Multivitamin, Multimineral, and Magnesium/Zinc Complexes

Vitamin, Mineral, and Glandular Supplements https://organsupplements.com/

00:00 – If anything positive came from my LA trip
02:05 – Natural Ratios Multivitamin
04:59 – Multimineral
06:31 – Chelations
06:54 – Zinc Complex
08:29 – Magnesium Complex
10:04 – Collagen filler
10:32 – Best price online
11:26 – More info to come
12:32 – At least I’m genuine
15:52 – Thanks for joining

What’s up how are you guys today if anything positive came from me getting that eye surgery it was this because an unusual series of events occurred when I was in California where I had to try different supplements from Whole Foods and also a few ideas talking to the

Nurses I ended up coming up with these uh so for those of you that don’t know we launched organ supplements a couple years ago now with these vitamin and mineral blends to provide natural and safe dosages of supplements because even now you cannot find certain most supplements in safe dosages you know B

Vitamins at hundreds of times to thousands of times the daily value basically toxic doses of mineral supplements it it’s not regulated guys the supplement industry is not regulated FDA doesn’t really do much which is kind of good for business owners but kind of bad for the health of most people

Because there’s so much misinformation disinformation out there those are two different things which I can talk about another time but basically people don’t know what could be hurting them and when money’s there lot of snake oil so we have a multivitamin multi-mineral zinc complex and Magnesium Complex now before we were

Selling stuff like you know we still have the B complex on the website we have all the individualized mineral and be vitamins that you can buy but I figured that wasn’t that convenient for a lot of people and they don’t want to take eight or nine different mineral

Supplements every morning and it it’s confusing for a lot of people so I figured it was best that I just combine everything to a multivitamin and a multi-mineral and also doing a little more research on Mineral cations uh magnesium complexes have been a little popular and

No one’s ever really come out with a zinc complex which is kind of relevant to me recently with my copper toxicity so this is actually called although I couldn’t fit it on the label natural ratios multivitamin natural ratios multimineral and I’m going to read what

I put here on the label uh on these new labels natural safe dosage we formulate all of our supplements to be in line with what you can get naturally from food on a daily basis both the amounts and ratios of nutrients are balanced whereas most supplements on the market

Have high even toxic doses that can cause more harm than good uh another thing I want to touch on is the affordability I never really understood why supplement companies would charge like 6070 $80 for certain supplement Blends uh I’m not going to name them but there’s another company that sells a

Multivitamin that is not really that different from any of the other ones for about $80 and it cannot possibly cost them more than $5 to $10 per bottle to manufacturer and I don’t really want to get into this either but the problem is these us-based manufacturing companies

They price scouch people CU all the powders regardless of what supplement you buy every single powder on this planet is manufactured in China It’s just sometimes they bring it to the US and then the cost of manufacture in the USA is much higher it’s not necessarily

Better so that could be one reason for it but uh let’s focus on the supplements here so the multivitamin and multi mineral were things I wanted to make so that the average person or someone just getting into health and especially for you guys that are very well versed

You’ve watched a lot of my videos you watch a lot of other people’s health videos you’re very like ingrained in the health and nutrition Community you guys are probably buying all different types of stuff and experimenting but if you have friends or family or relatives and you’re just trying to get them something

To be healthy especially your parents your siblings this is this is easy say hey hey this is a safe multivitamin this is a safe multimineral just give them this to take that that’s the main reason I got this it’s much more approachable it’s much more reasonable and even

Something I would use myself now so the multivitamin has all the vitamins we’ve been selling K2 D3 vitamin C and then all of the B vitamins so it’s literally RB complex is in the multivitamin you know the vitamin K2 is in the multivitamin uh we have vitamin D3 in

Here here we have vitamin C so someone like me who’s really trying to critique and fix their health issues I might not take this every day I might be doing B complex every other day or some other stuff so you know after you establish a base of nutrition and you’re feeling

Better and then you you can get blood work and know what to Target that’s where you would move away from this and do other things or maybe maybe you don’t need all of this and you’re just deficient in K2 so you would isolate it but that’s the basic multivitamin and

Then we have the multi minerals separate uh most of the time companies will combine multivitamin and multimineral and it’s just called a multivitamin I don’t think multi- mineral is really a thing uh it’s you know you could look it up people don’t really make them this

Might be the only one on the market like this that just has minerals in them so all of our eight minerals that we sell on organ supplements are in this so we have magnesium zinc manganese Boron that’s four iodine mum selenium did I say eight so I

Omitted copper because a lot of people have copper toxicity and I I wanted this to be something that people can take safely so this contains the zinc complex and the Magnesium Complex as the forms of of zinc and magnesium in here so you don’t have to buy the complexes if you just

Want the multimineral uh the difference is you know when you’re taking this obviously it’s only zinc and mag but now you’re getting all the other ones too and I I’ll touch more about the the cations in a little bit but the maganese Boron iodine mum selenium it’s all very

Very safe dosages everything in here is a safe dosage so yeah when I was taking the vitamins there were like three or four of them so it wasn’t that much of a pain to take but for the minerals you know when you have seven eight different

Minerals in front of you it’s it’s nice to just be able to take one capsule and and what I’ll do is I’ll do the multi-mineral a few times a week but I’ll usually isolate and take different things more consistently so depending on the mineral there’s a lot

Of different types of culations with the less popular stuff like meibum and selenium there’s really only one or two to choose from however in the case of like zinc and especially more popular ones like magnesium it can be kind of overwhelming when there’s you know over

A dozen different forms of it that you don’t know which ones to choose from but based on my research uh for this zinc complex we’re using zinc carnosine zinc glycinate and zinc methionine to add up to 15 Mig of Elemental zinc so each capsule is 15 milligram and that’s

Another thing I wanted to make sure to do because sometimes you’ll see zinc being sold in like 30 milligram or 60 milligram capsules which it’s not easy to to modulate that dosage on a daily basis because you might only want to take 15 milligrams before bed and then

Like 45 milligrams in the morning so it’s nice to have smaller dosed pills um that you can just multiply instead so it’s it’s 5 Mig of each of those three culations and this one is based off amino acids and protein culations being more bioavailable than others as proven in studies uh carnosine glycinate

Methionine for the zinc and I put on the website like in the description what each one is good for I’m doing this off the cuff I didn’t put together script for this video uh which I probably should have to be honest uh but I kind

Of wanted it to be more informal so if you I’ll put that up here on the screen uh what each Zin carnosine glycinate and methionine is good for but this is unique because this doesn’t exist no one else has done a zinc complex with different forms of zinc if you search

Zinc complex you’ll see like people combin zinc with like herbs and roots and and non-mineral non-mineral stuff like and by that I mean like pure mineral extracts so for the Magnesium Complex which was a little more difficult to figure out because the zinc the zinc one

Once I looked them all up it was pretty obvious which ones we should put in there but magnesium a little confusing so we ended up choosing three forms of magnesium glycinate L3 andate and Tate 33 Mig of each to add up to 100 mg of Elemental zinc per capsule uh based on

My memory glycinate is known for being relaxing people take it before bed l38 I believe is for brain benefits brain health and then Tate is for heart health how much truth is there to that it’s kind of hard to say usually what ends up happening is whatever the mineral is bound to those

Amino acids or those compounds tend to go to certain areas in the body so that’s kind of what’s Happening Here but uh from the perspective of which magnesiums you would want to have for those side benefits these are kind of the three go-tos glycinate l38 and torate and I don’t think the other

Magnesium complexes on the market have these three specific ones as the best there’s a lot of them that just throw every single magnesium form in there which which isn’t good uh you know you don’t want small amounts of 10 different and some of the doses are really really

High the nice thing about this is you have 100 mgram magnesium capsule so you could take 2 or 300 in the morning and then you can lower the dosage throughout throughout the day and anything higher than 100 milligrams per capsule is it’s hard to modulate what’s also very unique

About these is that not only did we use a gelatin capsule we used collagen beef collagen as the filler uh which has as far as I know no one does it because it’s kind of hard uh to do on the machines and companies don’t really want

To do it but I kind of convinced them to do this for me so you guys don’t have to worry about there being any sort of inflammatory or weird plant-based fillers in these and they are the best price online so you know any sort of similar quality multivitamin multimineral uh zinc complex or

Magnesium Complex they’re way more expensive way more expensive than this and if you guys did recently purchase something on organ supplements and you feel like you’re getting jipped because I just came out with these or you bought something I’ll just email me and I can give you a refund or credit

For whatever you purchased and then you can buy the new suppl ments there was really no way around that I didn’t know when these were coming in and I figured I would just do that so if you bought like a magnesium last week just email me buy this one and

I’ll take the these are a little more expensive so you’re not going to get it for free but I’ll I’ll take the price off of whatever you paid cuz I really don’t care I’m broke at this point if we ever get out of the hole who

Knows I can’t stop trying right anyway I hope you guys like these they’re really special uh over the next few weeks I’m going to be doing more blood work and uh in the day of eating and more health related videos you guys will see how I’m currently using these uh the Magnesium

Complex and the zinc complex basically every meal uh in addition to uh my malum that I’ve been taking but again I I’ll go into more detail in the future videos these are all available on organs supplements.com where we ship throughout the world everywhere in addition to you

Know a lot of other very creative unique products that I sell I mean activated charcoal isn’t that creative but we have things like masum we have the uh freeze-dried bullvine powders which are the most effective that I take every morning too so lot of interesting stuff

On there as it is with all my businesses but today’s focus is the organ supplements uh I don’t really I don’t really like doing videos like this I feel like a Salesman uh and uh I haven’t really been up to doing stuff because of my eyes lately but I figured this is

Better than nothing I don’t know did I crack a joke today maybe it wasn’t better than nothing but uh yeah be because of the quality of the supplements the the understanding and research that I put into them and the price point I mean compared to these other these other

Snake oil sales and I should I should be a billionaire to be honest so you guys take this stuff you give it to anyone as a present they’re going to take it they’re going to feel so much better because it’s formulated in a way that no no other supplement on

The market is formulated and I probably shouldn’t say this I’m surpris surprised no one has copyed me yet especially considering this this this B complex we sell which has been we’ve been selling for a year or two now I think long I mean longer than that is uh is very

Unique because all these other supplements are so toxically high dosed you I mean there’s there’s Facebook groups for B6 toxicity like it’s it’s crazy because you know people are deficient in B6 and then they go to buy a supplement and then they become toxic because no one knows what they’re doing

But anyway it’s special guys I’ll stop yapping let you guys check it out organs supplements.com all right guys so I’m ending this video first I want to apologize for the camera shaking everywhere I’m just one guy doing this by myself you know I’m not behind the camera looking at the angles seeing if

It’s shaking or not yeah I could refilm this but like it’s not it’s not that bad if it was that bad I’d refilm it but I forgot to mention one very important thing the magnesium and and the multimineral serving Siz is two capsules the zinc and the multivitamin

Serving size is one capsule so you’re getting 50 milligrams of zinc as we said per serving the multivitamin very safe doses of everything per serving but what’s nice for the Magnesium is the serving size being two capsules 100 milligrams of activated magnesium you can take 50 if you want so each capsule

Is 50 Mill of magnesium which is a super super low and you probably I don’t even know if you could find a 50 mg magnesium capsule somewhere because they always make it like 100 plus 200 or 300 the doses are very high so this is very very very low which is

Effective if you want to take something um minuscule before bed same with the multi-mineral you know you don’t have to take two of these you can take one and it’s an even lower safer dosage so we already made these lower than other supplement companies because these people are selling toxic dosages like

The selenium is 50 micrograms and other people are doing like two three four 500 which is so dangerous but what’s really nice is you can do 25 micrograms of selenium you can go even lower so hey you could do one capsule with breakfast and one capsule with lunch instead of

Having it all at once it really really opens up the door of possibilities for dosaging you know um and that that’s a big thing because if you can just take an even amount with every meal that makes a lot more sense than doing a large amount which might cause an

Adverse reaction so that was just that little tidbit I wanted to add in here which is why we write scripts why I usually put all my thoughts together I write a script because I always forget stuff and there’s also probably more important stuff I forgot to put in here

A few other new products this week so definitely keep an eye on the YouTube make sure to subscribe to everything sign up for the newsletter on Frankie me.com and I don’t say it enough but you know when you guys buy stuff from me I just put the money back into my business

And the goal of my business has always been uh to get you guys high quality and affordable health and nutrition related products and and the better we do the more we grow the more I can give back so thank you guys for joining drop a like leave a comment subscribe all that

Stuff I’ll see you guys soon Oh