These are The Supplements I Wish I Started Taking Sooner (what I take daily)

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These are the Supplements I Take

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 – Intro
0:46 – Dimagnesium Malate
1:45 – Cod Liver Oil
2:40 – Vitamin C
3:18 – Protein Powder
3:43 – Creatine
4:09 – Probiotic
4:37 – Electrolytes
5:19 – Glutamine
5:47 – Collagen
6:24 – 20% off Anything from Kettle & Fire
7:21 – Megamucosa
8:30 – Low-Dose Naltrexone
9:41 – N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
10:01 – Astragalus
11:13 – Taurine
11:50 – Beta-Alanine
12:16 – Rhodiola Rosea
12:31 – Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA)
13:01 – Colostrum
13:37 – NMN

I have a separate checking account that I use just for all of my supplements because I spend thousands of dollars a month on them okay not the truth reality is there’s only a few that I take every day year round the way that I treat my supplements is I almost categorize them

I categorize them into the ones that I use daily the ones that I use for performance ones that I use specifically for gut health and then ones that I use a little bit more in the winter time right so I’m never taking like a bunch

All at once I rotate things that I take and hopefully I can share my experiences so that you can grab a little bit of this and apply it to yourself so just jump into the ones that I do take daily because these are ones that I think are

Really important I take a d magnesium melate which is magnesium that is bound to a mic acid this makes it so it’s more sustained release there’s a couple of different brands out there I use one from a brand called jigsaw and I rrange anywhere from 250 mg of di magnesium

Mate to 500 now one thing that you can notice with di magnesium mate is it sometimes can make your heart rate jump up a little bit higher so you get out of the aerobic Zone a little faster that Cann always be a good thing so what I

Will sometimes do is swap out the DI magnesium melate for a magnesium glycinate the reason I even use magnesium in the first place is because it helps me sleep because it helps my muscles feel a lot more recovered after a hard workout but most importantly it

Keeps my mind feeling calm I tend to run a little bit hot and a little bit anxious sometimes and that just helps a ton the second one that I take daily that I’ll pack with me even when I’m traveling is going to be cod liver oil I don’t really take a concentrated omega-3

Supplement too much anymore I take cod liver oil because I get my vitamin D I get my vitamin A and I get my Omega-3s and I’ll range anywhere from 500 Mig all the way up to 5,000 Mig gr of civer oil sometimes I’ll take a whole lot of it

Depending on where my omega-3 is in my diet right I’ll tend to kind of fluctuate it I’m not a huge fan of taking synthetic vitamin D I’ve been pretty outspoken about this I get my vitamin D from Whole Foods and from cod liver oil synthetic Vitamin D it

Sketches me out a little bit just because we’re not solving the root problem we’re just like adding a vitamin in and we’re not really factoring in the reason why we’re low in vitamin D so adding a synthetic vitamin D isn’t always the best I don’t have an issue

With people taking it to get their levels up but I have naturally pretty good levels of vitamin D so I just sustain it through cod liver oil I take 2,000 migrs of vitamin C daily now the literature actually suggests that it really as far as a prophylactic is concerned doesn’t matter whether it’s

Absorbing acid or from a like a whole food source type of vitamin C supplement I still prefer to use a whole food vitamin C source so I’ll use like a uh one that comes comes from like acerola cherry or something like that so it’s a really good quality vitamin C so I use

That especially when I’m training hard okay cuz prophylactically it can be very good if you’re using it like when you are uh taxing your body or you’re exposed to a lot of cold temperatures it can actually have a big impact there an obvious one protein powder I would say

Almost use either whey or plant-based protein powder pretty much every day I tend to alternate them depending on what I’m doing I use whey protein if I need more of an insulin Spike and I’m going for more of like a muscle repair I use plant-based protein powders when I’m

Looking for a little more fiber I’m looking for maybe a little bit more substance and a little bit more of a meal replacement another thing that I take is I’ll take creatine I usually do a pretty low dose creatine I’m very sensitive to the water retention from

Creatine which some will tell you isn’t a thing it’s a thing and some people are more sensitive to it than others so I usually take anywhere from 1 to 5 gr I will go higher if I have a serious demand but it’s usually going to be in

The winter when I’m not as worried about like looking as lean because the water retention is a real thing so usually I notice a difference with like even 2 to three grams of creatine I would say almost daily I take a probiotic I take a

Good quality one the one that I take is from that company called seed which I’ve talked about before this isn’t even a sponsored video for them it’s just the reality if you are taking a probiotic or you’re looking at taking a probiotic the best advice that I can give you with

That is do not take it with food okay the hydrochloric acid when you consume food along with a probiotic is going to break down a lot of the good stuff there uh the another thing that I take pretty much daily it’s hard to consider a supplement but it’s going to be

Electrolytes okay and if I can’t get my hands on electrolytes I’ll usually even add salt to water so the amount that I am active and the amount of like pretty low carb that I eat I feel like it’s important to add some of those minerals back in so usually I use element

Electrolytes but if I’m in a pinch I’ll use other ones too no pun intended now this next category is really important because I have a specific category just for gut repair okay now gut repair gut health now the probiotics I don’t put into the gut health category because I think that’s

Just a bigger piece that I look at but with gut health like if you’ve been sick or you’ve been training really hard you might need to increase certain things for your gut so there’s a different category there so in one case I’ll take glutamine so the only time I’ll really

Take glutamine is if I feel like I have potential gut lining damage for example a few months ago I had a parasite and it really did a lot of damage to my gut lining so adding glutamine back in to repair the gut that’s one of the few situations that glutamine actually has

Scientific evidence behind it as far as muscle building anything else glutamine is kind of a joke okay don’t ever use it for building muscle it won’t do anything but if you’re dealing with gut repair it is quite important uh same category is going to be collagen so if I’m really

Focused on gut I will take in collagen there go there are periods of time when I add collagen like five grams to 10 grams like every day if I’m putting in my coffee there’s certainly no reason that you can’t do that like that definitely works well but if I’m focused

On gut health I will usually opt for bone broth instead of straight collagen powder I like getting it from the actual whole food source and getting like the gelatin in it and I feel like it just assimilates a little bit better in sort of a whole food form whenever possible

It’s been a while but I used to make it that was always great otherwise I usually use Kettle and fire they’re usually a uh I don’t know the best flavor for me and they’ve I don’t know they’re the OG in the space I went ahead

I put a link down below if you want to try them out they have grass-fed beef bone broth they also have chicken bone broth they also have different varying soups so they have like tomato soup they have all kinds of different flavors which are going to be soups made with

Bone broth so it kind of gets a little bit more fun so it’s like do you consider it a supplement or do you consider it a food so they also add apple cider vinegar to it so it’s helping with the mineralization it’s helping you kind of you’re going to find

When you use it that it doesn’t have this like overpoweringly salty taste like a lot of bone broths do it actually has a really rich taste you can almost taste the bone you can taste that like marrow like taste which is what makes Kettle and fire really the gold standard

When it comes down to bone broth so that link is down below that saves you a few bucks if you want to try them out using that special link so it’s in the top line of the description underneath this video if you are trying to remodel your

Gut I think paying attention to the gut lining and the collagen and the mucosal support are probably the most overlooked piece everyone focuses on the actual probiotics and the microbiome that’s just one piece what about the actual epithelial cells like what about the actual lighting that is even more important in many situations

To take care of the actual cells there because the microbiome can remodel otherwise we’re talking about like an organ tissue that really needs repair so anyway that link is down below there’s also a product I use occasionally called Mega mucosa this is from a company called microbiome Labs I learned about

It from uh Dr Scott Sher who had told me again after the parasite so if you’re looking at that gut lining stuff it’s got four different amino acids in it so that’s one that I’ll take like a half a scoop every day for like

Two weeks if I got sick or if I felt like my stomach’s been disrupted or things just feel off okay now let’s talk about the supplements that I’ll take during the winter time because I do take different things in the winter time okay for one this one is less of a supplement

And it’s actually more of an RX so it’s something that you might have to talk to your doctor about so I can’t tell you to just go on Amazon and get it but it’s called LDN lowd do nterone now this is being used a lot of times in like sort

Of longevity medicine now people are using this I take a very low dose I take three milligrams now tone is one of those things where uh it’s used in like alcoholism it’s used in because it blocks the opioid receptor so it makes it so that if you have a propensity to

Drink or propensity to do drugs it can actually stop that at a higher dose like 50 milligrams very low dose doesn’t really have that effect but it does downregulate inflammatory responses within your body so in the winter time like if you have kids and they’re bringing home sicknesses all the time in

The winter time it’s a really good thing for me because it lowers that inflammatory State a little bit so if I do end up picking up something from the kids I can usually cycle through pretty quick and my body can come back to homeostasis faster before I get hit with the next

One because otherwise you end up kind of going down this spiral now it also allows you to have a Fighting Chance a little bit more too so that might be something to talk to your doc about but it’s worth mentioning because it’s definitely part of my like winter

Routine another part of my winter routine is uh netal cysteine NAC this is really just good for overall respiratory Health okay there’s a lot of stuff there but also is good of course for glutathione production all kinds of things that are kind of in that pathway

That’s not why I take it I take it for Respiratory Health especially in the winter time when there’s all kinds of stuff floating around then we get into into the adaptogen world in winter time I take astralagus okay now astralagus is one of these things I’ve always found

That like herbs and adaptogens work best when you don’t take them all the time they work best when you take them when you need them okay so like if you feel run down and you take astralagus it seems to have this impact of kind of helping regulate what’s ever go whatever

Is going on adaptogens are quote unquote smart and it sounds like very woo wooy and weird but if you do any research at at all on mushrooms on mycelium on that whole world you realize that these are very intelligent things right and when you are using them when you’re

Compromised that’s tends to be when they help you so astralagus is something that I don’t take regularly I take it during the winter time again when there’s lots of things floating around I tax my body very hard so all these different things I’m talking about and I still have more

In the performance category are things that I cycle in and out so people think oh Thomas you must take like $500 or the supplements every month no it’s it’s maybe 100 bucks if you include the protein powder like it’s not that much like in total amount that I take each

Month anyhow moving into the performance category one that I take that is dirt cheap that you probably know I’m going to talk about is torine I’ll take anywhere from three G to six gram of torine I’ll take that pre-workout sometimes I’ll take it post-workout all different places that I’ll take it but

It is definitely something that allows me to push it harder it’s a very massive like reactive oxygen species neutralizer so it oxidize or neutralizes oxidative stress very well so much so that you can literally feel it while you’re training okay you can feel a big difference there

So it’s very good for that delayed onset muscle soreness notice a big impact there but I also notice that I can push that time to exhaustion a lot more so if I’m pushing it hard I will increase the torn even more uh beta alanine is something that I’ll take not super

Regularly but if I’m going to be doing like a metcon style workout where I’m in that range where I’m really getting that lactic acid burn or that that that feeling there that hydrogen ion buildup like if I’m in that range if I’m going for just brute strength I won’t bother

Taking it if I’m doing endurance work I won’t bother taking it so I’ll usually take it like one to two days per week on my larger CrossFit style days another one that’s kind of in that same category along with that is riola Rola Rosa which I can take along with beta alanine I

Actually have used even Lane Norton’s pre-workout before that has both of those in there that feels really good same kind of category there like it’s an adaptogen that helps on the performance side alpha lipoic acid that’s another one that I take if I’m increasing my endurance work so if I’m doing a lot

More running or I’m doing a lot more cycling a lot more like cardio metabolic stuff the alphalipoic acid is something I’ll take like 600 milligrams after longer workouts and only then I don’t take it daily I just take it after those longer workouts and it seems to help

Reduce the soreness and it boosts my HRV quite a bit so my heart rate variability increases quite a bit I feel really good the next day and a noticeable difference if I don’t take it and then lastly from a performance side of things I’ll take colostrum and usually the brand that I

Take is Arma because it actually has the biop potent technology where it stays and it keeps the actual compounds active versus heating it and denaturing it the jury is still out on a lot of colostrum stuff but personally I’ve noticed like anecdotally that I feel really good when

I take it but I also only take it when I’m pushing the boundaries a little bit more I don’t take it necessarily every single day but I know notice a difference in my recovery when I do take it so that’s all I could think of right

Now that I have in my actual cabinets I’m sure there’s more that come in and out like nicomide mononucleotide I’ll take now and then for spurts currently I’m not but I’ll probably go back on it in like February or March bottom line is things are always changing and that’s

Why I do these updated videos so as always I’ll see you tomorrow