Vitamin E Rich 5 Essential Foods for Winter #health #wellness #shorts

Vitamin E Rich 5 Essential Foods for Winter #health #wellness #shorts

Here are five vitamin E rich foods that are great to eat during the winter months number one almonds just a handful of almonds provides nearly half your recommended daily intake of vitamin E almonds make for a nutritious winter snack number two sunflower seeds these little seeds are bursting with vitamin E

Sprinkle some on top of salads or enjoy as a snack number three spinach leafy greens like spinach are excellent sources of antioxidant vit vamin e add spinach to omelets pasta dishes soups and more number four avocados creamy Rich avocados are high in heart healthy monounsaturated fats and vitamin E use

Avocado as a sandwich spread or in dips like guacamole number five olive oil cooking and dressing your meals with olive oil rich in vitamin E and healthy fats is highly recommended for winter