The 5 Worst Nutrient Deficiencies in the US

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Top 5 Nutrient Deficiencies in the US

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 – Intro
0:37 – B12
2:00 – Iron
5:20 – 30% Off Your First Order AND a Free Gift Worth up to $60!
6:20 – Sodium
7:17 – Choline
8:58 – Vitamin C

There’s people that get fatigued in the morning and there’s people that get fatigued in the afternoon I tend to fall into the afternoon category and a lot of times it’s we want to look at this like big picture like why are we fatigued what’s going on but a lot of times it is

Something relatively short term like it it explains why some days we’re fatigued and some days we’re not even if there’s not a lot of other variables a lack of specific nutrients can make you feel fatigued really fast okay A lot of times we look at things big picture and we’re

Like why am I getting fatigued it’s this going on it’s that going on but sometimes it’s really granular and simple to change with the diet let’s jump into the first one right at the gate it’s one that’s talked about a lot so I hate even talking about it but it’s

B12 the reason I mentioned B12 is because it’s the lowest hanging fruit if you have an issue with fatigue and adding in B12 fixes it problem solved and it’s just such lwh hanging fruit because it just is so unbelievably common I would be doing a disservice to not mention it now it’s exceptionally

Important if if you’re someone that eats carbohydrates it’s less important for people that maybe don’t eat as many carbs because B12 is extra critical when it comes down to carb metabolism but by and large it’s a water soluble vitamin that gets depleted really quick so it’s one of those things

Where you can be deficient within a couple of days and feel the impact it’s something that you can course correct and pretty much feel the positive impact almost immediately so it’s involved in red blood cell formation so basically without B12 you lack the amino acid for form that prevents the DNA synthesis

Which ultimately leads to red blood cell apoptosis where the red blood cells can die and they don’t form well which means then your hemoglobin goes down and you don’t get oxygen to the cells but again it’s water soluble you can fix it quick my favorite source is salmon people

Don’t talk about salmon as a B12 Source but it’s a huge one okay eggs another huge one my personal favorite nutritional yeast because I can add on anything and it’s super rich in B12 this next one has a huge caveat so please please please please do not skip over it

When I mentioned that it’s iron that would be cliche that would be such a simple General thing to say oh you need iron the bottom line is that yeah iron is super super super important for hemoglobin for oxygen transport without iron we can’t build hemoglobin okay and

There’s studies to back it up there’s a study that was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal took a look at women that were low in iron and they gave them either an iron supplement or a placebo supplement and it found that they had about a 47% Improvement in

Fatigue with the iron supplement but they also had a 28.8% improvement with the placebo so that raises some red flags for me I’m like well clearly the placebo effect was powerful because even the people that received the placebo pill had improvements in fatigue that’s what makes fatigue really hard to

Address because a lot of it is so subjective and starts up here now here’s what frustrates me about iron everyone is so quick to say oh you’re anemic you need iron sometimes adding iron to the mix is the last thing you want to do I I am not someone that thinks we should

Willy-nilly be taking iron supplements because I am a firm believer that the symptoms of anemia are not just a result of anemia they’re a result of iron that is there present but not performing its tasks the way that it should remember iron takes up a lot of oxygen it’s very

Oxidative so when we have a lot of iron floating around it steals oxygen from other components so extra iron can cause a big problem too here’s what’s important copper actually manages iron copper is like the person riding the horse of iron okay without copper iron is going to go

Do everything that it wants to do and it’s going to steal oxygen from everything and it’s going to come the iron show it’s a very narcissistic mineral so copper controls the iron levels within our body but it also controls the oxygen uptake of iron so it’s like iron hey you shouldn’t be

Taking that oxygen that belongs to Bob give it back it also helps convert the feric state of iron into the feris State okay so a lot of times if you see that your blood levels of iron are low it doesn’t mean that you need more iron it

Might mean that you need more copper to unlock the feric state iron into the feris available state of iron so the symptoms of anemia can be purely literally being anemic and not having enough iron or it can be Iron not doing its job properly so to quickly just add

More iron into a situation where there’s not enough copper to do the job in the first place just sends you further down this whole Rabbit Hole of problems now so what I really recommend with this is not to say okay let’s start with copper it’s get your iron from bioavailable

Sources I’m not saying don’t eat more iron I’m saying eat the red meat that has the iron in it eat the pumpkin seeds eat the dark chocolate of course without the sugar the things that have the natural amounts of iron in it that are going to come with the stabilizing

Minerals as well okay so try to balance out your diet with that don’t add iron supplementation in honestly if you’re really questioning it you’re not vegan you’re not vegetarian try adding a little bit of red meat each day and see if that improves I know it sounds crazy

And probably goes against the grain of a lot of people’s thoughts but it might improve even just having a little bit of like beef jerky or like a Chomp stick or like a beef stick could be enough to just get you where you need to go and

Give you the supporting minerals as well I put a link down below for Thrive Market where you can get Chomp sticks you can get a ton of different beef jerkies samon jerkies all kinds of things whatever you want it’s an online grocery store that’s a 30% off discount

Link defin recommend you check them out so you can sort by diet type but you can sort by like beef sticks you can sort by Meat snacks so any kind of thing where like I need to get my red meat intake up or I need to get my meat intake up to

Kind of get these vitamins up but I don’t necessarily want to just go get a burger I need something on the go they’ve got so many options but that link saves you 30% off your whole grocery order so get that stuff get some other snacks but they also have like

Meat and seafood like frozen meat and seafood so you could literally do pretty much your whole grocery shopping with the exception of produce through Thrive market and save 30% off with that link plus you get a $50 free gift they’ve been on my channel for a long time I

Know I tout them a lot but I’m telling you for ease convenience and cost it just makes sense that link is down below first line in the description this next one is super simple and it’s probably the next lowest hanging fruit next to B12 okay it’s going to be sodium when

People get fatigued they just start thinking everything else Under the Sun but they forget that salt is so important we are electrical creatures we have an electrical system and that is required for the electrical impulses that make our body move so our body is dictated our movement is dictated by

These Rises and falls in voltage and with sodium being low you’re going to draw so much extra water into a cell that you’re going to end up having this like cattywampus state of electrolytes where the voltage can’t really do what it’s supposed to do so you’re not

Getting the single that’s a quick thing to fix a little electrolyte packet here maybe a little bit salt in your water have you ever noticed those situations where you’re really tired you have a little bit of salt and you’re like whoo I feel good again so it’s not like

Something is inherently wrong with you these are just things that are devoid in a lot of our natural food not saying salt is not around there’s a lot of salt in food but these other things I’m talking about moving on to the next one choline now choline there’s a lot of

Speculation surrounding choline choline is one of these things that really does help with uh like neurotransmitter function and just nerve function in the first place we produce sort of a choline in the body that helps produce acetyl choline it’s called phosphole choline it’s produced in the liver but we don’t

Produce that much the rest we have to get from the diet so when we eat things like eggs that are rich in Coline or we eat things like beef liver yep liver Kings right about that one thing we get a lot of choline but what happens is the

Enzymes in our gut when they go to break the food down they extricate that dietary choline so they extricate the free choline and that free Chine circulates in the bloodstream and can Prov provide a pretty immediate fuel source and what is not an immediate fuel source should say literal fuel but

Potential fuel helper the rest can go to the liver and get stored so we even store some of that Coline in the liver for later this is really interesting because research is starting to show that choline can actually help fat transport out of the liver so fats

Coming out of the liver being able to help us have more fuel to use fat to use as fuel but there’s even some preliminary evidence that it might be good for a fatty liver might help sort of get some of that fat out of the liver hugely important but then it’s also

Utilized by our nerve cells and when we exercise and move our muscles our muscles produce this acetylcholine which sort of acts as a neurotransmitter to help the nerves do their job properly contract the muscle so the more active you are the more you’ll deplete choline because you don’t have the makings to

Produce it that fast so eggs and liver just try adding that in literally if you want the Coline breakfast have a little bit of chopped liver in your eggs because you either like liver or you hate liver next one is one that we think of as only something that’s good for

Inflammation or the immune system that’s vitamin C but there’s a study that’s published in the nutrition Journal it took a look at a rather large sample size 141 people gave them 10 gr of IV vitamin C or Placebo IV okay those that got the vitamin C saw a tremendous

Improvement in their fatigue why is this the case well it happens that vitamin C is very much so required for beta oxidation it’s required for the formation and the creation of what is called carnitine carnitine is a transport vehicle that takes fat into the mitochondria if you’re deficient in

Carnitine fat doesn’t get into the PowerHouse of the cell and you don’t process fat so vitamin C you could make a leap and say potentially helps support fat utilization too this all has to do with the dioxygenase enzyme that actually creates carnitine so vitamin C is involved in this enzymatic process

And if vitamin C is not around or is low and again it’s water soluble so it’s easy to become quickly deficient in the interim then yeah you can notice that and a Bolis of vitamin C whether from an IV injection or from food or from even like supplementation form might actually

Provide you that extra little kick that you need to improve fatty acid metabolism fatty acid oxidation so very very interesting so just to recap First Step try B12 try getting B12 in try it with supplements but more importantly try it with food next step simple low hanging fruit sodium okay if the B12

Doesn’t help try the sodium and then the next step after that is going to be try to mess around with the iron containing foods okay like a little bit more meat a little bit more red meat maybe a little bit more pumpkin seeds dark chocolate that’s unsweeten things like that then

The next step after that is going to be choline because that’s be an easy thing to add in with your diet don’t go supplement form go diet and lastly maybe supplement with like three or four grams of vitamin C do a decent amount and see if it actually moves the needle I’ll see

You tomorrow