2541: New Fitness Smart Watch Review, Kids Journaling Book, Vitamin D & Bacterial Vaginosis Resea…

Welcome back to this week’s #FridayReview ( where I can’t wait to share with you the best of the week!


I’m looking forward to reviewing:


• 30% off EquiLife Immunity Products

• Garmin Fenix 7 Watch  (product review)

• My 2023 Mindset Growth Journal (book review)

• Vitamin D & Bacterial Vaginosis (research)


For all the details tune into this week’s #CabralConcept ( 2541 – Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought!


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Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

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> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test (

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

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> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test (

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

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> Complete Food Sensitivity Test (

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

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> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test (

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

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The best way to help me spread our mission of true natural health is to pass on the good word, and I read and appreciate every review!

Thanks so much for tuning into Today’s Show before we get started I want to just share with you quickly this is winter at least over here in the United States Europe Etc and it is that time of the year where cold and flu season abounds that means that we are more

Susceptible to catching a cold a virus or whatever it may be when we travel or just in our everyday Affairs so what I want to share with you is exactly what I do besides my daily foundational protocol I keep my health where it needs to be even with me traveling on

Airplanes twice a month by simply taking some alkalizing vitamin C on a daily basis liquid vitamin D and the balanced zinc I use this every single day it’s simple to do it helps to boost a healthy immune system and I just add one additional product to that called the

Hist Pro you don’t need to use that product if you don’t have a history of allergies or mass Cell Activation Syndrome or mastocytosis or asthma or any of these histamine based issues like hives but for me since that’s a part of my genetics I use that every single day

It’s easy it’s one capsule at breakfast one at dinner one at lunch at one at dinner it’s up to you but what I wanted to do was simply share what I do to keep myself healthy I do the same for my family and use it in my practice and if

You’ve never used these products before if you’ve never participated in the immune immunity protocol head on over to Steven shop and you can take 30% off this week while supplies last to test it out on us again head on over take 30% off by going to Steven shop now enjoy the

Show Welcome to the cabal concept where board certified naturopath and Integrative Health practitioner Dr Steven cabal shares how he was diagnosed at the age of 17 with a life-altering illness and given no hope for Recovery it was only after studying and traveling all over the world did he discover how

To combine ancient ayurvedic healing practices with state-of-the-art naturopathic and functional medicine to fully rebalance the body and re-energize it with life it’s time to discover how to get well lose weight and finally feel alive again and now here’s your host Dr Steven Cabra welcome everyone thanks for

Joining me here today on our Friday review of the week here on the cabal concept today is episode 2541 you’re going to want to head on over to Steven 2541 for all of the takeaways plus we’re going to be going over the research studies of the day definitely want to

Tune into that a brand new product review I’ll be talking about this new smartwatch right here one of the reasons why I picked it up and I decided to use it over something like the Apple watch that I’ve used in the past we’ll be going over that plus a book review of

The week something that I bought both of my daughters to start the new year while you may if you have children or even for yourself check out this product and overall the company in general I have no affiliation with them whatsoever but I think they’re doing a lot of good in the

World and I like to share those companies with others so uh before we get started with all of those amazing things things that I love to use in my own life I want to get into our updates of the week today as this show is being

Published it is January 20th and to me it’s like wow we’re already flying through 3 weeks of the beginning of the New Year the 7day functional medicine detox uh for those who participated and started on January 9th uh Ended as of uh just this past Monday morning we’ll say

And uh for a lot of people they’re on to their second week so we’re still there to support congratulate cheer on anyone who’s doing the 21-day Function Medicine detox or all of the people that will be doing the S day anytime during the month of January and what I want to share with

You is that supporter is is always free we are literally always there for you my team and I and you can find that at cabals support grroup doom cabal support over 20,000 amazing people from all around the world that have gathered there organically no one forced them to nobody even promoted

It uh but they’re all there to basically ask questions get answers and also help support others there in the community so definitely check that out now it’s been a great start to the year it has definitely been my busiest start to the year uh I will be traveling uh let’s see

I’ll be traveling in just the next week or so and the travel season is started for me and so that’s also one of the reasons why I got this SWAT we’ll be talking about that but what I need to do is I need to make sure that I’m keeping

My body super healthy while I’m traveling twice a month for the next looking at my calendar right now six months I already have scheduled through June and then after that uh I hope to be in Maine hopefully and the travel will be over for at least a couple months but

Um that is my travel schedule I’m back you know all these everyone always said you know during the pandemic they’re like you know I realize that I really enjoy not traveling as much I enjoy staying home being with the family and and that’s absolutely true for me but

It’s funny you know after uh after we stopped being locked down and travel started back up again that uh there is something and that is just Irreplaceable of meeting people in person and so when I have the opportunity to do you know a big podcast interview or big speaking

Event which I’ll be doing once a month now I can look at my calendar right now uh through June and then sometimes I just have meetings Etc you know I’m going to take that opportunity and and I have a you know plan with my family that

I’m never gone for more than three total days uh and that’s it and so that is it so I’m looking forward to that but I’ll be taking my immune products that is for sure to make sure when I end up in event and I am speaking that I don’t have you

Know the sniffles or anything like that as well so uh that is the season that we’re in right now and also if you go on over to equal lifee you will find that we are giving you 30% off all immune based products in order to stock up yourself for yourself for your family

Your loved ones uh on subscriptions as well so definitely check that out um it’s all the products that I use myself the alkalizing vitamin C you’ll see the full spectrum vitamin C there you’ll see the balance zinc you’ll see the vitamin D and you’ll even see I asked my team to

Do this I asked them to add the his Pro so even though it’s is immune based because it helps with cyto kindes healthy levels of cyto kindes healthy levels of histamines um but it’s a product that I use every day um so I’m a huge advocate of the product I take two

Capsules every day and then during the uh spring season I end up taking two to six capsules every day just based on the amount of pollen in the air it’s a gamechanging product for me it’s one of my favorite products that I’ve ever formulated um and you didn’t hear it

Here first but you may have that you look for an even upgraded formula in a couple months but that product is uh one that I use right now literally to this day and I’ve been using it for I don’t even know it’s probably been like 7

Years or so so all of those are 30% off this week only while supplies last head on over to Steven shop stock up on all your immune Essentials your sinus support your vitamin C your vitamin D your his proo your zinc Etc all right check that out podcast recap of the week

This is again this was a big week for podcast recordings this is episode 253 seven is don’t hurt yourself in helping others so this was a this was a strong episode you know a lot of kind of mixed emotions whenever I do these mindset of motivation Mondays because it’s like I

Always want to tell people what I believe and what I’ve seen because we’ve worked with over a quarter of a million people and so I sometimes I have to share things that at first you know at first listen they seem maybe even counterproductive they maybe seem a

Little cold but I’m telling you right now if you sit with them for a little while if you go for a walk with the thought if you meditate on it you you’ll see where I’m coming from and then you’ll be able to hopefully integrate it into your own life so definitely check

That out but really really important as you’re setting your goals and you’re implementing your goals uh that you’re not harming yourself in the process and believe it or not a lot of people are subconsciously all right uh on Tuesday’s Show episode 2538 the anti-anxiety and depression nutrients so please do check

Out this show if you know anybody who suffers from low mood anxiety uh even p TSD depression um you’re going to want to check out I literally go with you uh walk you through if you want to watch this one on video the charts and the graphs and exactly what you need in

Order to produce the happy Feelgood neurotransmitter serotonin naturally and Gaba the natural anti-anxiety neurotransmitter all right episode 2539 we went over the five reasons not to go low carb this year please do check out that show so that you do not harm your metabolism in the long run and and then

Thursday’s show which was yesterday the Restless mind and ADHD diet this is clinical research taken from a previous Friday review study that I’ve been getting a lot of questions on and uh and I went through that I gave you a theory and hypothesis towards the end of the

Show of how to potentially even make it even better and if anyone ever wants to fund that study I would love to do that all right so that is that that’s our podcast recap of the week you can always find all previous podcasts all all 2541 of them at Steven SLP

Podcasts all right now product review of the week it is and I’ll take it off my wrist right here and I’ll show if you’re watching on video it’s again if you’re watching on YouTube we appreciate you we love your subscribes to the show feel free to leave a comment below let us

Know where you’re listening in from we and of course any uh recommendations for future shows but uh this watch right here really really interesting it’s called the Garmin Phoenix 7 so it’s their latest watch by Garmin I’ve known about it for quite a while uh

A friend and colleague Dr J Wilds I was chatting with him at the ihp live event he had one on I’m like what do you think you know should I make the jump should I get it I don’t want to wear my Apple watch anymore even though the Apple

Watch is fantastic don’t get me wrong the Apple watch is a very motivating uh tool and I can link up my review of the Apple watch at stepen 2541 today and but I stopped wearing it and I stopped wearing the Apple watch because I didn’t want the messages I didn’t want

The text I didn’t want the notifications I didn’t want any of those things and yes I would put it on um uh airplane mode and all that but then if I did that what I was left with was a okay watch at HRV an okay watch at you know blood

Pressure um a good very motivating watch though at steps and activity and like breath work per day so I love that it was a very motivating tool and I actually don’t think that anybody does it better right now than Apple watch to see those Rings close every day is

Phenomenal very motivating I actually I I I would wear the watch just for that if I needed that motivation to kind of get me into doing those things on a daily basis but if you are someone that wants to really track activity at a much greater level far more indepth for

Training and exercise and running and triathlons uh there’s no watch in the world that does it better than the Garmin Phoenix 7 this is a solar powered watch that only needs to be charged about once a week where the Apple watch needs to be charged every day so again

I’m not an affiliate for this watch I don’t um you know I don’t have any affiliation with the company but I bring you the best products that’s the truth and not everybody’s going to purchase this watch so don’t don’t get me wrong this was like a uh Christmas gift from

Me to me and it is an expensive watch it’s a probably around $800 but what this watch um also for me when I put it on my wrist to say okay I’m going to get my steps in every morning because I’ve been doing my morning walk so essentially what I do is

I actually do a call now with one or two team members starting at 8 A.M every morning I I talk to my team bright and early I get them up and I say let’s get on the phone let’s walk and talk and so it’s very healthy and so I talk for an

Hour on the phone typically a half hour for two different team members and in that time I’m getting around 4500 to 5,000 steps minimum and I can track that right on my watch so right now I’m at 5,071 uh steps and that’s just just from this morning’s walk and that was about

50 minutes so that makes sense it’s about a thousand steps every 10 minutes and so that’s now just sitting on my display and then it also tells me the time and the date it tells me the high and low for the temperature for today uh it tells me the sunset and sunrise for

The day it tells me heart rate at all times that’s one of the reasons why I really enjoy this watch too is I know how stressed or not stressed I am so for example I was wearing this on like New Year’s Eve and we were having all sorts

Of delicious cheap foods and I barely ever drink alcohol anymore like if I drink alcohol once a month now it’s a very special occasion um but I had a little bit on New Year’s Eve and you can see my resting heart rate while seated just relaxing was in like high 80s which

Is like 20 plus beats more than it is when I’m seated and so you can actually just see kind of like am I in a stressful environment or not in a stressful environment plus when I’m training when I’m doing my bike riding my biking I’ll be talking a lot more

About that in just another month or so uh it talks about that too so the thing is you can set your watch face for anything you’d like you can do it based on Triathlon training running weight training heart rate it takes your heart rate variability overnight I wish it did

It in real time but it doesn’t seem to I’m going to ask my buddy Jay again if uh if he knows how to take it real time but unless you just sit still press the button you know it’ll do that but I’m looking for one that’s there all the

Time the hanu device is a great device for that I’ll be I’ll be um going through a full review on that in just a couple of weeks so uh that’s that but I’m telling you right now if you’re into Athletics Fitness training and you’re looking for a step up from the Apple

Watch uh that does blood pressure that does oxygen overnight all those things and you even want to wear it fantastic so it’s the best wearable watch that I know of um and then yes I still do wear the aura and this is the best overnight sleep tracker that I know of so that’s

That I wore my um Garmin Phoenix hair to bed for like a week just to track the HRV versus the aura and it’s like I thought the further you get away from your heart the lower your HRV shows up so I just know that if I go from a chest

Strap to basically this Aura it’s like 50% of what it typically is and then if I’m on my watch um it’s like well maybe like uh 75% on on my wrist so again the further you get away the weaker the signal for your heart rate variability

And that’s fine but as long as you if you use the same device and you measure against the same device you’re going to be totally fine so do you need to wear multiple wearables like I do no you don’t need to but if you’re really you know into the high performance um Health

Thing and you’re you’re trying to push yourself to that next level and kind of keep yourself motivated for like what’s the next thing it is a great device so I’m going to link up the exact one I got I decided to go with the white blue sapphire one that’s what it’s called and

I’ll link it up at Steven 2541 along with all my other resources at Steven resources all right book review of the week and please do feel free to ask me if you have any questions on it all right so I I uh was excited this year my

Girls are8 and 10 years old and I’ve been talking talking to them about kind of goal setting just Loosely over the last couple years and visualization and being doing and and having anything that they want in life um and just also telling them though that there is going

To be work involved with whatever it is that you want to create in your life and so it starts the mind but then you actually have to create that in this three-dimensional reality that we’re in and so um when I saw I I bought them the big life journal before I’ve spoken of

That before I’ll link that up and I’ll even link up the product review at Steven 24 2541 um but they came up with a new a new goal planner and it’s called My 2023 journey and I’m sure they they do this every year this folder is not included

They just give you the digital PDF but what they do is they’ve designed a beautiful um it’s it’s how many pages about 40 pages or so yeah somewhere around 35 Pages or so but I I bought a couple of the bonuses as well the bonuses were like challenges book and

And all sorts of great things that come along with it and even though my daughters are eight and 10 years old I actually went with the older kids one like the the 10 years and up goal setting because I’ve been talking about these things for a while from them with

Them and the questions are just phrased differently for the older kids that’s all so they give you examples you’re actually able to go through it on video I’ll link up the exact one but this is my daughter’s right here and um I don’t want to give away all her private stuff

But um basically it says thank you 2022 in 22 I turned 8 years old and I love this age because I can finally and then it says I learned how to I practiced now I can this this is the year when I and then one happy memory from 2022 so

Basically you’re filling in all these things and what it does is it gets them and adults by the way we should be doing this as well so you can absolutely use this for adults um but it’s this it’s really great book and then it’s beautifully designed it says things I

Don’t want to bring from 2022 and so it’s five things that she doesn’t want to bring with her and so she’ll write down her five things which she did and if 20 if my 2022 was a and then just goes through like if it had a color it

Would be this if it had a mood it would be this if it had a song so it gets them to use their five senses really really nice uh in 2022 I was Greatful for a person an adventure an activity a new experience a new skill um and then

Gratitude and then looking ahead to 2023 and it goes through my current favorites books and songs and games and then uh it says what I think I am happiest when I am proud that I when I get angry or sad this is what makes me feel better what

Matters most of my life is I really hope that one unhelpful thought I have often and then she writes and this makes me so proud by the way when it when it she fills in all these great things and she writes in um one helpful thought I have

Often and she wrote ignore and so because I’ve taught her that as um repetitive thoughts because we all these thoughts in our head come into our head we say stop or ignore or whatever it might be now but I’ve also taught her at the same time that it’s there sometimes

To teach you something but we all know that we have these thoughts that are not serving us and so that that one may be proud um anyway so so it’s a it’s a great book and it says five reasons to be excited about 2023 three wishes I

Have for 2023 my crystal ball is things I want to learn places I want to go projects I want to work on uh really really nice so I’m not going to go through the whole thing but it sets up you know your goals what you’re doing and it’s just a great way

To instill these things in Children of any age and and I let them do it on their own um because I didn’t want to influence what they would write and I just said listen if uh if you want to show it to me when you’re done you’re

Welcome to if not this is your private journal and so uh again I’m just you know this is just one of those things I think back and I say to myself yes it takes work yes it’s something that we we we have to do we have to print we have

To put these things together but I made it a big thing I said hey let’s go to Walgreens or CVS let’s buy some binders let’s print these things out and um and the thing is you’ll never regret doing things like this you’ll literally as a parent never regret it even if it’s like

Awkward in the moment or it’s weird I’ve never done this before you’ll never regret it you’ll regret not doing it right so that’s why I try to do these things uh just to the best of my ability and and I’m always trying to be better that’s that’s the bottom line so I’ll

Link that up today I think they’re fantastic really love it love the company I was thinking about creating my own to be honest with you and this company just does such a great job so I’m like I don’t need to create one more thing let’s let’s uh give some kudos to this

Company all right research for the week uh this one you know this one was an interesting one because I get a lot of cabal house call questions on uh yeast infections gut based issues bacterial vaginosis r Ur reoccurring you know UTI Etc and I always talk about how the digestive system

Influences a woman’s vaginal bacteria so you have to understand that when you look at like the small intestine it’s meant to be it’s not sterile okay it’s not it’s actually full though of bacteria that is a much lower pH and so it keeps it more sterile it keeps it

Cleaner because the pH is a little bit more acidic and so it’s not going to allow as much to grow there and vaginal Flora should actually be a little bit more acidic and what happens is when vaginal FL becomes a little bit more alkaline like after sexual intercourse

Or um you know using antibacterial soaps or anything like that what can happen is you actually get a little bit more alkaline environment and it allows for bacterial vaginosis it can allow for yeast infections as well so U we work on gut based Health which shares a lot of

The bacteria with the vaginal Flora U but there are other factors as well and so one research I wanted to bring you which is I believe fronti journal and the synopsis that they gave and I’m going to of course link up the full research if you want to check it out but

Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of bacterial vaginosis especially during pregnancy as well so this is based on a metaanalysis of many uh observational based studies and it found it was uh most common in a change in um pregnancy but also keep in mind that the vaginal Flora also changes right the bacteria

Also changes during pregnancy very very important but a vitamin D deficiency increases that to a greater degree so when I’m talking about vitamin D for overall health that means literally the entire body we’re talking about gut balance we’re talking about uh cholesterol balance so lipids we’re talking about thyroid we’re talking

About uh digestion and we’re talking about bacterial vaginosis so really important um the again vitamin D should not be overlooked it’s like Omega-3s you cannot Overlook these two it’s just they’re simple to use but you just have to use the right type and the right uh

Dosage so for vitamin D most people need about 2,000 to 4,000 I use as adults per day I’m not going to go into the high mega dosage which I don’t recommend but uh easy to get vitamin D3 you want to look for that you want to take it with a

Meal you ideally want it in something like MCT oil but it’s very simple and the new labeling is typically 50 to 100 micrograms per day uh and then omega-3 is usually a 2:1 ratio of EPA to DHA in the back about a gram or two grams per

Day of of those Omega-3s but I just wanted to share that with you I think the research is important enough uh to be able to go through that but this is also one more thing that will help women uh who are having issues with whether it’s a urinary tract or yeast infection

Or bacterial vaginosis is to go beyond gut health although that is the number one place to look uh and then actually look at Vitamin D as well so simply wanted to share that with you um here today I had one more research study but

It’s going to be uh quite in depth as I go through it and so I am going to save it for next week I do want you to continue hopefully tuning in each and every week and the goal I believe with the cabal concept is to always be

Learning always be growing be the Perpetual student and really take this journey together I mean my goal is I read every day I’m literally reading every day if you could see my books I have a stack of books there’s probably nine books on my desk right now this is

My January reading and um but I’m also reading research each and every day and all I do is try to bring you just the studies that I believe are going to help the most amount of people but that actually have real world action behind it so I could bring you a study that

Said oh bacterial vaginosis seems to get worse in pregnancy or this that okay like but if there’s no action step what’s the point point so I’m not here to bring fair I’m not here to bring uh any worry about anything in particular but just the understanding that there’s

Always a reason why there’s always a reason why we’re not feeling well mentally physically emotionally Etc and if there’s always a reason why that means there’s something we can do about it so I truly believe that this year make this the year that you find the underlying root cause as to what is

Illing you let’s work on it together let’s get you well let’s rebalance that body so that you can enjoy the life you were meant to live take care everybody appreciate you tune in tomorrow for the first host call of the weekend answering our community questions all right take

Care every buddy thanks for tuning in to Today’s Show before you run just make sure you’ve checked out what is going on over at equal lifee this week we’re offering 30% off all of our immune support nutritional supplements these are the thirdparty tested FDA facility GM certified nutritional supplements

That so many people use from around the world because they work so what we do is we formulate products from a functional medicine perspective based on these science at the dosages that we know will get you and your loved ones the results you’re looking for for our immune-based

Products you’re going to be able to find our vitamin C products whether it’s alkalizing vitamin C for those digestive issues full spectrum vitamin C if you like vitamin C from Whole Food based varieties uh we’ve got zinc there we’ve got our balanced zinc which includes the

Perfect amount of zinc to C so that it’s also great for your mitochondria for your thyroid for your hair your skin your nails all those great things and we’ve also added other products this year such as hist Pro that is a product I use every single day and the reason I

Use it is that if you’re anyone who has to deal with hives or histamine issues or allergies or asthma or mastocytosis massal Activation Syndrome etc etc we are not giving any medical advice here but it is a product that that helps scientifically it’s shown in studies to better regulate healthy levels of

Histamines so this is a product that again that I use every single day I take one at breakfast and I take one at dinner as I need to during the springtime when there’s all sorts of pollen in the air I end up taking two three times a day but for the majority

Of year it’s simply two easy capsules every day I get vitamin C I get cortin I get stingy Nettles I get bromin all sorts of great products again scientifically proven to do what they say they’re to do but check out all the products this week they’re 30% off it’s

An amazing deal um you can get a subscription to save each and every month or save 30% one time if you choose to you can find all of those at Steven shop this week while supplies last again 30% off at Steven shop