Beating the Coronavirus by Increasing Immunity (면역력 강화로 코로나바이러스 이기기)

To beat the coronavirus, we must strengthen our immune system. Dr. Choi recommends three herbal medicine that enhances our immune system, including medicine that stimulates the functions of the liver and treats liver disease, as well as medicine for treating the common cold and increasing your overall energy level. Dr. Choi also introduces Gong Jin Dang, a powerful herbal medicine which was only available to kings and nobles in the past.
면역력을 향상시키기 위한 세가지 한약을 소개합니다: 간을 건강하게 하고 간질환을 치료하는 약, 감기약 그리고 에너지 약, 그리고 공진단입니다.