5 Vitamins To CLEAR Your BRAIN FOG

The Top 5 Vitamins For Brain Fog.

Many people suffer from brain fog, where they find it hard to concentrate, focus or form new memories. This can be caused by a variety of issues such as nutritional deficiencies, high blood sugar levels or stress.

There are some very simple supplements for brain fog and nutritional remedies that can be used to improve neural connections and brain cell count. In this video we explore the top 5 vitamins to clear brain fog including choline, vitamin B1, magnesium, krill oil and lions mane.

These have been carefully selected to help improve blood flow to the brain, boost acetylcholine and energy production in the mitochondria for improved brain function, thinking and mental clarity.

Some recommended supplements for brain fog:
🌿 Choline:
🌿 Nutritional Yeast (Vitamin B1):
🌿 Magnesium Threonate:
🌿 Krill Oil:
🌿 Lion’s Mane:


⏰ 00:00 – Intro, brain fog
⏰ 00:10 – Vitamins to clear brain fog
⏰ 06:53 – Other ways to clear brain fog

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#brainfog #brainhealth #cognitivefunction


Graphics Credits:,, Hannah Taylor

🐝 Making life enhancing videos is extremely important to me. I love sharing useful knowledge with you. Please let me know if there are any natural remedies or topics you wish for me to research. See my other videos on healthy foods for more info.

πŸ’š I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.

Ryan Taylor BSc (Hons) Bio:
Ryan Taylor is a is a self-taught nutritionist from the United Kingdom. After graduating in 2015 and obtaining his degree in Computing Science, he discovered his passion for biology and physiology, and pivoted into the field of nutrition. Since then he has produced over 1000 educational videos covering various topics related to “the science of life”, with the continued intention of both sharing and gaining a greater understanding of the human body.

Disclaimer: The materials and information contained on Ryan Taylor’s channel are provided for general informational purposes only and therefore are no substitute for informed medical advice or treatment. Please consult a medical doctor to seek treatment for any illnesses or medical concerns you may have.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps to support the channel so that I may invest more time in making informative videos.

Five vitamins and natural supplements to clear your brain fog this video is for educational purposes only so do speak with your doctor if you have any medical issues one choline if you’re becoming forgetful you can’t seem to concentrate or Focus or you feel like there’s a

Thick Cloud over your mind you may not have enough of an important brain chemical called acetyl choline you can boost your acetyl choline by taking 250 mg of CDP choline twice per day one in the morning and one in the early afternoon this supplement helps to improve the connections between your

Brain cells for better memory learning concentration alertness and motivation you can also get more choline by eating pastur raised egg yolks organ Meats fish and blueberries two vitamin B1 vitamin B1 is essential to make energy inside the nerves and the neurons of your brain it’s very important because it helps

Your cells to metabolize glucose which is blood sugar to make energy so that you can feel energized awake and alert however if you feel tired and fatigued often find yourself waking up in the early hours of the night or you feel anxious or Restless you may need to

Start loading up on vitamin B1 you can do this by simply eating two to 3 tablespoons of unfortified nutritional yeast each day or you could take a supplement containing 50 migam of alamine daily it’s important that I note sugar alcohol and refined carbohydrates can all deplete your vitamin B1 levels

So you may need to cut back on these junk foods and start eating more whole foods that are rich in vitamin B1 such as sunflower seeds organic pork wild salmon and flax seeds nutrient number three is magnesium your brain uses lots of magnesium to form new connections

Between brain cells so that you can think clearly and calmly if you find it hard to focus learn or retain your memories consider taking a daily capsule containing 1,000 mg of magnesium l38 this is one of the best supplements to help calm down overexcited nerve impulses if you have anxiety or stress magnesium

Is also found at the central molecule of chlorophyll that’s the green pigment found in plants so you can also simply boost your magnesium intake by eating more leafy green vegetables and salads each day in addition magnesium can also strengthen the bloodb brain barrier protecting your brain from other harmful

Toxins that come from the blood if you’re finding this information helpful please hit the like button subscribe and turn all notifications on so that I can keep you updated with the latest health and nutrition tips number four is krill oil if you’ve been stressed for a long

Time or have eaten a lot of junk food like sugary snacks bread or Foods fried in vegetable oil parts of your brain might start to get smaller especially in areas like the hippocampus which handles memory and figuring things out and that’s where krill oil can be very very

Helpful Antarctic krill oil has a rich red color which comes from aaz zanthin one of the most powerful antioxidants known to man which has 6,000 times the power of vitamin C this is one of the few antioxidants that can actually cross the bloodb brain barrier in order to heal your brain improving memory

Cognition attention and information processing you can take up to 2,000 mg of Antarctic krill oil in a gel capsule every day it’s also excellent for protecting your heart and arteries as it contains DHA and EPA as a short side note here please be aware that you don’t

Have to take all of these supplements at once to clear your brain fog I’d recommend trying out one or two of them for 1 to 2 weeks and see how they affect your thinking and your mood where possible try to get the nutrients from food sources and cut back on the things

That impair your brain function like sugar vegetable oils alcohol smoking and stress with that being said let’s move on to number five smart mushrooms also known as lion’s man Lion’s man is a mushroom that’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to improve overall health this is

Actually one of the best neut Tropic supplements nowadays for clearing up brain fog and improving your ability to think clearly Lion’s man contains natural plant chemicals which can boost something that’s called nerve growth factor essentially this actively helps to repair damaged brain cells and regrow new healthy nerves studies are showing

Us that this supplement can improve memory cognitive function recall and mood and being an adaptogen it also helps your body and your brain adapt to stress easing anxiety and depression naturally a standard dosage would be around 500 mg of lion’s man which is a 10:1 extract twice per day you can take

It once in the morning and again at noon and as a bonus supplement you may also consider probiotics the gut brain axis is a nerve connection between your gut and your brain for a healthy brain you need to have have a healthy gut filled with friendly bacteria and other

Microbes getting more probiotics and prebiotics in your diet can help to boost the amount of diversity of the friendly microbes that live in your gut and this helps to make more brain chemicals like dopamine serotonin melatonin and acetylcholine start eating fermented foods like sauerkraut kimchi pickles kefa and Kombucha tea to improve your

Gut and brain health alternatively you could take a probiotic supplement which contains at least 100 billion Colony forming units a day but please make sure that there are lots of different strains of microbes on the ingredients list as you want good diversity you can also boost your friendly bacteria by eating

Wild cultures from raw fruits salads and vegetables other ways to clear brain fog regular aerobic exercise can improve improve blood flow and oxygen to the brain helping to boost a chemical called bdnf this increases the number of brain cells and helps to protect your brain against Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Fasting eating all of your daily calories in an 8-hour window and drinking water only in the remaining hours of the day improves insulin sensitivity helping the energy factories in your brain called the mitochondria to make more energy so that you can think more clearly protein and fat eat two to

Four pastured Eggs Daily to supply your brain with protein DHA choline carotenoids and vitamins a d e k and more fish like wild salmon sardines beef liver and red meat are also excellent sources of the raw materials that are needed for the structure of the brain no

Sugar or vegetable oil refined sugar and vegetable oils are some some of the most inflammatory foods that can cause brain fog and impair your memory so start cutting these out and eat more Whole Foods like vegetables nuts fish and meat green tea stop drinking energy drinks and limit your caffeine intake as these

Can raise cortisol and cause brain fog instead I’d recommend that you start drinking one to two cups of green tea every day this will supply kakin that boost brain derived nutrient iic factor for better brain health vinegar consuming a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before a meal can improve

Insulin sensitivity and boost ketones which fuel your brain cells directly relaxation if you’re under a lot of stress this can upset your hormone balance and raise your cortisol leading to brain fog taking long walks meditating reading books getting more sleep aroma therapy or even relaxing music can all be used to lower your

Stress and boost your cognitive function for more information on reducing anxiety and stress watch this video that I’ve put on your screen now thank you again for watching another of my videos I wish you great health wealth and happiness