Covid vaccines are safe

Says British Prime Minister in offical statement a few days ago.
Watch on parliament TV, about 13.30 pm, Wednesday 31st January 2024

Read the officially recorded text in Hansard

Andrew Bridgen
(North West Leicestershire) (Ind)

Q3. More than two decades ago, the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, misled this House by promoting and endorsing the Post Office Horizon IT system as perfect, protecting the large corporation that created it and causing untold harm, damage and misery to innocent people. Can the current Prime Minister think of anything he has promoted, in partnership with huge businesses, as safe and effective that has ultimately harmed the British people? Will he use this opportunity to correct that safe and effective statement, or will he choose the same line as Tony Blair and sit back, do nothing and let the misery continue to pile up?

The Prime Minister

We have been clear that the Horizon scandal is a terrible miscarriage of justice, and we are doing everything we can to make it right. To what the hon. Member was more broadly insinuating, let me be unequivocal from this Dispatch Box that covid vaccines are safe.

Apologies and correction from John
In this video I wrongly say the scabies mites (Sarcoptes scabiei) are insects, they are not and are correctly classified as Arachnida. This is because the adult mites have 8 legs, so are in the same group as spiders. Insects of course have 6 legs.

They are 0.2 to 0.45 mm in size, not 10 times bigger as I said, always important to put the decimal point in the correct place.

I hope to resume normal service in the next video.

Well welcome to today’s talk it’s Sunday the 4th of February 2024 now in my country we have something called prime minister’s question time where members of parliament can ask the Prime Minister questions now this was the British prime minister last Wednesday the 31st of January not 2021 but

2024 just a few days ago prime minister let me be unequivocal from this dispatch box that Co vaccines are safe Mr speaker now I know that you’ll be struggling with credulity at this point so I don’t want to quote the Prime Minister out of context so let’s look at

The context now Mr Andrew bridgen asks the question and Richie sunak the Prime Minister answers the question let’s just watch the whole exchange only lasts for a couple of minutes brid thank you Mr Speaker more than two decades ago the then prime minister Tony Blair misled this house by promoting and endorsing

The post office Horizon it system as perfect protecting the large corporation that created it and causing Untold harm and damage and misery to innocent people can the current prime minister think of anything he has promoted in partnership with huge businesses as safe and effective which has ultimately harmed

The British people and will he use this opportunity to correct that safe and effective statement or will he choose the same line as Tony Blair sit back do nothing and let the misery just continue to pile up Prim Minister Mr Speaker as we’ve been clear the Horizon Scandal is

A terrible miscarriage of justice and we’re doing everything that we can to make it right and to what he was more broadly insinuating let me be unequivocal from this dispatch box that covid vaccines are safe Mr speaker now your Member of Parliament May well have been if you live live in

The UK one of those that was poo pooing Mr bridgen when he said safe and effective and he may your elected member May well have been one of the ones that were cheering when Mr Richie sunak said the vaccines are safe notice he didn’t say they were effective this time but he

Did say they were safe now let’s just look at some more information on this here now this is the uh the channel where you can watch that that’s the official UK uh Parliament Channel where it’s all available check out the link for yourself and we also have this document called Hansard which records

Everything and that’s the link for that check it out for yourself can the current uh prime minister think of anything he has promoted in partnership with huge business as safe and effective but has ultimately harmed the British people so clearly Mr bridgen there is talking about the vaccines and gives the Prime

Minister an opportunity to uh correct previous errors now the Prime Minister here is talking about the Horizon now this Horizon Scandal there was this terrible thing where postmasters were accused of theft and it wasn’t it was the computer system goes way back to Tony blle you

Might have heard of him something to do with was it an invasion of Iraq or something like that something like that anyway um sticking to the point um this Horizon was uh Scandal was ignored but recently Von clean and the these poor innocent people who suffered uh greatly have been completely exonerated although

Not adequately compensated yet the analogies are there Mr bridon of course did advocate for the Horizon victims in his own constituency quite strongly at the time but again was poo pooed as he is now so he was drawing this kind of analogy there so the Prime Minister had

This opportunity to say just a minute but he actually said this let me be unequivocal so let me be une equivocal and is I think when he said unequivocal is that the point where he banged his hand down and said this is unequivocal and this is from the

Dispatch box now in the UK that means it’s it’s this dispatch box that the Prime Minister talks from in Parliament basically is saying by the authority vested in me as the British prime minister uh covid vaccines are safe and effective sry that are cross out safe there my mistake um so there

You go now I’m not just blaming I am cont CRI critiquing Mr sunak of course unequivocally I am um I think he’s wrong but we have a we have his Majesty’s opposition in this country that are supposed to say just a minute government let me get you in check here so Richie

Sunak says something K starm with the leader of the opposition should be on his feet in second saying just a minute what about way back to the Joseph frayman paper what about the yellow card data what about all the international data that shows unequivocal evidence of vaccine harms no nothing Ju Ju Just

Huray and they went on to the next point so there we have it that was the uh they were the exchanges in the British Parliament British prime minister 31st of January 2024 let me be unequivocal from this dispatch box that covid vaccines are safe unbelievable but at least it didn’t

Say effective now just a couple of uh lighter points now to finish off with we did a video a few days ago I know quite a of you saw it on icin use in Africa and those patients that were treated with icin in Africa for the scab bees are just virtually

Cured I’m going to be showing some videos that I’ve just been sent a couple of days ago I might do them tomorrow don’t think we’ got time today um but um I made an error in the video so as always I’ll come back to apology olog um so apologies and correction from from

John about a mistake I made in that video in this video I wrongly say that the scabies might are insects they are not they are correctly classified as a Radia uh this is because the adult might have eight legs as spiders do so they’re in the same group as spiders not insects

And of course even someone who’s done school biology knows that spy all insects have six legs uh and the might are actually 0.2 to 0.4 5 mm not 10 times bigger as I said sorry I simply put the decimal point in the wrong place so my apologies for that and um

Hopefully normal service will be resumed so my mistake sorry if I’ve misled anyone but the content of the video uh and the videoos of course absolutely valid totally valid IV mein uh in combination with hygiene and cleaning the clothes basically eradicated The Wretched curse of gab is from that

Family and with many others that’s just one we chose to video from our community health project in in Africa now I’m going to read a couple of the comments from that video now as we’ve said before there’s a whole qualitative research project in looking at these video

Comments if anyone bothered to do it but I’m just going to read out a couple of comments on the uh from the Iva meon and scab’s video now this says um um I’m not going to read out the names of the commentators but you can look at it

They’re all there they’re in the public domain during the pandemic I caught the Delta version of the size Corona virus to and was very sick Strangely I contacted scab the same week not wanting to infect my doctor I phon my doctor and managed to get a prescription of

Icin a day later I was better so excellent glad to hear that very strange coincidence getting skabes and Delta variant all at the same time although I must say personally I do keep Ivon in the house just in case I get scabies another one here um my brother Dr William

Colby started the icton distribution program in the Congo Basin in the 1980s 1 billion Doses and not one complaint now this is doses given to human beings not to horses not to cows to human beings a billion Doses and not one complaint according to this comment I have noticed that there is absolutely

No Co in the covid base and not even in the G refugee camp where there is TB and starvation nothing to see here can’t possibly comment of course but um congratulations to Dr William Kobe for starting the Ivon distrib distribution program in Congo in the 1980s and there’s many other comments I’m just

Going to give you the gist of one of them again I’m not just I’m just reporting what’s been commented don’t know if they’re true or not can’t tell it’s just comments but they’re in the public domain you can read them for yourself um I’ve had long covid and I’ve

Been on oxygen at 5 liters for 2 years 247 um and at some point this commentator says I found some 12 12 milligram tablets of irtin in 24 hours my oxygen saturation levels Rose to prec covid level my mind cleared overnight from the fog my ears are ringing and improving my eyesight is

Improved today I went to my old doctor to show him your video he already was ahead of me he prescribed 40 milligrams a day for two weeks but I told him I would like to try 20 milligrams per day because 12 migam rocked my world and increased the level if

Needed um a little more detail about the individual there this has been a miracle in my life no machine day or night and I assum he was referring to the oxygen concentration machine um and he also refers to some personal tragedy so they’re they’re in the comments there now of course I have

No idea whether they’re correct or not they’re just comments and whatever you do do not take medicines based on what we say on this um Channel we do not prescribe you need to go to your doctor for that but interesting that those things are in the comments and again

Congratulations to Dr William kobby for His Brilliant work in the Congo eradicating things like river blindness and uh uh elephantiasis the massive swelling of the limbs the terrible blindness and of course huge range of other parasitic diseases and now almost certainly IA Ian eradicating um scab as well although scab Beast keeps cropping

Up because people keep getting reinfected so there we go uh let me know what you think of the British prime minister’s comments and um we’ll leave it there thank you for watching