Our Lady – Disease Is Coming, Strengthen Immune System And Increase Body’s Defenses By These Things!

Our Lady – Disease Is Coming, Strengthen Immune System And Increase Body’s Defenses By These Things!
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© 2022 The Unsealed Message
Our Lady, Our Lady 2024, message of our lady, our lady’s message, our lady’s message, Blessed Virgin Mary, Luz De Maria, Immaculate Heart, world war, Israel war, new disease, Good Samaritan Oil, the pineapple recipe, pray for Chile, pray for California, pray for Mexico, Holy Scripture, Holy Sacrament, the Altar, the Eucharist, divine Son, Vitamin C, Echinacea, raw garlic, ginger, artemisa annua, gingko biloba, moringa, green tea, Our Mother, Mother of the End Times, Store Them Now, Our Lady, Disease Is Coming, Strengthen Immune System And Increase Body’s Defenses By These Things

Good day my beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ today I would like to share with all of you an Urgent Message given by the Virgin Mary to lose to Maria therefore please take a moment in sharing this video with others as we are heading closer and closer to the end of

Times we hope that by spreading these messages across the ends of the world more people through these messages and warnings given by heaven with the help of all of our prayers fastings and sacrifices in the hope for the conversion of Sinners to convert and come back to Christ before it is too

Late all for the betterment and salvation for all of these souls and all to the glory and Delight of the Most Holy Trinity let us now humbly ask the most holy spirit to to lead us in all ways including the Discerning of these messages as he is all powerful all

Omnipotent just as he is consubstantial with God the father and the son and with a great Act of trust and love to the holy spirit that he may give us the grace to discern these messages from Heaven join me and say Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of

Your faithful and Kindle in them the fire of Your Love send forth your spirit and they shall be created and you shall renew the face of the earth oh God who By the Light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful grant that by the same Holy

Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy his consolations but most of all to discern these messages that we may always differentiate the truth from deception and always glorify you through all of our works and actions through Christ Our Lord amen in the name of the father and of

The son and of the holy spirit amen message of the Blessed Virgin Mary to L de Maria January 20th 2024 dearest children of my Immaculate Heart I intervene on behalf of each one of you during this unique moment in humanity I come to extend an invitation for you to stay

Vigilant disturbances are escalating and the Winds of War are gaining strength with additional Nations becoming entangled in this scene of suffering for Humanity my children do not remain indifferent to the unfolding events as their repercussions will extend across the entire globe in one form or another War brings about pain hunger

Death desolation ill illness Injustice ingratitude and more ailments are advancing posing A Renewed threat to my children utilize the Good Samaritan oil follow the pineapple recipe and bolster your body’s defenses by incorporating vitamin C little ones avoid crowded places some individuals are presently unwell and by denying their illness they allow the

Disease to progress tempestuous Seas will inundate beaches and nearby towns exercise caution dear children exercise caution pray my children pray for Chile colia and Argentina for they are destined to experience upheaval pray my children pray for California as nature will bring moments of distress pray my children pray for

Indonesia as it is faded to face a tumultuous event pray my children pray for Mexico as its ground will undergo forceful movement pray my children pray for Japan and England for the ravages of War will touch them children persistently transform your lives cultivating a greater sense of spirituality fostering love charity

Understanding and deepening your knowledge of my Divine son through Holy scripture to avoid deception maintain the company of my Divine son in the most holy sacrament of the altar adore him attend the Eucharistic celebration and receive my Divine son after confessing beforehand beloved children convert as this is urgent for you discern little

Children know my son so that you May recognize him in works and deeds be loving it is more difficult for those who are not loving to have a heart of Flesh pay attention to news that will shock Humanity coming from the church of my Divine son be constant in your life in your

Works and deeds be creatures of good do not spread poison wherever you go do not allow the evil one to possess you I carry you in my immaculate at heart I love you Mother Mary Hail Mary most pure conceived without sin Hail Mary most pure conceived without sin Hail Mary most pure conceived

Without sin Heaven recommends the following measures to enhance the immune system and fortify the body’s defenses vitamin C echesa raw garlic ginger EMES anua Ginko baloba morina green tea and the application of the Good Samaritan oil commentary by L de Maria dear brothers and sisters our mother presents us with the

Reality we are currently facing purging us to remain Vigilant regarding the escalation of war with more Nations becoming involved she cautions us about the onslaught of natural disaster that are affecting and will continue to affect the Earth the Peril of diseases and the escalating confusion that is spreading

Before the eyes of the people of God understanding and recognizing the situation is crucial the use of our intellect memory and reasoning abilities is vital to identify our Lord Jesus Christ in every moment brothers and sisters our mother warns us because what we are living through is a

Reality let us pray brothers and sisters to our Queen and mother of the end times oh Blessed Mother Queen of Heaven We humbly come before you seeking your Divine intercession protection and blessings your gentle and loving presence is a source of comfort and we entrust Our Lives to your maternal

Care Mary Mother of Mercy your Compassionate Heart knows the struggles and challenges we face in this journey of life we implore your guidance and assistance in navigating the complexities of our daily existence surround us with your motherly mantle shielding us from harm and Illuminating our path with the radiant Light Of Your

Grace as we tread the uncertain roads of life we look to you our lady as a Beacon of Hope you your unwavering faith and trust in God Inspire us to emulate your virtues help us cultivate a spirit of humility obedience and profound love for the almighty just as you exemplified in your

Life Most Holy virgin we seek your protection against the storms that assail us both seen and unseen guard us from the snares of Temptation and fortify our hearts against the influences of EV evil we place our fears and anxieties at your feet knowing that your maternal love surpasses all

Understanding in times of sorrow and despair be our Solace Dear Mother your tender Embrace brings comfort and your prayers uplift our weary Souls strengthen our resolve to endure trials with unwavering Faith trusting that you Our Lady of Perpetual Help will intercede on our behalf Blessed Mother we acknowledge our imperfections and

Sins with contrite Hearts we seek your intercession for forgiveness and mercy obtain for us the grace to turn away from wrongdoing and to follow the path of righteousness Guided by your maternal love and the teachings of your son Jesus Christ we entrust to you oh Mary our families community and the

World amidst the uncertainties and challenges of our times be a Beacon of Hope unity and peace shower your blessings upon all Humanity that we may collectively strive for justice compassion and understanding oh Mother of God hear our Earnest prayers accept the fragility of our words and the sincerity of our

Hearts through your powerful intercession may we experience the Abundant Blessings of love joy and grace Amen