Fitness DAWGS Parents’ Corner (week 229) – Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Fitness DAWGS with “Dr. Addie’s Tip of the Week” and “Getting Personal with Dr. Kim”. The Fitness DAWGS Parents’ Corner is designed to help you “Jump start your week to a healthier lifestyle for you and your child!”
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(We are not offering medical advice, please consult with your physician before trying anything on this video.)

Welcome to the fitness dogs parents corner where we jump start the week to a healthier lifestyle for you and your child I am Dr Addie and this is Dr add’s tip of the week so I’m sitting here on the swing as a reminder kids like to get

Outside they like to have fun they get on the swings they swing they do things but more importantly when you’re outside in the sun you are making your own vitamin D we talk about a lot how right now a lot of people have vitamin D deficiency because we don’t spend as

Much time outside anymore like we used to but if you get outside ooh we your body is making some vitamin D cuz that’s what it does with the Sun a lot of folks think you can only get vitamin D through dairy products and that is not true

Vitamin D is in so many different fruits and and vegetables as well as calcium actually a bowl of greens is loaded with calcium so this is the reminder get your vitamin D we don’t want your child or you to be deficient in vitamin D so soak

Up a little Sun get your vitamin D going and enjoy and remember guys diet and workout equals what it equals great success y’all have a good one bye-bye