monthly wellness treats, vitamin d, Wellness, Every month, vitamin, every month the joy of opening my vitamin box., vitamins, my vitamin, awesome idea with empty vitamin box, wellness, every month, monthly wellness treats., Opening My Vitamin Box.

My vitamins
My vitamins : https://www.myvitamins.com/
gummies box : https://www.myvitamins.com/sports-nutrition/gummies-subscription-box/13836663.html

My first my vitamins unboxing : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gErQYcw6N8

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Guys and welcome back to my YouTube channel so today’s video is my vitamines the gummy collection of my vitamins now I did do my very first video of these so I will leave that in the description box below for you guys and in the little eye

For you and I will leave all the information about my vitamins gummies in the description box below so I hope you guys enjoy today’s video so it is to is a subscription service and you can choose the play that suits you you’ve got two different types of plan tablet

Forms or you can choose the gummy range which I have here so this is my vitamins gummy subscription box so this is what the actual outside of the sleeve looks like and this is what the box looks like I love it so much I like I said I

Already had one of these beautiful my vitamins box before so I will leave it in the description box below for you guys what I will say is is when you subscribe to so like if you have this gum subscription you get the same three bottles each month so you get three

Bottles arriving to your door every month and you will get exactly the same three bottles arriving every month you do not have any different ones you do not change any the vitamins you just get what’s inside your box so before I show you everything that I got inside this

Box like I said this is my second box of my vitamin gummies and me and Nathan are literally in love with these These are better than taking the actual tablets of my vitamins because especially if you’ve got a busy morning you can just grab these pop them in your mouth and you’re

Done no need to have a drink or anything you just pop them straight in your mouth and done um but I absolutely love these I do want to buy the other gummies from my vitamins range so I can show you guys what the other vitamins looks like know

What what I will do I will pop in on the screen a little clip of what my vitamin website looks like and the subscription service what it looks like what kind of subscriptions you’ve got what the gummy versions look like and the tablet forms and all the other kind of gummies and

Tablets and everything else you have so I will leave a little clip on the side here so you guys can see of what kind of products they have on my vitamins website these gummies that I’ve got in the in this box here which I’ll show you in a second they are absolutely

Incredible they taste insane I absolutely love them and when I finished my last box cuz obviously me and Nathan are using them so we ran out of the first two boxes quite quickly because you only have like 30 gummies I think it is and between the two of us they were

Going pretty quick so I do want to get a 60 gummies that will last us a bit longer but yeah obviously two of the bottles ran out pretty quick and the other one ran out 2 days before this one arrived which was absolutely amazing if you get the gummies subscription these

Are the fre bottles that you receive in every month so you get hair skin and Nails gummies multivitamins and apple cider vinegar ones as well we have already tried them and as always they are incredible we have to have them as soon as we have them so this is the apple

Cider Binger vinegar gummies which have dir gummies inside and they taste like apple um yeah we have been taking them every single day this is what they look like these ones are like little square gummies and even just the smell of them they just smell like apples absolutely

Insane and I love them then we have the multi vitamins which are 30 gummies and they are strawberry flavor I will just show you what they look like so it’s a little circle one and again you can smell the strawberry off these and then the last bottle we

Have is the Hair Skin and ows gummies and these are the 60 gummies in each or 60 gummies and they are blueberry flavor and they’re just little round ones there again you can definitely smell the blueberry of them as well if you get the gamy subscription this is

The Free bottles you will receive every month I think we kind of ran out of the um apple cider vinegar and the multivitamins and then we was left with the hair skin and nails and then obviously like I said 2 days later this box arrived which came just in time cuz

We just finished our last bottle but yeah every time you subscribe until you cancel your subscription these are the three bottles that you will receive every month for your gummies selection like I said you can go on to the website and purchase ones you want yourself so

If you don’t just want these free you want all the others you can go you can subscribe to this and then go on to multiv vitamins website and purchase the ones that you would like as well so on my vitamins you have different dietary needs as well so say like if you just

Want one for beauty ones for skin um ones for like wellbeing they have different sections and different products in different sections as well so please go ahead and check out my vitamins website the gummies are insane I absolutely love them naan loves them they are the best way to indulge into

Your um vitamins they are the better way plus they are like little treats to yourself as well the gummies look like Little Sweets for yourself so it looks like you’re having a little treats every morning for yourself but really they’re just a whole vitamins and I absolutely

Love them so guys that is everything from this month’s Subscription Service like I said I will leave everything about my vitamins in the description box below for you guys and the first video that I done of my vitamins gummies I will leave that in the description box

Below and I will leave it in the little eye as well but yeah I hope you guys have enjoyed this video if you want to see more about my vitamins then please feel free to let me know in the comment section below if you want me to do a

Like a big my vitamins kind of like haul I will be happy to do so again just pop everything in the description box below or the comment section below sorry and I will see you guys in the next video if you have enjoyed today’s video give it a

Like comment and subscribe and I’ll see you guys in the next video bye guys