A Gamechanger For Post-Viral Fatigue?

In this video I discuss a few potential solutions for improving post-viral fatigue. The most interesting of which is called vagal neuromodulation. I also discuss a few nutritional supplements which may be beneficial in this context.

00:00 Introduction
00:30 Prevalence
01:28 What causes this?
02:23 Brain immunity
03:34 Turning off inflammation
04:41 Vagal dysfunction
05:35 Solution?
06:22 Evidence for Vagal neuromodulation
07:07 Sponsored ad
07:50 Supplements which may help

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DISCLAIMER: Elliot is not a medical professional and the information in this video is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Always consult with your primary healthcare provider for medical advice.

Imagine a world where the common cold or flu leaves you not just with a week of coughing and sneezing but with months or even years of debilitating fatigue this is the disturbing reality for Millions who experience post viral fatigue syndrome but what if there was a novel

An outside of the box potential solution just on the horizon in today’s video we’re going to look at what that potential solution might be we’re also then going to look at some nutritional interventions which could also come in handy the sad truth is that post viral fatigue syndrome is a lot more prevalent

Than you probably think a condition which can transform healthy energetic lives into a daily struggle to complete just menial tasks one prospective cohort study looking at 250 individuals With viral infection they found that 12% of those had persistent symptoms even 6 months after the initial infection and

It wasn’t just fatigue that these people had no they had a wide range range of other symptoms musculosceletal pain neurocognitive impairment and also mood changes that went along with it there are some studies which show up to 60% of people retain fatigue even 6 months after infection and unfortunately about

6% of people are left with full-blown chronic fatigue syndrome and a host of other complaints so the truth is there are a lot of people left with debilitating symptoms but the question arises now what actually causes this so let’s say you have post viral fatigue you feel weakness and lethargy in the

Muscles you might understandably believe that this is originating in the muscles but here you might actually be wrong as we dive deeper into this Enigma a surprising perspective emerges recent advancements in neuroscience and Immunology point to the brain itself as the origin of symptoms so the brain is

The command center not just for thoughts and emotions but but also for how tired or energized we feel it regulates the allocation of energy resources throughout the entire body it just so happens that there are aberant changes in brain function in patients with postviral fatigue and what causes this

Kind of issue in the brain well research highlights that one of the main drivers of these changes in the brain is the immune system or if we’re going to be more specific an immune system which doesn’t shut off when it’s meant to and here I introduce you to the concept of

Neuroinflammation neuroinflammation is the brain’s natural response to illness or injury and whilst this naturally resolves in most people once the initial threat has been neutralized there are some people in which it doesn’t properly switch off now in the context of post viral fatigue evidence pulled from numerous studies suggests the potential

For a viral infection to trigger this kind of immune activation in the brain which goes on to assist for far too long in other words the body’s natural and healthy response to an external threat goes on to become the driver of chronic illness and this means that finding ways

To effectively crank down the chronic immune activation May hold the keys to resolving this chronic illness but at this point you’re probably wondering how do we even do that and as you can imagine it’s easier said than done but here it’s essential to have faith in the principle that the body can counteract

This kind of problem itself it has the tools to do so it just needs the right conditions in fact one of the main ways the body can very efficiently turn off chronic inflammation is by activating one of its cranial nerves indeed this is the longest cranial nerve which travels

Right from the base of the brain all the way down to the gut innovating all of the internal organs on its way down and as some of you might have guessed this is called the vus nerve not only does the vus nerve govern all of the rest and

Digest functions but through what is called the cinic anti-inflam pathway this nerve is also responsible for dampening immune responses across the entire body in other words it controls inflammation this anti-inflammatory effect occurs in the gut the muscles the internal organs but also the brain activation of the vagus nerve can reduce

Inflammation in the central nervous system via a multitude of different mechanisms and it just so happens that impaired function of this nerve has been continually demonstrated in individuals with postviral fatigue syndrome in fact this kind of impairment of the Vegas nerve is thought to be one of the primary mechanisms underlying other

Symptoms that people experience with this condition because of this one of the most promising routes we can take is to find ways to tap into and potentiate the action of the vegus nerve to restore normal will function to the nervous system it’s essential to point out here that there are entire programs designed

To fulfill this purpose each serve to rewire the brain and restore normal function to the nervous system there are also regular breathing exercises and meditation practices which can further enhance vus nerve function likewise there are also some nutritional interventions which we will get to slightly later the problem is these

Things don’t always work and so the question we’re left with is what if there was a more direct way of stimulating this system well I’m pleased to announce that there is and this is where I’m going to introduce you to the concept of vagal neuromodulation I’m talking about a

Noninvasive medical technology in which a clip is attached to the tragus of the air and electrical impulses are sent up through the Vegas nerve into a lower region of the brain called the brain stem through mod ulating activity of key areas of the brain it can activate the parasympathetic nervous system and

Improve parasympathetic tone in other words what this device can do is improve the way in which the brain communicates messages to the rest of the body via the vagus nerve the potential result here is restoration of nervous system balance and ultimately an improvement in symptoms but is this just in theory or

Is there actually any evidence for this well you’ll be interested to hear that there are several studies using this exact technology to achieve this effect not only in Parts where it showed a marked reduction in inflammatory cyto kindes and an improvement in autonomic nervous system function but also

Specifically in post viral fatigue such as this study which found improvements in fatigue depression and overall symptom scores across the board but also in this study which found positive symptomatic Improvement in over half of the participants please bear in mind this techn technology is not in the experimental research phases it has a

Well established base of clinical evidence in multiple peer reviewed studies and that is why I’m talking about it so for those of you wondering this is called neuros Sim and I’ve already had a bunch of good feedback from people using it so I am super excited to see how this thing will

Revolutionize treatment in the coming years and that’s one of the reasons why I’ve decided to partner with them for this video so for those who want to try out they offer a 30-day money back guarantee and using the link below you can use the discount code Elliot 05 now

That’s the letter O not zero Elliot o5 but now onto some other nutrients which could also potentially help dealing with neuroinflammation and improve Vegas nerve function now if you watch this video you’ll see that I discuss vitamin B1 vitamin B5 and choline all three of these nutrients may help improve acetyl

Choline levels which is the main neurotransmitter used by the vus nerve therefore they may help activate the vus nerve and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system there are also a medley of nutrients which can directly reduce neuroinflammation the first area we’re going to look at is called lipid replacement therapy using something

Called phospho tial choline the dose for this is approximately 1 G per day a similar type of molecule is referred to as plasmalogens these are upand coming in the field of nutritional medicine primarily because Studies have shown improvements in age related cognitive decline and neuroinflammation the

Average dose is anywhere between 1 and 4 Mig per day another very interesting supplement is called specialized Pro resolving mediators now as the name sounds these are involved in the resolution of inflammation and when paired with omega-3 fatty acids they can be particularly helpful in calming down the inflammatory response in the brain

Finally one last nutrient is called berate now this has got a lot of attention for improving gut health probably through improving the gut barrier it also affects the brain so it’s been shown to reduce neuroinflammation in several different studies and I think this holds great promise however for a more comprehensive

Look at all of the nutrients which might help with neuroinflammation make sure to check out this video so I hope you found this helpful and I will see you in