MS News – Vitamin D Did Not Help MS | Pam Bartha

In this video, Pam Bartha discusses a new study that found that vitamin D supplementation at different doses did not reduce MS activity after the first MS attack.

Here is a link to Pam Bartha’s masterclass training:

About some new research that came out showing that vitamin D did not help multiple sclerosis it did not stop multiple sclerosis from getting worse especially in patients that were diagnosed with the initial first attack and hopefully diagn the vitamin D was supposed to help slow down or decrease

The percentage of people that would go on to develop multiple sclerosis but that’s not what the study showed and so we’re going to talk about this because it’s very important a lot of different practitioners they’re giving us Vitamin D supplements thinking that’s going to help us when we’re diagnosed with Ms or

Potentially could have MS and so the research this is different research this is a double blind Placebo controlled study and we don’t have a lot of those studies so it’s really important that we discuss this topic if we haven’t met my name is Pam bartha and I’m the author of become a

Wellness champion and the founder of live disease free I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis over 35 years ago and by the grace of God and a lot of work on my part I learned early on that multiple sclerosis was an infectious disease caused by parasites caused by a parasitic

Infestation and so now 35 years later we still really don’t know what causes Ms and there is no cure and we’re stuck our standard of care for treating Ms and other chronic diseases is gridlocked I would say and it’s awful because people are suffering terribly they’re missing

Out on so much in their life they’re dying prematurely and this could all be prevented if we would just open up the gates to let the research flow so one of the potential this goes back to the 1970s they felt that if we were deficient in vitamin D that that could

Be a risk factor for developing multiple sclerosis and since that time there have been a lot of different studies that have been published the problem is I’ll tell you about some of you know what they found and it sounds great but they’re very small studies they’re not done well they’re observational studies

So there’s no controls but still let’s look at both sides and let’s make a decision so um with the 1970s again it was believe that that vitamin D therapy would really help patients that have multiple sclerosis or I should say even prevent Ms or if they

Have MS it would help to slow down the progression of the disease and um there’s certain key questions that that we’re all trying to get to the bottom of number one does vitamin D prevent multiple sclerosis the second question is how does Vitamin D impact Ms activity so how active the

Disease is and the third question is can vitamin D supplementation decrease multiple sclerosis activity in Ms patients so let’s let’s look at a few different observational studies meaning that they didn’t control anything they were just watching and they just it’s kind of like an after Thea study so

Looking at pregnancy studies and what they with one con one study concluded was that Ms risk was 90% higher in The Offspring or the children of vitamin D deficient mothers compared with offspring of mothers that did not have a vitamin D deficiency so that’s important to note that people women that were

Deficient in vitamin D they they had a much higher incidents of offspring that had Ms 90% higher this data suggests that insufficient vitamin D levels during pregnancy may increase the risk of Ms we’re going to also talk about other things that could be giving us misleading information and make sure to

Let me know like did your neurologist did your doctor recommend that you really need to take vitamin D if you have MS or in maybe in different autoimmune disease and then another study children born with vitamin D levels less than 30 moles per liter seem to be at an

Especially high risk of developing Ms the additional benefits of higher levels that’s like 25 units was less pronounced so under 30 was def less than 30 was definitely seemed to be a higher risk for multiple sclerosis and then let’s look at Vitamin studies that looked at vitamin D and the amount of Ms

Activity so how active the disease is so for each doubling of serum so like looking at the amount of vitamin D we have in our blood for each doubling of serum vitamin D concentration from Baseline 102 2030 the MS relapse risk decreased by 27% so this was a different

Study uh so there’s a possibility that conditions associated with relap Ms relapse had an effect on serum vitamin D levels so again 27% decrease in Ms relapse rate with doubling the blood test result of vitamin D levels and then another study the authors concluded that raising vitamin D

Levels by 50 uh nanom per liter could decrease the hazard of a relapse by 50% so these are all different studies that I’m grabbing and I am creating a blog post on our website live diseas every week we have an amazing blog post you’ll get all my notes there make sure

To go to our website liveses make sure to opt in so that you get notified when I have new videos and also release new blog posts share this information with your doctor talk to them about it talk to other integrated practitioners talk with other groups and then also another study the authors

Concluded that individuals with relapsing remitting Multiple Sclerosis with higher vitamin D levels are at a much lower risk of the subsequent development of new lesions and of gatum enhancing lesions on brain MRI even after accounting for potential confounding factors another study despite the limitations of this small

Study so these are all different studies despite the limitations of this small sample size or small study these findings suggest that higher vitamin D levels in the relapsing remitting may slow neurod degeneration the next study lower vitamin D levels also correlated with lower odds of remaining uh of remaining relapsing remitting Multiple

Sclerosis uh greater disability and disease severity in Ms so lower vitamin D level so when your vitamin D levels are lower then you will have lower odds of it not becoming Progressive multiple sclerosis like it will more likely become Progressive multiple sclerosis also more disability and severity in

Ms and poor non-verbal long-term memory performance so there’s a lot of different studies over the years from the 1970s to now where they have like they’re seeing that people that have multiple sclerosis and they let’s say have a suboptimal vitamin D level that they don’t do as well right so but I guess

The big concern here is that is it the low vitamin D that’s causing the MS to be worse or is it whatever is causing multiple sclerosis is causing us to have low vitamin D that’s the question and that’s why all of these different studies that are not controlled they’re

Not giving some Placebo and they’re not making sure that the the people that are doing the study are blind that they don’t know who’s getting the vitamin D who’s getting the placebo they’re doing it over a long period of time they’re they’re controlling for a lot of factors

It may not be an exact science like one study never gives you the full truth but all the problem with all of these studies is that it’s like you don’t know like what came first the chicken or the egg is it the vitamin D low vitamin D

That was caused by something else that is just associated with Ms because it’s true that it’s associated with a lot of other diseases too low vitamin D so it’s not just an MS thing and we’ll we’ll kind of summarize at the end like the takeaway so let’s see where I ended up

Here so this this data or all of these different studies they are largely generated Again by observational studies that restrict the extent to which inverse associations which we talked about is it like something else is causing the low vitamin D and that’s just present in people that have MS and

That’s the problem with these studies so some of these experts were saying that to their knowledge that there had not been any large randomized Placebo controlled studies that would really kind of get us closer to an understanding if this is really helpful it’s important to talk about this

Because we’re stuck in this Paradigm of suppress the immune system the immune system has gone Haywire take vitamin D3 to help you know support your immune system and you’re good to go just take the disease modifying drugs and you’re good and we’re not happy with that

That’s not giving us our life back so this new study is called called vitamin D did not reduce multiple sclerosis disease activity after a clinical clinically isolated syndrome so the clinically isolated syndrome is when a person gets their first Ms attack they don’t know for sure if they’re going to

Develop Ms or not a lot of people do a few people don’t so they call it instead of giving a person an MS diagnosis they’ll say well we’ll call it clinically isolated syndrome we’ll watch you we’ll monitor you and we’ll see if this develops into multiple sclerosis so what they wanted to test

Was they wanted to test in this study this double blind Placebo controlled randomized study they wanted to look at you know oral giving people oral supplementation of vitamin D3 and to see if if if somebody had this clinically isolated syndrome and they had very specific recommendations of the

Participants but it and it was according to the McDonald’s 2010 criteria so if if somebody had that first attack and they gave them vitamin D3 supplements they wanted to know if it was going to help to decrease the number of people that would go on to having multiple

Sclerosis so they wanted to deceive if it would decrease the conversion of that first attack to a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis they also wanted to to they looked at different doses so they gave some of the participants a thousand international units and I believe 5,000 international units and 10,000 international units so different

Participants got different Doses and some people got a placebo so they got no vitamin D and the people that were taking or were recording the data they didn’t know if a participant got vitamin D or if they got a placebo the study was done for almost seven years between 2013 and about

2019 and they had about 204 participants so it’s not a huge study but they had a lot of criteria it was not um they wouldn’t just let anybody into the study it had to be specific people so they did conduct this double blind placebo controlled randomized

Trial this was done in Australia and New Zealand and the results were that there was no clear evidence that vitamin D supplementation um would be helpful as a disease modifying therapy because a lot of people actually use vitamin D therapy so there’s a a certain I don’t

Want to say the name but there’s a certain I think he’s a doctor who came came up with this um vitamin D therapy where people take very high doses of vitamin D and I personally wouldn’t do that I think that is toxic and from everyone I’ve talked to that has done that

Therapy or talking to practitioners that recommend that therapy it’s not a magic it’s not really a big help and we know why because it’s not treating the infections but so they found that you know for people that want to use vitamin D taking vitamin D3 and getting their

Vitamin D blood test results into the optimal range or or nice and high that it’s not helpful to like as a disease modifying drug it’s not going to be a a medication to help multiple sclerosis they also found that younger age um so people that are got diagnosed

With Ms or had the first attack when they were younger they had more different symptoms of Ms so not just like One symptom but multiple symptoms and they had specific lesions they were at greater risk of a relapse which makes sense right because if it’s infection

And if you have a lot more symptoms and so that means that your immune system is struggling a lot more and you’ve got a lot of lesions then you can definitely have more of a relapse they looked at latitudes so remember you know going farther away from the equator and

Cooler temperatures higher altitudes Etc that was associated with uh more of a probability of convers of of it converting to U multiple sclerosis so that first attack converting to Ms and changing the dosages so whether they gave the participants 1,000 5,000 or 10,000 international units it really didn’t help the

Conversion um like between the the first attack to Multiple Sclerosis so giving people more vitamin D3 did not help decrease the conversion of Ms into like real Ms so there’s conclusion is that they said this study does not support the use of oral vitamin D supplementation across the dosage range

Of 1,000 to 10,000 international units per day in vitamin d uh let’s see so in in student or sorry not students I’m working with students all the time so in so giving Ms patients that have had this clinically isolated syndrome to prevent them from developing multiple sclerosis so they found that it

Did not support giving people vitamin D supplementation so they’re not saying you shouldn’t take it they’re just saying there was no benefit that they could pick out in their data that they collected and they did also state that their the over 200 participants they didn’t just also select people that were

Deficient in vitamin D they were more interested in the lesions they were more interested in if they had this clinically isolated syndrome as per McDonald 2010 criteria so they weren’t so some of the people that were in the in the study had a vitamin D deficiency and

Some didn’t and they did not they did not make that as part of what they were looking at so do vitamin C supplements help this is my own personal opinion so this comes from myself recovering from multiple sclerosis this comes from working with hundreds of people that are

Diagnosed with Ms from all over the world many have recovered many are on the journey to Recover and it’s true that some people could have a deficiency in vitamin D in their blood test results absolutely just like they could have low blood iron they could have low thyroid so what we do in the live disease free plan is we just help our students to look at their basic

Blood work and support their adrenals their thyroid their iron and their vitamin D3 like or sorry the vitamin D in their they might have to take some vitamin D3 but we’re not believing that that is going to cure them it’s just supporting physiology so that your body

Is stronger that it can help in the fight and we know and if you can do some searching on this after if you want that there’s a really big link between people that have even brilia which is the bacteria that causes Lyme disease and they have lower vitamin D levels so the

Doctors that I’ve studied under they say that brilia really loves vitamin D and so like for example I was one child out of six children and we hung out together we were on the farm we played outside together we did a lot of the same things

And then I was the only one that came down with Ms so we were in the same environment we live in the same environment very similar habits same latitude or altitude you know geographically very similar diets I would say and why is it that I was diagnosed with MS and they weren’t right

Well number one one really big factor was that I was on Tetra cycling for months for acne I was the only one out of six children that was on that and that really devastates our ecosystem makes us susceptible to the parasites in our environment we lose our natural

Defense and I lost my natural defense and so then if we are let’s say we are exposed to brilia which pretty much all of of us are now then if you have a strong immune system if you have a strong microbiome and natural defense then the brilia and others are not going

To be a problem but if and it may not only be brilia but we know that brilia is really linked closely with low vitamin D so could it be that we have certain infections that make us deficient in certain nutrients like we know candida can make us deficient in Iron but so can

Worms and so there are certain microbes that can make us deficient in vitamin D and maybe it’s yes maybe we don’t get as much much sunshine in certain areas like we where we live in the winter we definitely get less but is that the the cause of multiple sclerosis is that the

Cause of why we develop Ms after the first attack the research is not showing that there and this was another study so this was one of the first studies that is actually a double blind Placebo controlled randomized trial where they they’re controlling a lot of factors so

That you’re able and it again you’d have to duplicate the study and you’d have to do more studies but who’s going to do a study on vitamin D right there’s no money in doing a study on vitamin D it would have to be literally you know people that are doing fundraising for

The MS Society and they would have to take the money and put it towards researchers that would study this further I personally don’t know that it’s really worth studying it anymore I personally just think because of the huge mountains and mountains of evidence that multiple sclerosis is an infectious

Disease I think we should take our dollars our research dollars and put them there I I think that we should understand that any nutrient that’s not optimal in our body we should bring it up we should definitely if we need to take some vitamin D in the winter that’s

Fine or if we’re not getting enough Sunshine obviously try to get sunshine sunshine is your best source but we know through all the work of like hundreds of studies linking lime disease also the MS Society is talking about how closely linked Ms and Lyme disease are and then different like

Protest like babesia or malaria all the research there Dr Ellen MacDonald finding the worms different universities talking about disbiosis meaning we’re really out of balance we have too many disease-causing microbes and not enough Health promoting microbes so we really don’t need to spend a lot more research

On this I personally don’t think I just think that we should should get some sunshine get some activity focus on trying you know get our fund research fund studies where they’re trying to identify could there always be you know one two or three common parasites in multiple sclerosis or in ALS or in

PLS right is it is it always different or could it be similar parasites and we’re seeing that definitely similar but we have found that it’s kind of like yes it’s always ferial worms and fun fungus for example or brilia the Lyme disease that it is multiple different parasites

We have to knock back bad bacteria protus worms and fungi we have to knock them all back but when you do that it changes your life like you’re you you’re dealing with this what you think is a mysterious illness that’s taking over your body but it’s just chronic silent parasitic

Infections and so I think that it’s time to lay this whole topic of vitamin D supplementation to rest I think that what’s more important is to look at our blood work and support our physiology in all different ways but then once you’re ready to treat I’ll just talk a real

Quick minute here about the live disease free plan what we do we number one we stop feeding the par parit so much we can’t starve them to death but we can definitely decrease the food to them that makes them less active we notice a lot of improvements in our symptoms the

Inflammation starts to go down getting down to closer to 30 total grams of carbs per day you can find the live disease free diet guidelines on our website live disease free under research you’ll find them there so follow the diet you’ll start to feel better if you

Get your carbs low enough in as little as one to two weeks it’s really exciting and it’s something that you can do right away you don’t have to think about it you can just go there you can print off the cheat sheet you can watch the three

Minute video for all the guidelines if you want to watch what I eat for breakfast lunch and supper just so you have better ideas but that’s it so stop feeding the infection so much they love carbs decrease the carbs support your body number one daily ball movements

Number to sleeping at least eight hours per night number three three decreasing things like mold and radiation in the environment other things are important too but those are the first two big factors that really can hold us back obviously we’re living in a time where there’s a lot of stress so stress

Obviously managing that is very important also so when we’ve done work through the checklist for healing and we’ve supported the body we have even more symptom improvements the more symptom improvements we have it’s so exciting like it’s just so shocking that we have students right now in our program that

Are having improvements in you know less numbness and less spasticity and getting being able to stand up just with diet and and supporting the body being able to stand up out of a scooter for the first time in years having MS for 31 years and not everyone gets quite that

You know like in three or four weeks gets that kind of symptom improvements but it’s just shocking we’ve had many people that do you still have to treat the parasites absolutely you still have to treat them but it’s so exciting when you can see that you’re on the right

Track you can go Pam is actually telling me the truth she actually knows what she’s talking about she’s not just giving me some more BS that we get all the time you know this supplement this diet that diet this is so confusing and it’s so hard to figure out what we’re

Supposed to do and what we’re not supposed to do so when you get results you know that you’re on the right track and then what you do is once you have supported the body and you’re feeling a lot better then we get energy tested to see which of the treatments test well

For us usually three to five parasite drugs we test well for and then it’s about how do I take these so that I’m not laying on the couch feeling like I’m dying right because when you start killing especially the bigger worms you can feel awful if you don’t do it in

Properly so that’s why we do the prep work that’s why we introduce the par say drugs slowly but we want to use effective doses if you don’t use an effective dose you’re not going to recover I was talking with a gentleman today from Europe he’s going to join us

He just he was doing a night shift he’s just going to bed and he’ll join tomorrow but he’s like I’m just taking this one parasite drug it’s a paste and I’m taking about a thumbnail and I’m just like oh my gosh don’t do that I

Have no idea like I I know by weight I don’t know what product that is but that’s never a good idea like what if you’re taking too much and you can hurt yourself what if you’re not taking enough and then the parasites become resistant in time and then this drug is

Not going to work for you so he’s not going to do that anymore and he’s actually going to follow a proven plan what if he doesn’t even need that treatment it did give him some symptom relief but he still has most of his symptoms but it gave him enough that he

Goes oh my gosh this is the direction I need to go and then he found us because we talk a lot about parasites so the key is that you want to use the right treatments you want to use them at the right dosages they’re not a magic cure

They’re not we use oxygen type therapies herbs and the parasite drugs after we have supported the body so that we’re feeling a lot better then we have the magic then things really start to come together I’m going to see if you guys have any questions for

Me all right so hello Facebook user hi tiffen eating your green leafy salad with olive oil and homemade mayonnaise that’s awesome make sure you have some animal protein there hi Bonnie hi George I’ve been taking vitamin D for over a year now should I stop taking it

Well I guess you can have your blood work done and see where your actual test result is if it’s below normal then you would take vitamin D but our student students would take you know a thousand or 2,000 international units we don’t recommend 5 to 10 to 20,000 or some of

These like the they’ll go up to 50,000 or higher and when you do that the vitamin D actually acts like a steroid and it’s more like an immunosuppressive so whenever we take high doses of any kind of vitamins or nutrients and again it’s just not natural then they

Act almost like a medicine and then they’re going to have adverse effects so you know if you need it like we’re in Canada here and I get very little sunshine we’ve actually had Sunshine for the last three days it’s so exciting to have Sun back again I just am a sun

Lover I just love Sun but you know this is where you know a basic blood test can tell you where you’re at and you definitely want to be in the optimal range but not because it’s going to have a major impact on multiple sclerosis it just it’s your body needs nutrition

Right so you want to make sure all your nutrients and that’s why we take a plant sourced multivitamin mineral especially in the winter when we’re eating produce that doesn’t have a lot of flavor it then it is very deficient in nutrients so again it’s not that the vitamin D is

Don’t expect miracles from it when you’re taking it but we do want to optimize all of the nutrition because because that helps our body to run properly it helps our body to function so George you have relapsing remitting Multiple Sclerosis and Katherine um what is the

Optimal level of vitamin D in your blood well it depends on what country you live in what blood test you’re having done but just make sure that there’s always like a normal range and you want it to be on the high end of the normal range

Like just in the normal range but above the average and that should be good and again whenever you can try to get sunshine sunshine is your best source of vitamin D absolutely hi Louise it should also be noted that vitamin D3 supplementation should be taken with vitamin yeah vitamin K2

Vitamin D3 is really a hormone it Mo mobilizes calcium in the body so when you do take vitamin D3 um like usually we are taking it with our meals than you should be getting K2 like with us because we’re eating a lot of leafy greens a lot of

Vegetables um same thing with calcium when you’re taking calcium you want to take some other things with it and um goddess 110 I you recently took doxy cycling antibiotics and you felt better in your legs spti so you definitely think infections are the cause they are absolutely the

Cause but doxy cycling we have not found will cure you it’s not we don’t find that antibiotics are the answer and people that have taken antibiotics for months for trying to treat chronic infections they still become disabled that’s been our experience that’s not us recommending it is just I follow all

Kinds of different people and I just wanted to mention to that with this study we always look at the con conflicting or competing interests so there’s at the end of this study there are a lot of uh different groups that would be listed here as conflicting

Interests and so uh novaris MC uh Ro and uh let’s see uh genzyme Biogen a lot of pharmaceutical companies so you know the I think what we have to look at is number one we look at all of the previous research they have never been able to conclude that taking vitamin

That supplementing with vitamin D has really made a big difference that they’ve proven that you know that that was what caused the huge difference and then this double blind Placebo control study is showing that they cannot say that it is going to stop Ms from developing and again just putting it in perspective

It’s like sure if you’re deficient in any vitamin you need to bring that up try to get not try but get plant sourced vitamins so D3 not other vitamins D’s but vitamin D3 is important but just understand that you’re just doing things to support your body to function but

It’s not going to get rid of the cause and the cause is parasites and so if this is the first time that you’ve listened to my video and you’re like what parasites then make sure to number one watch some of my other videos and it’s not just the science so we’ve got

Lots of amazing videos on YouTube but also Al on Rumble Rumble is like YouTube but it’s not censored so I can put videos up there that I can talk about things that won’t get censored also check out our website we have a Blog and the blog posts they talk about very

Important topics you can pick your topic you can scan the notes really quickly or you can listen to the shortened videos and we talk about all these different types of topics if you get to the place where you’re like I know that I have parasites just like the gentleman I was talking to

You today and I am ready I’m I’m ready to treat I want to treat parasites but I need a plan I don’t have a practitioner that can help me make sure to reach out to us and watch my master class training because there you are going to learn all

The steps we take this is a proven plan there are thousands of people that have followed it it works so you got to First support the body treat the parasites over multiple Cycles until you’re completely symptom free and then continue you building a healthy lifestyle all of those things are

Important but it’s a skill that you need to have for the rest of your life you really need it for the days that were come that are coming up here we’re going into some very very interesting challenging times good will prevail I know that for sure but it could get

Pretty rough and you want you need your health you really need your health and I believe it may get a little diffic more difficult to get help in the near future but what you want to do is you want to you start living your life you want to start implementing and treating these

Parasites and doing the things you love to do again so make sure to watch my masterclass training it gives you all the steps if you need support then fill out the form and watch the coach Aon and book a time to chat with me you can get

Started right away to make sure it’s a good fit for you and I would be honored to support you your health is very very important to me so with that I’m going to let you guys go please like share and subscribe if you appreciate all this information that I research and bring to

Your attention and we will talk to you next week take care byebye for now