Dr Wellness Vitamin E Serum Capsules | WORLDs BEST SERUM

Dr Wellness Vitamin E Serum Capsules | WORLDs BEST SERUM

All right what’s up y’all in today’s video I’m going to be reviewing these um um dror Wellness capsules that I have been using if you have seen any of my previous videos you know that I have been struggling with my skin for some reason like I don’t know if it’s I’m

Trying to get to the bottom of it I don’t know if it’s stress I don’t know if it’s hormonal changes I don’t know if it’s what it is but nonetheless I’ve been struggling with my skin and so I’m trying to repair my skin and I did a video showing my um routine

To get rid of acne and I had these in here but but I thought it was um creating a separate video just reviewing these alone because they have been working so these are the dror Wellness Vitamin E serum capsules it was 90 in the it’s 90 in

Here it says it’s for healthy radiant skin for all skin types and I got these from Marshalls if you didn’t see that video but I wanted to review this because I had had been using these very long when I filmed the initial video and now I’ve been using them for about 2

Weeks 2 and 1/2 weeks and I really do feel like they’re helping my skin So just a recap of my skin issues so I got a little bit of foundation on right now but these little textured bumps right here so underneath cuz I don’t have I don’t have that much like foundation on just like a little light and so it’s going away so I don’t think

I’m like struggling from adult acne or anything I think it’s like hormonal changes and and things like that that’s for another video but the point is I have these once the bumps go away I have these little dark mark on my face and that this is where this has been coming

In so if you don’t know vitamin E in general is supposed to help like uh even out your skin it’s really good for that and so when I found these in Marshalls or TJ Maxx I’m sorry I think they were four I think they were 450 the the the

Thing is the label is like faded Now so it was it has a red label because it was clearance so I’m pretty sure it was $450 I believe so I was like why not it’s very affordable so I’ve been using these on my skin twice a day so once I do my morning face wash face routine I’ll put

One of these on and then I’ll do one at night after I do my skincare routine at night one when I put it on my skin is glowing like it looks like I got a facial so it’s like really light it’s just a little capsule it’s just a little capsule that you put

On and I’m sure a lot of people have seen like little capsules little serums but these are the little capsil and you just like twist the top off right here you twist the top off and then you like pour it out it’s like a little bit

Of liquid vitamin E and you just put it out you put on your skin usually one capsule to be honest I don’t need the whole thing on my skin on my face because it’s a lot this little little capsule has a lot and I think when I put

The whole thing on my face my face just looks too oily like I don’t need the whole thing so what I’ll typically do is like somebody might have noticed this in my previous videos I have like a little burn right here from flat iron in my hair I’m sure some people can relate

Like I mean it happens so what I’ll do is put some on my face and then whatever is left I’ll put like on my little scar right here because I want this to heal too and vitamin E like I said it’s good for evening out your skin tone but my

Skin has really been clearing up I’m going to do a video like another bare face video really soon to show yall the progress on how my skin my skin is coming along but I can really see the difference with my dark marks fading and I feel

Like I don’t know how many I’ve used but it’s 90 in here and I think by the time I’m done with the bottle I feel like all of my dark marks will be gone and hopefully my hormonal changes are done with that in so I don’t

Have to worry about the the bumps keep appearing and then just like the same cycle of having the bump getting rid of it having a dark mark and having to like go in with the vitamin E so I think um yeah I just wanted to share these with y’all

Because if I can find something that I think works for me and my issue I’m going to share it with y’all to see one what y’all think about it and if y’all use it and just to kind of recommend it if I do like it so I might call this

Another like I might add this video into my world’s best series which is if you haven’t seen it’s just world’s best things like me reviewing certain products that I use or that were recommended to me or um that I think other people might be looking into so I

Could just share my opinion and give y’all my inside so you can make a buying decision if you want to buy it if you don’t this video as I mentioned I bought this myself none of these world’s best videos are sponsored I will let y’all know if something is sponsored but yeah

I’m buying this with my own own money because I’m having certain issues that I want to solve and I’m attempting to do that so I felt like this video this product deserve its own video because it works it’s worked for me please let me know in the comment section if anybody has used

This before and if it’s worked for them or if for some reason you had a bad experience with these um capsules but to me it’s straightforward all it is it’s vitamin E that’s it no other ingredients and I will read to y’all what the the instruction

Says to use Gently twist the tab around the serum until the serum is visible and squeeze onto fingertips spread serum evenly over face and neck nightly for best results um capsules are single use so this says nightly I use them during the day and at night so I use it twice a

Day um it says for single use right so when I say one capsule is like a little bit too much for me you shouldn’t just take half you know use half on your skin and then save the rest for later cuz I feel like that’s

Not um I don’t know it’s you just should shouldn’t let it sit open it’s intended to be closed open and just used and throw the um little thing away the empty capsule away so that’s why typically whatever is left over I would just like use on my scar or maybe like some stretch

Markx so if you go to your local TJ Maxx or Marshalls you you might find them you might not because those stores like sometimes they’ll carry the same brand over time sometimes sometimes they might swap out or they may not reorder but y’all these are really good I really

Like them I was like let me share this because it works it works for me I mean it’s vitamin E you can get vitamin E in any product you can buy vitamin E anywhere but I really do like these capsules because it’s like helping you monitor the amount that you need um and

Like track how many you need for your face and over time and stuff like that so I really like these and I think it’s just cute and aesthetic like sitting on my um in my bathroom and yeah I just was like this is working for me so let me share this

With my people on YouTube and I really like these so is this the world’s best serum to like clear up your dark marks I don’t know but it’s really good and it’s working for me so yeah um I think that’s all I have for this video thanks so much

For watching I feel like this is going to be a short one but I had to put y’all on to these um and let y’all know that they’ve been working for me I’m going to keep using them it’s been again like 2 and 1/2 weeks and I think I need

To what I’ll probably do after this video is take like when I wash my face just take a picture and then maybe in about I don’t know a month I’ll come back and then let y’all know like or show yall the before and after cuz I haven’t really taken a before and after

Picture I just like have been looking at my skin so I will do that and I will see y’all in my next video don’t forget to subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already and