New disease

Thank you to Mr. John O’Looney of Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services,

Well welcome to this talk and it’s really quite an important one and I’m delighted to welcome Mr John oone from the funeral director from Milton keen’s Family Funeral Services Limited real place real time John thanks so much for coming on you’re Mor welcome thanks for having me on John now we started talking

Because we’ve got a mutual concern about these white fibrous clots that are that are coming out of the circulatory system of uh many deceased uh individuals yes and you involved in in this eming process John that the blood is taken out and replace with embalming fluid when

Did you first notice something so really in 2021 about halfway through we started seeing lots and lots of people um who were passing away suddenly who were a lot younger than those that we were used to you know as a funeral director I’ve been a funeral director for 18 years 10

Years I spent working for one of the big man funeral providers the last 8 years I’ve I’ve worked myself running my own funeral home and you uh you kind of get to knowing very much the same way as doctors in general practice know who should present when at what time of the

Year and what numbers and the numbers were very off and we were seeing and we continue to see lots and lots of young sudden deaths which correlate perfectly of course with the humongous amount of excess deaths that we’re seeing um that nobody seems to want to address so these

White clots just to be clear the first time you can remember seeing them was 2021 not 2020 and never before that no and I’ve got um uh uh so in the 18 years that I’ve been a funeral director seven of those years U were spent working for

The coroner so my job was body recovery and I would recover people in all different various States um and whilst I wouldn’t know the Latin term for every liament and and nerve um I could tell you what’s normal and what isn’t normal and I’ve got a bie register in bama who

Works for me fulltime who’s done 22 years and he’s never seen them before uh 2021 no mhm so some people have think they they’ve seen some small ones in 2020 but that’s not your experience it’s 2021 they started Midway through 202 yes 100% yeah and and that just happens to

Correlate with being six months after the onset of the uh some therapeutic intervention or other 100% yeah that I can tell you I definitely believe that’s what’s causing this um what’s most UPS is not the fact that we’re seeing it because it’s become normalized now but it’s the reaction of

The people when you raise the alarm and try to raise concerns about it nobody’s interested we’re getting pretty much the same reaction that Andrew bridan for example is getting in Westminster right so you made two really good points there John first of all this is something you’re still seeing

Frequently what kind of the of the bodies that you are in boming what sort of frequency are we talking about I would say around a quarter um of the bodies U 25% yeah around 25% overall um it’s very interesting because as a funeral director there are two types of

Death we’ve got sudden deaths and we’ve got expected deaths where there’s a sudden deaths quite often those people are given a postmortem um and during the postmortem process obviously the organs are removed they’re then they take blocks and slides and then they place the organs in a bag and the bag goes

Back in the cavity and it’s sewn up so clearly the eming process is very different for someone who’s been chopped about for one of a better word and we have to literally open them up take those organs out and manually Target the arteries and um inside the the body

Cavity of that deceased and that is where you see them then um because you’re at the very core uh of that person’s body and you can see the uh I mean I’ve got um an example here thank you uh um this is a particular sample we

Took recently from a deceased um and it was taken from the arteries purely because it was an obstruction we couldn’t get the embalming pump in the arteries to put the fluid around their body and this is why um and it was interesting CU I watched what you said

Um a couple of nights ago on night the other night about them being a cast and they are exactly that they grow inside the arteries and veins um and they take the exact shape of those arteries and veins and what I suspect happening is is some people for whatever reason be that

Blood type or what they’ve been given perhaps they’re reacting in this way where they’re growing this stuff inside them and it’s growing inside their arteries to the point where they’re not getting adequate circulation and they’re falling over and they’re dying um that’s my my theory based on what I’m seeing

And to be clear you’re getting this from the Venus circulation and the arterial circulation yes predominantly actually the the arterial um as a funeral director when we embar we go in to the arteries and we feed the fluid around the arteries and then it it um vacates

The body via the Venus so so um I’m noticing in arteries and it used to be really only in the veins do you would see the OD clot because it’s lower pressure it’s a return um system and there’s high pressure in artery so you wouldn’t normally see it but the clots

That we’re seeing are very different to normal clots they’re traditionally like a red jelly clot you couldn’t pick them up you couldn’t hold them they were F A bits you could wash them down a plug hole for example these they’re like calamari they’re like rubber and they’re not like squid yes I

I don’t know if you’ve had any samples off anyone I’ll be happy to send you some um they’re very tough and very fibrous and when you look at drugs like Heparin which are traditionally used to thin the blood and break down clots it’s not going to touch these John it’s a

Totally different thing it’s a totally different thing yeah so so things like hearin will prevent clots from forming it won’t actually dissolve the clots we do have thrombolitic therapy in hospitals but breaks down the fibrin yes but these are something else they’re like I’ve never seen anything like this

It’s very gristly very rubbery very tough uh I have a great um worry that anyone with this I don’t see how they’re going to get it out of themselves without it being physically removed which obviously um would be very invasive and a very dodgy thing you know

You start pulling this out of live patient ioras it’s a real challenge you know it’s it’s um a real worry yeah now you told me uh distressing story this afternoon being careful to protect confidentiality course we’re dealing we’re dealing with a A young adult yes who died suddenly yeah so this um

Gentleman died suddenly he was given a postmortem as a direct result um during the postmortem process they open the body cavity they take the organs out and inevitably they’re cut out they do blocks and slides and tests um to try and assertain the reason this young man

Died then those organs are placed back in a bag and that bag is put in the body cavity in the body cavity sewn up the decease that then released to us as Funeral Directors now being he was a young man he had a big Social Circle

People wanted to see him so the family asked us to embar him and we did so so you have to open the body cavity up take the organs out in the bag and then manually Target the seven arteries that you see in and around the body cavity

And these include um for example the radial arteries in the arm the Fe femoral arteries in the top of the leg and you can physically see them like cut straws um some people have a very large arteries um uh like kind of as big as my finger other peoples might be Slimmer

Like the kind of width of a brro pen and everything in between they’ll do the same job and when we’ve gone to put the embal nozzle down the artery to pump fluid into that limb um it’s obstructed it’s obstructed by a blockage and my andama has called me and we I’ve gone

Over and had a look he’s removed this Lo and as he’s pulled it out with tweezers the clot has come out the full length of this young man’s leg Yeah the full length nearly 3 ft long um it’s initially appears to be very similar to a normal clot but then when you wash

Them off and you wash the blood off they’re bright white um and if you don’t get all of the blood off once you place them in formalin the formalin will burn that blood and they go black so if you wash them right off properly they stay bright white um they’re not normal

They’re not usual and so we we did and I emailed my local coroner and kind of said you know um we’ve had this young guy in I know you’ve looked at him because he’s had a postmortem I’m really concerned because we’re seeing a really strange clots in him that we haven’t

Seen before and I sent an email because I wanted to Paper Trail John and usually with my coroner they’re very good they’ll get back to me within the hour I send an email sometimes less didn’t get a reply so three or four days later I received a phone call and it was from

One of the girls in the office who said she spoke to the pathologist the pathologist wasn’t concerned um asked me to dispose of the samples and actually suggested that it grows inside people regularly postmortem you know it doesn’t you know it doesn’t of course I worked

For the Corona for seven years now um to to expect me to believe that when you die rubber fills your arteries is ridiculous it’s fantasy and I actually felt quite insulting yeah I felt quite insulted that they would think that I was that stupid um and that was where we

Left it and subsequent emails I’ve wrote voice voice and concerns been totally ignored they ask you to dispose of the evidence under the pl yeah of course yeah um and so I wrote to the chief coroner of England because I’m not talking about one death now I’m talking

About dozens raising concerns um I dozens dozens of people that have died suddenly and you find these white rubbery things their circulation that shouldn’t be there I mean I’ve got a be registered in B he’s done 22 years he says exactly the same and it’s very interesting that the bie have openly

Threatened it’s a British eming association yes theyve openly threatened their members with disciplin reaction If they raise any concerns which actually breaks one of their Oaths oath number four is is that they will um voice concerns if there are any um they’re not doing that they’re hiding it totally and

They’re actually intimidating their members so they have a bonly magazine that’s released um to all of the bie members and they’ve openly mentioned me as a funeral director warned them not to speak to me and say if there’s any confirmed uh concerns they go directly

To the lady who runs it and and not to speak out to anyone why would you do that surely if you see something inside someone that is shouldn’t be there um and you should voice those concerns you know as a funeral director certainly for me I have two reasons that I would voice

Concerns uh let me explain if I go to the hospital John and I pick someone up and I bring them back to my place and I roll them over on the tray and they’ve got a knife sticking out their back or a puncture w I have a moral obligation as a decent

Human to raise that concern I also have a legal obligation to raise that concern we’re raising these concerns nobody is listening um and when I emailed the chief corer of England I CC in around 15 or 20 very eminent people that included Dolores Professor Dolores kale Dr Tess

Lori Dr Steven Frost and others and I didn’t get reply so I emailed again and said look what are you doing about all of these deaths that we are seeing this isn’t right and I got a forword response from his secretary and it said we follow government policy it was kind of the

Most revealing answer they could have given um an admission without actually admitting anything so basically they follow government policy now government policy is this if you die from a thrombosis it could be a jelly bean in your artery it could be sawdust it all comes under the same umbrella term of a

Thrombosis a blockage a throm itic uh blockage they won’t dig any further than that and and the reason for that is that is government policy so you’d reported suspicious I don’t know no not suspicious you’d reported a brand new pathology yes I reported concerns over pathology that I’ve stumbled across and

Others uh I mean uh I I’m regularly attend groups where there’s half a dozen and more ERS and funeral directors that are seen it openly and we’re talking about it and we’re documenting it we’re taking samples we’re taking photos we’re trying to raise the alarm and nobody is listening and they’re actively

Gaslighting people and this is why we’ve got record numbers of excess deaths it’s insane so you’ve been insulted and you’ve been told that we follow government policy yes yeah by the chief coroner of England I mean the coroner system as a nurse lecturer nurse tutor

Like we used to get the coroner in for every group and it was a real rear Assurance he used to say well since the medieval times we’ve always had a coroner in the UK so that basically this is a safeguard so John if someone bumps you off covertly you know they’re

Probably not going to get away with it because we’ve got these coroners here that are the bastions of Justice yeah the The Gatekeepers to the cemetery and and if that system is failing that would distress me massively because it’s just it goes against everything that I’ve

Been teaching for for all of my all my I would suggest that is not only um failing but it’s actively complicit in a cover up following government policy 100% yeah and I believe that this will go down as a Biblical crime I mean we’re getting reports of this now from other Undertakers I’ve

Talked to uh the the uh the the Tom havland researcher in the states he’s a good guy yeah and I’ve actually in the just in the last few days I’ve I won’t mention the names cuz I haven’t got their permission yet but I’ve me I’ve been talking to um a leading doctor in

The UK and a leading Professor medical Professor not in the UK and uh they are saying that this is a consistent pathology that this could happen from things that are in the blood or it could be secreted by the the the the vascular endothelium that’s lining the blood

Vessels now from your experience do you think that these clots are forming a long time before death just before death just after death a bit of both is there any way we can um let me tell you nothing carries on growing inside your body when you die nothing with the

Exception of perhaps decomposition you know as your body begins to break down there’s no way on Earth these clocks form I would have seen them I’ve done 18 years 7 years of that I work for the coroner I’ve got a bie registered in BMA I’m talking I I have had maybe 60 70

Other Funeral Directors reach out to me they’ve even tapped me on the shoulder at the local crematorium and thanked me for raising the alarm 60 or 70 yes other Funeral Directors within the industry SE the same thing Mory managers I’ve had M tree managers that tell me the fosis deaths have gone up

600% 60 or 70 funeral home and they’re all really frightened because they all work for someone else and when you realize what’s actually going on and you realize the gravity of the situation and I’ve sat with big political figures in in Westminster and discussed it openly

And and we were told as a group of people it’s above my pay grade there’s nothing I can do about it and the guy left you know it’s h when you understand the gravity of what’s going on these people are frightened and I get that um I’m just not

Frightened yeah always good to meet a brave man John I’ve got no choice because I got a moral compass that won’t allow me to be complicit yeah so you’re pretty confident that these are there before death and obviously I believe that they actually cause death but when

You look at the when you look at a size of a vessel and you see the percentage of that um diameter of that vessel that’s blocked one it it’s clear this doesn’t grow overnight this is a gradual process and the time scale would would support that um I believe that what’s

Happening is we’re getting people with um an increase in high blood pressure that goes up and up and up and then heart failure and they’re going to die and what they’ve done is very clever because it’s actually simulating the most regular natural cause of death blood clots Strokes and heart attacks

Yeah who would be surprised that somebody died from that but the key is in the numbers and the ages of those people and the excess death rate you know which has been quite well documented I think 100,000 in the last 12 months ex death that correlates perfectly with the appearance of these

White 100% yes they are these white rubbery things that definitely definitely and I’m just desperate for someone to take us seriously because um otherwise we’re going to have um uh a pandemic of hard well it’s there now isn’t it well we are getting of course massively more circulatory system deaths

And and deaths have been higher throughout 2023 2022 they’ve been high they’ve been higher all all the time yeah um going back to 2020 um what did you notice about the pattern of deaths in 2020 and what’s your thinking on the amount of people that actually died from covid in 2020

Where were most of your bodies coming from in 2020 so there were no more deaths in 2020 than any other Year John there was a brief blip in March and April for about 3 weeks and this was exactly the same time they used up to 1,000% more

Mlam this is the cause I believe of the first we were told the first wave and this of course is exactly what you see when you look at the graph of excess mortality from our world in data you know in 2020 it’s low then you got this massive Peak very shortlived and

Then it goes down again yes and of course we’ve been told that this was caused by the Wuhan wave no it wasn’t the woan wave I was going exclusively to Care Homes this was exclusively where they were putting the elderly and and you know if they say to you a virus is

Out there it’s out there in the public domain it would be HD everywhere why was it exclusively caroms because that’s where they would exclusively using up to 1,000% more mazam you got any evidence of the fact that they were using MZ Lam John I’ve seen the vials or I saw the

Vials on the sides and discarded in beans where they hadn’t cleared up properly I’ve spoke to members of Staff who openly admit that the district nurse comes they inject people and they know they’re going to have residence die and this is consistent with people from nursing homes that I’ve been talking to who

Conducted well I wouldn’t use the term consultation but they held their own mobile phone out the patient was there the doctor diagnosed Co the prescribed end of life drugs mazalan morphine yeah the people that weren’t even terminally ill yes y yep now um have you any way of

Knowing that the white thron by that you’re seeing in the patients that are dying at the moment um do we know anything about their covid status their vaccination status is there anything that would every one of them that I’ve spoken to has been vaccinated and um I

Make a point of asking that at the point of arrangement and because the government was so heavy-handed about insisting we were all vaccinated and and kind of insinuated you were a danger if you weren’t these people are all very forthcoming um so I ask them their loved

Ones vaccine and they’ll say the same thing especially with the youngsters where I suspect it is a vaccine death they’re all vaccinated yep and uh and it’s just what gets me about this is this is a completely new pathology ology normally doctors and young researchers are saying

Oh w a new idea and they try to compete with each other to get into the literature first but here a completely new pathology as as being discovered by by by people like yourself and and this white thr by that you pulled out of the femoral artery of this tragic young man

Um who should be at home now with his with his kids and his young wife um you know when you think about it in those human terms it’s simply appalling you know you should be going to visit his mom at the weekends you know he should he should you all these

Things 100% yeah 100% and the family uh the family know John they’re not silly they know some of them are coming in really angry where do they go with that because the coroners won’t listen they won’t entertain it the police I’ve been to the police station and um TS Valley

Police on April the 28th of last year uh I went with Mark ston and I uh the the incident number was 1068 at TS Valley Milton Kings and I asked to speak to someone in relation I said I was an Undertaker I run a local funeral I said

I’ve got real concerns over a number of deaths I’m seeing I really need to speak to someone to voice those concerns they wouldn’t even speak to me they wouldn’t even see me this is incredible you are a gatekeeper of the safety of the entire British public you think so wouldn’t you

You if it somehow gets past the police and and this case why didn’t the pathologist pick this up they’re so this this this poor dead guy come to you with this this thing in his artery and and the pathologist well what we can say for certain is the pathologist hadn’t pulled

It out because you pulled it out yes well I’ve been a funeral director as I’ve said 18 years it’s the only time I’ve Ever Raised concerns they’re not interested they don’t want to know and they won’t even enter into a discussion they’re actively hiding hiding it

Actively why you would have to ask them I suspect coercion probably money and pressure and how long are you complicit in a crime before you are complicit do you know if you’re going to hide something how long do you hide it before you actually are complicit so I I guess

They’re in a really awkward position now as the truth um slowly comes out you know um yeah how long are they going to Gaslight us for and liar I really don’t know you’d have to ask him yeah well you weren’t gaslighted you your your intelligence was insulted your Prof

Profession I knew but when you have to have some sort of working relationship do I start screaming liar you know it puts you on the spot don’t so I just keep telling people the truth and the hope that good and truth will prevail and that’s my hope I I believe it will I

Mean let’s let’s suppose a patient came in a body came into you U described as a sudden death and you found a bullet hole in the back yeah you know that have been missed let’s say I mean if you went to the police now in in February 2024 do

You think they would come around and look at that I think um it’s a really interesting one to be honest with you it wouldn’t surprise me if they complet turn the other said no I I I’ve got no faith in the police and no no faith in the system at all you

Know and there’s talk now of the coron uh the creation paperwork being disbanded as well now that was bought in after the Harold Shipman GP case where he was killing people they bought in what’s called cremation paperwork and the idea of that was to prevent unlawful deaths going through a cremation process

And they’re talking about abandoning that totally they’ve already trimmed it down from one doctor uh two doctors to one because of covid we were all told and you know it’s it’s generally recognized in the industry I know when Co was on um loads of people said it’s a great time of doing

Murder well I think it still is to be quite honest 100% I totally agree I totally agree I I mean let’s suppose completely hypothetically we had someone who was going around poisoning people and it made let’s say it made I don’t know it it made it made the legs turn

Orange say you know and you were seeing lots of orange legs and you went to the police and said just a minute I’m seeing lots of orange legs here this could be because of Foul Play I would expect them to be around there like a shop yeah no

They won’t even talk to me they won’t even sit and take a statement off me they gave me an incident number 1068 um and you could verify this with Mark ston because he went there with me yeah and I will say that you’ve sent me a lot of photographic evidence John it’s

Ambiguous what we can show on YouTube in terms of photographic evidence at the moment but I have seen it I give my word that I’ve seen TR of um to be honest with you I I’m a guy that cares very much about people not just about what’s

Going on but also about their privacy and and um do you know I wouldn’t ever send any docu uh people have said oh can we come and film no you can’t because it’s not appropriate but um certainly samples of what I’ve seen and a short video of the clots laying there um I’m

More than happy to send and I you know I’ll talk to anyone that listen nobody seems to want to talk to me y well I’m just uh what’s going on in our country now is just incredible 2020 2021 you started seeing these would you say they got more more towards 2022 2023

Were you seeing more well I’m seeing less now although I’m seeing more deaths and the reason I suspect that is because the coroners they know that I’ve been very vocal and one of the questions they ask families is which funeral director you using so I kind of wonder if um they

They then tell the coroner and I suspect the bodies are probably being cleaned up a little bit before they at least to me that’s my suspicion I’ve got no way of proving that but I’m not finding as many clots as I did although uh in the last

Two weeks I found two full of them so so you know I know right still still 20 so the 25% average do you know what the average figure over the past few years it could be it could be one person that’s enough to raise the alarm

You know of course it is why uh for example when you look at schools they won’t serve peanut butter in schools because the odd person who’s died of Anapa we have 100,000 excess deaths just in the past just in the past and all the MPS are going on jollies in Davos yeah

Yeah what can’t people see and and laughing and jering when someone mentions it in Parliament yeah mocking him and and telling him he’s going to be dead soon because he’s been jabbed and he’ll have cancer and die and the Prime Minister slams his hand down and categorically says covid vaccines are

Safe yeah that one yeah it’s it’s unbelievable it’s almost as though we’ve gone to bed woke up and the whole world’s become inverted yeah yeah you know um so yeah I won’t stop shouting uh you they can come get me whenever they want but I won’t stop telling the truth

John yes so had um uh a hospice nurse reach out to me in July um her name’s Helen I’m not going to identify fully um and she said she’s seing um cancers in the under 40s and 50s that she’s never seen so prior to the covid roll out or

The the jab roll out we used to see people would come in they’d have a cancer story story and that story would be 2 5 even 10 years long now these people are dying in 6 8 10 12 weeks from being asymptomatic and leading a regular

Life to death um and this cancer um hospice nurse said exactly that she said they’re dying before they even get a single treatment they’re dying before they can get even see a consultant to discuss treatment and you you mentioned that horrible brain tumor Gast before gasta yeah this is um she’s never seen

Aggressive brain cancer yes of course and these people are dying literally in weeks from being asymptomatic and leading a regular life and there only one thing they all have in common they’ve been vaccinated you know you’re describing what happened to a good friend of mine

John um bless him fit and Fit and Well dead within six weeks yeah yeah and on the comments I’m getting a lot of the same thing this is resonating with people it resonates they’re coming in here really angry John cuz they know now yeah this can’t be hidden for much

Longer John where where do they go with it though if you go to the coroner they just Gaslight you if you go to the police go to the police they’re not interested they’re not interested you WR to your MP he’ll recommend that you get your next covid booster yeah they’re

Insane and and they are I’ve got letters from MPS all over the country yeah I can’t publish them because people cuz I haven’t got permission to the MPS but but you know the vast majority of them um saying no we carry on this this is the policy we follow government policy

Yeah they’re well paid and they think they’ve got a seat on the ark we we follow government policy yeah is another way of saying I was just obeying orders yeah of course we we see what an excuse justy ERS is not an excuse no and that

Was never a defense was it it didn’t work for those in lenburg exact exactly that exactly that yeah yeah John you have our complete admiration and the the thanks I mean as far as I’m able to the thanks of the British people you know and the fact that our coroner

System that safeguarded our well-being since the Middle Ages has now got serious question marks over it and and uh but we’ve got guys like you that are shouting out the truth we really I care very much about other people and and don’t get me wrong I’m aware that I have

A family as well do you know the F the the future that these insane genocidal Maniacs are shaping for us and what encourages me is that I mean when I first started speaking three and a half years ago everyone said I was mad I’ve had members of my own family disowned me

You know um and F people that I thought were friends um I no longer speak to CU I’m the crazy conspiracy theorist I draw Comfort now knowing that people like yourself and other far more intelligent far more reputable uh medical professionals are openly discussing it so I kind of draw strength that surely

Goodness and truth will prevail and if we do live in a society where these criminals to be can be put the task they will be will that happen you know what I I Live Now only to testify in the court in nurburg and I hope that happens you

Know I’m going to keep going I promise you and your data what you’ve just told me is completely consistent with the international data collected by Major Tom havland completely consistent completely consistent with the undertakers I’ve talked to other than yourself and uh and Tom havland in his

Contacts this is a consistent story that that’s coming out are you concerned for your personal safety John I don’t care if I was bothered about me I would have never said anything they can come and get me tomorrow what’s the worst that can happen it puts me out my misery cuz it’s

Miserable it’s a miserable um do you know what living knowing what I know when everyone said you were insane it’s really tough it’s a really tough ask but I I think we go through this life don’t we and we wonder why we’re here I know

Why I’m here now and I’m going to keep going and I’m not frightened of them I spend a lot of time in a company of death they know where I am they can come and get me tomorrow I could have a car crash or uh an art attack or an

Aggressive cancer I’m not frightened of them let them let them do their worst yeah yeah it’s about all of us isn’t it it’s about all of us not just me I’ve had the police round a couple of times with with death threats for me personally and uh yeah yeah you

Know I find this actually more concerning that than uh you know a gang of uh gunmen walking down the street you can see that you know the danger yeah they don’t do it that way now it’s what would be more concerning is a cancer or a blood yeah it’s

Doney or or you know yeah the weapons of choice are not silenced pistols now anymore are they they’re toxins cancers and and um but I’m not frightened of them let them come and get me I’m really not frightened cuz it’s bigger than me it’s more important than me and if I

Should die um anytime you know I want my legacy to be um saving others and truth and honesty yep yep yeah if I can have that on my gra Stone that’ll do amen amen yeah John thanks very much mate really appreciate it you’re most welcome thank you for your time as well John
