Physiques before steroids existed #shorts #fitness #bodybuilding

Dive into the golden age of natural bodybuilding, before the synthesis of testosterone in 1935 redefined the boundaries of human physique. This video explores the awe-inspiring physiques of early 20th-century bodybuilders, whose achievements were crafted without the aid of synthetic enhancements. Witness the incredible potential of natural bodybuilding through historical photographs and insights into the rudimentary training equipment of the time. Contrastingly, we also examine the modern landscape of bodybuilding, equipped with advanced nutrition knowledge and state-of-the-art gyms, highlighting the evolution of the sport. Join us as we celebrate the legacy of these natural titans and their enduring influence on the world of fitness.

The only physiques one can be 100% certain or natural are those before a pivotal moment in history testosterone was first synthesized in 1935 this year marks a significant turning point for bodybuilding because after this point it becomes impossible to definitively prove someone’s natural status however fortunately bodybuilders were already

Active before the 1930s and photographs of these individuals are available the physiques of these early bodybuilders are incredibly impressive showcasing the potential of natural bodybuilding their appearance is even more remarkable considering the basic nature of their equipment in contrast today there is widespread access to a wealth of information on programming and nutrition

And the average gym is equipped with facilities that would have been unimaginable to those early athletes