Supplements Under 15K for Hormones and Clear ,Radiant Skin | L-Glutathione , Vitamin C & B Vitamins

Hello Guys , Let’s talk about supplements and nutrition . Please like , share and subscribe .
Huge Disclaimer here : Because this is a medical and nutrition driven video please consult a Pharmacist / Medical professional before using any supplement. Always remember that your nutrition is just as important as the supplement too.

Time Stamps
Intro : 0:00 – 1:34
How to choose the right supplements : 1:35 – 3:56
Supplements for Hormonal balance : 3:57 – 9:52
Supplements for Skin Brightening : 9:53 – 13:59
Supplements for Vitality : 14:00 – 18:52

Products Mentioned
Ginger Up Antioxidant Drink (link is for viewers abroad ) https://amzn.to/3usgLft
Pelvic Exam and Hormonal Panel for Women on a yearly basis ( book with your Gynecologist)
B Complex Vitamins https://amzn.to/3UAP7Yq
Evening Primrose Oil Supplements https://amzn.to/3HUFvQL
L- Glutathione Supplements https://amzn.to/3UvQckl
Vitamin C + Calcium Supplement https://amzn.to/42Gg9zK
Reload Women’s Formula
Centrum Women Supplements
Better Woman Supplements

Social Links
Instagram – for my daily lifestyle -https://www.instagram.com/iameniolao
Tiktok- for mini selfcare nuggets – https://www.tiktok.com/@iameniolao
Facebook – let’s be friends – https://rb.gy/cw9sc
work mail – adetutudaniels@gmail.com

Music credit ✨
Youtube audio library
Anywhen you say

My Camera – https://amzn.to/3RQS309
Location – Lagos , Nigeria
Birthday – October 20th
Sc – 122K

Supplements have really really changed my life and take it from somebody that used to have serious acne breakouts towards our period and not only that I used to deal with issues like purging serious uh what do they call it now dis manoria I had serious menstrual cramps

When I was still going through the thick of the issues that I’m going to be discussing in today’s video and now I have overcome the menal crms I have overcome the acne breakouts the cystic acne breakouts that are painful I have overcome all of that and now I’m on the

Other side where I have youthful radiant skin my period comes with ease I am not rolling on the floor in pain my hormones are balanced my skin is bright and beautiful and of course I am healthy how did I go from that to this that is the purpose of today’s Video now in case you don’t know I always do a supplement video at least once in 6 month months on my channel just so that with every new subscriber that I have you can be rest assured that what contributes to a beautiful skin what helps you to have a very healthy

Youthful glowy appearance when it comes to your skin your aura and all of that and not only that what contributes to you having a healthy beautiful life also includes your supplements and your diet and then lastly your nutrition now before we dive into the rest of today’s video I need to first of

All make sure that we are on the same page that means our foundation is solid now what is the foundation the foundation of starting a good supplement and nutrition journey is to find out three things three key things first of all what phase of Life are you in now if

You’ve watched my previous videos on supplements in the past I have mentioned this over and over again but for the purpose of the new subscribers I’m going to mention this again and I’m going to just touch on it briefly now what phas of Life are you in number two what is

Your gender number three what are the supplements or the nutritional requirements that you need for that face of life and that you need for your gender now somebody that is a guy in his 30s that has not had a child middle AG guy maybe like 31 32 I’m still single

I’m still clubbing I’m in the height of my life I have youthful energy I wake up every day with a fresh boost of libido and stuff it’s going to need something completely different from a man who is already in his late 60s has been diagnosed with hypertension as adult his

Children and is now retired do you see what I’m trying to say so when it comes to women we can just flip it like this there’s a difference between a woman who is 25 has very good menal flow has good youthful energy her skin is beautiful she’s youthful she’s radiant she has

This commanding youthful radiant burst of energy around her she’s never had a child before a period comes consistently heavy quick everything about her is fast and beautiful and just youthful compared to a woman who is 57 has had three kids those three kids are already in their University education like they already

In graduate school okay and now she’s also in menopause the kind of nutritional requirements and supplement combination that that person is going to need is going to be completely different from the woman who is 25 23 24 as had no child before and just started walking do

You see what I am trying to say speaking of Vitality I’ve been using this Ginger up the natural antioxidant Ginger and onion drink it is now available on in stores in Nigeria right now I’m going to have it linked in the description box I’ve been using it for good digestion to

Prevent bloating constipation and all the sorts for about a month or 2 months now and trust me the results are epic so before I start to eat anything during the day I always always just take like a Gul the first thing we need to fix when

It comes to this segment of the video is to know how to regulate your hormons now how do you know you have hormonal imbalance it is going to manifest as symptoms such as you have excessive weight gain or weight loss over a short period of time number two you just

Started noticing that the breakouts have been larger and consistent than usual number three you have lot of appetite or your appetite has greatly increased number four you have hair growing in different odd Parts in your body excessive air growth or excessive hair loss number five obesity uh diabetes or

Any issue that has to do with your hormon flating then lastly your periods are heavier than usual meaning your periods always last longer than 7 days you have 10 day periods you have 8 day periods that is very unusual and then lastly again on the flip side when it

Comes to the period your periods are irregular you know what excuse me this is the thing if you’ve been noticing all of these symptoms I’m going to ask you to first of all do one thing don’t just conclude that you have hormonal imbalance you need to know the kind of hormonal

Imbalance that you have so as a woman I always say that it is very very important that you get a yearly biopsy that uh swap thing that it do for you down there you need to make sure that you’re getting a yearly biopsy that they do down there secondly you need to

Make sure that you’re getting a yearly hormonal panel hormonal panel is when they take a v of your blood they draw it out and they do a full scope of the hormones that you have so when you do your hormonal work up they’re going to tell you whether your hormones are

Balanced in your menstrual face in your ltil face in your follicular face and in your ovulation face in all of all these four faces as a woman and that is why it is important for you to get that hormonal yearly panel every single year it is very very important but now that

You know that you have hormonal imbalance or you’ve been seeing that these are the signs that you have hormonal imbalance what is the right supplement for you to use and how do you combat it and regulate it number one you need to make sure that you have a very

Wonderful packed diet and nutrition that is tailored to fix that that means your doctor is going to recommend okay these are the vegetables you should eat these are the ones you should skip these are the things you should eat these are the things you should not eat number two you

Need to make sure that you’re on regular exercise most people skip exercises lately I’ve been doing stretches Pilates and sometimes I just even take long walks around our estate it is very very important that you’re moving your body because it contributes to your hormones becoming regularized and stable number

Three you’re going to make sure that you’re getting the right nutritional requirements from your food every single day number four you need to make sure sure that you maintaining a moderate weight that means you can’t just be fluctuating between heavy weight losing weight between the year you need to

Learn how to maintain a dress size or a particular weight that means if your weight is maybe 55 the most you should be gaining is at least 5 to 10 kg you can’t just go from 55 and then you hit 80 or you eat 90 that is showing a

Serious issue that you need to focus on and also you can’t just go from being 50K and then you drop to 40 you drop to 35 you drop just like that within the space of 3 months it’s a sign that you need to focus on maintaining a moderate

Weight and the only way you can do that is to maintain uh a very good nutrition good diet and to make sure that you’re resting and exercising regularly lastly if you couldn’t regulate your hormones and you’re looking for the right supplements to combat how to regulate

Your hormones you need to start taking B vitamins vitamin B comp complex supplements these are very very important not only does it promote cellular Health it also helps with maintaining and regulating your hormones now when it comes to B vitamins we have

B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 I think we have uh B7 B9 and of course B12 these are called B complex vitamins and all of all these B vitamins have different functions that they serve when it comes to regul in and maintaining a stable hormone now I’m not

Going to recommend a B vitamin for you I’m going to say you should go to a pharmacist and get your own B vitamin complex from them but the one that I’ve been seeing that is trending and that I know that a lot of people say it works

On Tik Tok is this Puritan Pride um B vitamins or the one from Nature’s Field any of this two is really really going to work now somebody saying what if you’ve been using evening Prime rose oil all this while does that mean you need to also go out there and get B vitamins

No what I’m trying to say is Before You can conclude that what you have is hormonal imbalance sis listen to me hormonal imbalance is not just oh I have terrible menstral cramps no you need to get tested to be sure that that is what you have if you have terrible menstral

Cramps and you want to manage the cramps that come during your period or you want to manage your cycle evening Prime rose oil Works hand in hand with that particular area do you get but when it comes to hormonal imbalance it cuts across just your menstrual cycle it cuts

Across your growth it cuts across your development it cuts across Hair Skin uh fertility all of that it cuts across a lot of hmon and not just the one that is tied to your reproductive system that is why you need to get tested by a medical

Doctor to be sure for certain that what you have is what hormonal imbalance and you need to regulate it the next thing we need to talk about today is a supplement combination that is going to help you to brighten up your skin and give you a very radiant

Beautiful juicy skin appearance now I I know I know I’ve been there I’ve been in the situation whereby because of stress your your complexion is duller your complexion is dull looking it’s not as ravishing and as radiant as it used to be you notice that you’re a bit darker

And you just need to take something that will help you to fix that from the inside out trust me I understand and you guys the compliment the supplement combination that I have for you guys when it comes to this particular area in today’s video are the air glut tune supplement and of

Course the vitamin C and calcium supplement listen to me let me break it down for you when it comes to glut tune I was very very shocked to see that a lot of doctors actually recommend it for people not just because it’s going to help to brighten up your skin but glut

Tune is so important when it comes to boosting your immune system glutone is so important when it comes to having a stronger healthy their immune system and I did not know this until 3 months ago guys I was very very shocked because I saw a lot of doctors saying that oh they

Even take glut tune on a daily basis but not too frequently for a prolonged period of time that is why you need to make sure that you’re getting advice from a medical professional you need to make sure you’re getting advice from a medical professional but glitter tune

It’s not all that bad it has a lot of good benefits to it it is going to help to strengthen your immune system now I think the reason why people are using it really is because the side effect is also a good effect and that good effect

Is that it is going to help to brighten up your skin from the inside especially when you use it under safe supervision and in a controlled dosage that is that when it comes to glut so yes if you want to boost your Radiance if you want to

Brighten up your skin you have to make sure that you getting the L glut tune supplement L glut tune supplements this one is the one that the body can easily absorb to boost your immune system and to brighten up your skin now the second the second supplement under this

Category is vitamin C and calcium speaking about vitamin C and calcium you see this immunoboost F vaccines that I have right here that has vitamin C in 1,000 mg and calcium in 500 mg this is the one that I’m talking about I recommended it from my sister I think a

Month ago we spoke yesterday and she was just telling me that in fact she’s feeling a lot better not even just with her skin now but even with our health research has shown that taking vitamin C supplements the one that has calcium now because this is the thing taking vitamin

C supplements consistently can help to brighten up your skin increase your skin Radiance reduce the appearance of wrinkles and Fine Lines increase collagen production in this uh in the skin and in the body and of course promote skin firmness also it is also going to help to combat the adverse

Issues when it comes to what sun damage very very important how it does that I really don’t know there’s a scientific research to all of that but you just need to know that for you to get the best benefit from taking vitamin C consistently you need to make sure that

You’re taking the one that ask calcium for easy absorption and breakdown by the body so now if all you’ve been doing is to take Vitamin C maybe the reason why you’re not seeing good results with your Skin’s Radiance and brightening and all of all the good stuff is because you’re

Not taking the one that has calcium inside it taking vitamin C with calcium especially in milligram that is up to 500 please I’m just saying 500 this is the one that my pharmacist recommended for me this particular one here it’s not only going to boost your immune system

But it is also going to ensure that the vitamin C is readily absorbed by the body because it also has calcium inside it now a lot of people are just going to stop here they’re going to brighten their skin they’re going to regulate their hormones and they’re going to

Forget that they have tissues muscles bones circulatory system respiratory system other systems in their body that also needs to be maintained and that is why I added the last category in this particular video for you guys and that is what maintaining your health and what maintaining Your vitality when it comes

To health all your hormones your tissue your muscle your systems are involved when it comes to vitality Vitality means that at what rate is your body able to release energy that you need to carry out your daily task every single day are you the kind of person that before you

Do any small thing you’re already fatigued you’re tired you’re exhausted that is very uncommon it is not common to be tired after doing small work it is not common especially if you are still in your early 20s or your late 20s that is the prime of your life you should not

Be dealing with tiredness and it just shows that you need to focus on maintaining your health and maximizing Your vitality and the only way to do that is to use supplements that have every single thing you need on a daily basis I’ve mentioned this in the past

When it comes to all my supplements and nutrition videos I talked about this when I did my first supplement video the second one I’m going to bring it back again the third time very very important because I realized that some people are going to watch part one part two of this

Video they are not going to watch this part it is important that you’re taking a supplement that has all the trace nutrients prod fatty acids everything you need the minerals the vitamins you need on a daily basis there are some parts of your body that you don’t know the minerals

That allow those parts of your body to function in top efficiencies those are things that are very very important that we also need to focus on so now the only way to fix that is to use a daily supplement this is a daily dietary supplements I said dietary meaning in

Addition to the good food that you eat you’re going to use a daily dietry supplement and this is VI my good friend this brand I’ve been on it for a while now I’ve been on it for 2 years I don’t care what Twitter says what everybody

Says on Tik Tok this is tried tested and trusted the reload women’s formula with up to 24 fruits and vegetables multivitamin multimineral supplement this particular one year I’ve been using it for 2 years now I am telling you it has changed my life my nails are stronger my hair is thicker every part

Of me is healthier I don’t have issues sis I am not having fatigue in between the day now I read online on Twitter that some people were saying that oh reload makes people add weight I don’t know what you’re talking about because see I’ve been this weight all my life so

I’m not really not that it can make you out bit I’m just saying that different bodies are going to respond to it differently so in case you don’t want reload you can look out for better woman you can look out for Centrum you can look out for Nature’s Field you can look

Out for different brands of dietary supplements that are out there but if you want my own recommendation reload is the way to go sis we’ve been on this for 2 years and counting and our skin is doing well our body is healthy you get you want to go for your yearly checkup

As a woman and you want your doctor to tell you there is nothing absolutely wrong with you you are doing fine your health is perfect that is like a score card that you need to run the next year on what on Top Gear and on top mileage

You get so in case you are looking out for all these supplements everything will be in the description box down below please do not forget to check the description box because I always get a lot of comments I always get a lot of comment from you guys saying that oh I we can’t

Really read what you typing in the text uh in the name of the products that you’re talking about everything is always in the description box if you don’t see it on the screen it will be in the description box thank you so much for watching do not forget to like

Subscribe give me a huge thumbs up up this content this video has taken a lot of work trust me it has I had to comb the internet read up a lot of things because I don’t like to come to you guys unprepared or with my facts not properly

Checked nevertheless my content is based on personal research personal opinions only you don’t have to take my advice when it comes to supplements and nutrition and health please definitely consult your health professional your doctor before you start using any supplements if you’re on medication if you’re lactating if you’re pregnant make

Sure that you consult with your doctor before you jump on any of these supplements thank you so much for watching do not forget to give me a huge thumbs up give me super things if you enjoyed today’s video thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one Bye