Immunity: Vegan and Keto

Roger Seheult, MD of MedCram explains a new study comparing the effects of a vegan and ketogenic diet on the immune system.

A recent article published in nature has shown that putting people on a vegan diet increases a substance in their body that fights viral infections the substance is called interferon but that’s not all that it showed it showed that putting people on a ketogenic diet also increased t- Cell Activation and B

Cell Activation but the response from putting someone on a vegan diet was a net increase in interferent response which is associated with milder outcomes of Co 19 this might explain why in another study that was done in 3,000 Healthcare Providers those that identify with plant-based diets or pescatarian

Diets had less risk of getting severe covid-19 than those that had low carbohydrate high protein diets click below for the full video