2 Supplements You THINK Are Healthy but Aren’t #shorts #vitamins #nutrition

2 Supplements You THINK Are Healthy but Aren’t

Dr. Janine shares two supplements you think are healthy but aren’t. She looks at how ascorbic acid is commonly known as vitamin C however this is a synthetic form of vitamin C. She advises that you should look at what is in the brackets after vitamin C on the label. If it doesn’t list a whole food source like camu camu berries or acerola cherries, it is synthetic. Dr. Janine also explains how folic acid is not natural and doesn’t even exist in nature. Folate does exist in nature and can be supplemented in a whole food form coming from leafy greens and blue-green algae like chlorella and spirulina. Follow for more natural health tips. 🌿

Links to supplements mentioned in this short
Vitamin C – Vitatree Organic Vitamin C:
Folate –
Vitatree Vitamin B12:
Vitatree Iron Complex:

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Here are two supplements you think are healthy but actually aren’t okay the first one is ascorbic acid now do you know what this is well it’s commonly known as vitamin C and it’s the synthetic form of vitamin C so unless it says on your vitamin label you got to

Check what’s in the brackets what the source is if vitamin C says ascorbic acid most times this is the synthetic form if it says that it’s coming from cam cam berries acerola cherries and that’s going to be a better source of that vitamin C from a whole food source

Okay number two folic acid now fic acid doesn’t exist in nature folate is natural and can be supplemented in a whole food form our green leafy vegetables give us folate which is very healthy blue and green algae my favorite things like chlorella and spirulina also have that natural form of that folate