Best supplements I used to build muscle x2 faster (science applied)

Best supplements I used to build muscle x2 faster (science applied)

Although supplements are no the end all be all when it comes to building muscle they do play a big role if you find yourself not being able to grow past your current stagnation in as far as muscle growth is concerned.

Well today is your lucky day because In this video ill be covering all the supplements i used myself during the early stages of my training that helped me build muscle faster and actually escape plateau. ill be sharing each and every one of them, how they work and the scientific evidence to actually back this up.

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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
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Song: Trinity
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A couple of years ago during the early stages of my 10 years of training I reached a plateau and at this point I realized that the problem wasn’t actually with my training but my nutrition so in turn I did what anyone would do at this point and asked the

Salesman at the supplements aisle to help me find every supplement that will help me build more muscle so he then in turn sold me every supplement in the store at this point I became even more confused but after an extensive research I found all the supplements that helped

Me move from this to this and in today’s video I’ll be sharing all of them with you including how they work why they work and all the scientific data to back this up now it’s important however to keep in mind that supplements should not be the foundation of your nutrition in fact the

Foundation of your nutrition should be from food sources supplements are just there to help you boost your nutrition so that it’s easier for you to reach certain targets when it comes to your diet that are required for you to be able to build more muscle n which brings

Me to the first supplement and that is creatin this is one of the most studied supplements since a very long time and has constantly proven to be very efficient so if you’re looking for something that will help you build more strength thus in turn building more muscle mass since strength and muscle

Size are directly correlated then creatine is your best friend an affordable one now here’s why your muscle fibers contain what we call ATP stores and these are energy stores that help your muscle be able to lift weight so when you go into a training session you deplete these ATP stores and that’s

When you begin to notice your reps becoming harder and shorter within each and every set now a study from the science of Sports and Medicine took two groups one group was training with creatine and the other group was a placebo group now the results found that the group that was training with

Creatine had more strength and three times more muscle mess than the placebo group now a metaanalysis further confirmed this by r viewing 22 studies and found that indeed creatine does increase performance and strength ultimately leading to muscle growth now why is that well simply put when you take creatine you regenerate ATP stores

This is the same reason why when you taking creatine Progressive overload or the process of adding more weight to your training becomes faster ultimately leading to more muscle growth even quicker now how to consume Creatine well the fastest way to get creatine fully absorbed to within your body is to take

It using a loading phase now this is where you take creatine about 20 G per day split four times per day for the next 7 days this is the process that will get weting fully absorbed within your body faster than taking in 5 G per day from day one now next supplement is

Whey protein now in order for your muscles to grow you need amino acids because these are the exact same things that trigger muscle protein synthesis and whey protein contains high levels of Lucine which is one of the most important amino acid amongst the three branched amino acids also known as the

BCAA now Lucine triggers protein synthesis and the higher the levels of Lucine the higher the rate of protein synthesis and because of this when you supplement with way protein you’re able to build more muscle and recover quicker than someone taking protein from food sources alone because remember there are

High levels of Lucine and with other sources of protein since whe protein contains higher levels of Luc compared to other protein sources now here are two studies that further emphasize the effects of whe protein on muscle growth now one meta analysis clearly showing that taking in protein was associated

With 33% more strength gain and 38% more muscle mass gain and the other study showing that a group of individuals that had 1.2 G per pound of body weight of protein had faster muscle gains now this is due to the fact that these bodily environments because of protein intake

Boosts protein synthesis now does this mean that you cannot boost protein synthesis from protein that is actually from food sources alone well absolutely not you can induce protein synthesis without having to rely on supplementation as a source of protein as long as you meeting successfully your daily requirements and as much as

Protein intake according to your diet but keep in mind that for some of you trying to reach a protein intake Target according to your diet might be difficult because of maybe multiple factors due to the fact that you’re extremely busy or maybe you’re struggling with appetite therefore in

This case it makes more sense to supplement with protein than relying on food sources alone now the best way to take protein powder is post workout because this is proven to be more favorable when it comes to protein synthesis now the goal here is to

Consume at least 1 G per pound of body weight now the next supplement vitamin D now your muscles contain vitamin D receptors so meaning the higher the vitamin D levels within your body the higher your performance and strength during training as shown by this study and also proven by this metaanalysis

Vitamin D also helps with the preservation of muscle mass now the study of Reena nutrition where sedentary individuals were examined to see the effects of vitamin D on muscle mass these are people that had little to no heavy trading Now 49 people took vitamin D and 30 people did not take vitamin D

The results showed that the group that was taking vitamin D was able to preserve their thigh muscle mass compared to the group that was not taking in vitamin D and again the group that was taking in vitamin D was able to show more strength compared to the other

Group across all other strength measures that again vitamin D also leads to muscle protein synthesis which ultimately leads to more muscle glow next supplement on the list is PA one of the main ingredients Within your preworkouts now although caffeine does not directly contribute to muscle adaptation it does however contribute to

Erogenic effects which ultimately leads to more muscle hypertrophy and more strength gain well at least according to the study this is due to the fact that inducing caffeine before your workout Alters our pain threshold and perception of how hard a workout session is meaning we’ll be able to push harder and have

More endurance about 2 to three reps extra slightly giving us more total training volume according to the study for instance this is a study that clearly shows an increase in reps formed of about 20% due to caffeine ingestion and another study shows an increase in effort when it comes to bench press

Exercises in as far as pushing to failure is concerned and again pain tolerance is concerned due to caffeine ingestion which as common sense would have it leading to an increase incre training volume there’s an increase in muscle hypertrophy and that’s how all of this put together leads to an increase

In muscle mass even though the effects of cing ingestion prior workout are clearly evident on lower body exercises than upper body exercises due to the drive and intensity that is required on these particular exercises that’s why so many people want to skip black day however according to the study if you

Are a habitual user of caffeine that then might experience reduced echogenic effects but this can be offset however by consuming a dosage that’s greater than your regular caffeine dosage prior your workout best practice to take caffeine would be to increase from 1 to 3 mg per day and then work your way up

From there next supplement beta alanine Now Beta alanine is an amino acid that increases muscle carnosine levels and you might be wondering well what’s that well simply put when you go into training you get a build up of hydrogen ions which are the acids that build up

In the body this is where you start to feel the burn during your training now carnosine however acts as a buffer or more like a temporary delay to the buildup of these Assets in order to help you get an extra two to three reps before finally giving into the burn now

This is primarily evident when you’re training higher reps say 10 15 20 reps unlike when you’re training low reps with an RPM that gives you about three reps because that’s where ATP is involved now this obviously results in more total volume thus ultimately leading to more muscle hypotrophy so the

Way you would take this supplement is through a spread out dosage of about 2 G three times per day so say taking 2 G in the morning in the afternoon and at night now for a clearer step-by-step process on how to further build more muscle with protein then feel free to

Check this video out which also explains which protein powder is best and how to use it best to maximize muscle growth thanks for watching I’ll see you on the next video