Dr. Aaron Kheriaty: Natural Immunity and Preventing Transmission of COVID-19 | CLIP

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Dr. Aaron Kheriaty explains why vaccine mandates and mask mandates are not very effective at preventing the transmission of COVID-19, citing the facts that the current vaccines against COVID-19 are not able to prevent transmission or reinfection, and that wearing masks could be more harmful than helpful if people do not wear them correctly. Kheriaty adds that those with natural immunity, meaning they were infected with COVID-19 and recovered, are the least likely to spread the virus or be reinfected.

#VaccineMandate #AaronKheriaty #NaturalImmunity

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And one of the things that never made sense to me during that whole process was why aren’t we paying attention to natural immunity are we wasting up to half of our vaccines on people that are not going to benefit from them when these things could be going out to people

That need them more that are at much higher risk of having a bad outcome if they get coveted and much higher risk of getting infected with covid because they don’t have natural immunity and i see that as also one of our one of our failures and the failures of the public health

Establishment and i wish i would have been more vocal at that time about raising this whole question of natural immunity in in the vaccinated it just seems like the whole in terms of the public policy as it’s being implemented this question of natural immunity which you’ve just outlined is of seemingly critical

Importance for all sorts of reasons just doesn’t seem to be factored in at all i think there are at least three reasons why the cdc has sort of dragged its feet on this question of of natural immunity it’s a question that in a recent interview anthony fauci indicated he did

Not have a good response to you know why are we vaccinating people with natural immunity and why are we recognizing that natural immunity is equivalent to vaccines in terms of you know giving those folks the same kind of freedoms and access to the workplace and so forth that vaccinated individuals are now afforded

And i think the first reason if you look at the public health messaging is that there is worry that if we acknowledge natural immunity there’s a fear that people are going to go out and deliberately try to get infected with covid rather than getting vaccinated i don’t

Think that’s a worry that should stop us from being honest about the science because i think the real issue on natural immunity right now is not in relation to people that have not had covid and what kind of behavior they might engage in if you give them accurate information i think the

Question is what about all the people the probably more than half of all americans who have already recovered from covid what kinds of risks and benefits are we subjecting those individuals toward what kind of discriminatory policies do we have in place that are excluding someone like me from the workplace when i’m

99.8 percent protected against reinfection whereas someone who got the johnson johnson vaccine by the company’s own data that they submitted to the fda the j j vaccine is 67 percent protective against covet infection so somebody who’s 67 percent protected can go back to work at the university i who

I’m 99 effective have been banned from campus and have been put put on investigatory leave and soon will be placed on unpaid suspension because i haven’t been vaccinated so this worry that people are going to go out and deliberately get covet is one of the things that’s i think getting in the way

Of an honest accounting and an honest assessment of this in relation to policy making i think the second reason has to do with efficiency so the public health establishment during the vaccine rollout was very concerned that nothing get in the way of getting a needle in every arm right so any

Any step in the process like let’s get antibody testing or let’s ask for a previous you know record of someone’s covet infection before we decide whether or not to vaccinate them or give them the option to opt out if they already have natural immunity that was seen as

Cumbersome that was seen as something that could slow down what should be a highly efficient kind of turnstile medicine process is just moving as many people through the vaccine administration as possible as quickly as possible so many people have voiced concerns about this might slow down efficiency and i think the

Obvious answer to that is well it doesn’t have to slow down your system at all if people want to opt out on the basis of natural immunity put the burden of proof on them just have them go get the testing on their own time you don’t

Have to administer the t cell test or the antibody test you don’t have to go dig up their old medical record establishing that they’ve already had covid just ask them to bring that in and their work can sign off on that as a as a kind of immunity passport rather than

Dividing people into the vaccinated and the unvaccinated let’s divide them into the more immune versus the less immune in terms of assessing risks so i think that’s the that’s another reason but i think the answer to that is very simple and straightforward and i think we can address that concern about

Efficiency very readily by just putting putting the burden of proof on the individual who’s going to opt out of vaccination on the basis of natural immunity and i think the third reason has to do with the public health establishments worries about their own credibility many worry i think

Incorrectly but many worry that if we acknowledge natural immunity the obvious next question is how many people have it so we have to do the population-based testing to see that 55 of americans have natural immunity and and many in the public health establishment will see that as an admission of policy failure

Especially for the policies of 2020. right many americans made huge sacrifices including the loss of their businesses a loss of income to stay locked down at home for months on end to practice social distancing to wash their hands and scrub surfaces and put up plastic barriers and do all kinds

Of things that that most people willingly did um as a as a sign of solidarity with others and out of a well-meaning desire to protect other people from infection uh to protect their loved ones especially and that was very noble but in my view and you’ve talked to

Others on this program who who’ve shared the same view i think those policies were misguided i think a more targeted approach would have been much more effective done far less harm to people include including harm to people’s health there’s always risk to medical interventions however small the risks

Might be we know that the risk of myocarditis for example is real and it’s higher especially for younger people and especially for younger men we know that there are other risks from these vaccines and again some evidence that individuals with natural immunity may be at higher risk than the general population uh for

Side effects from the vaccine so we’re proposing using this intervention on individuals that don’t need it that won’t benefit or it won’t benefit other people where those individuals will assume some degree of unnecessary risk this does not make sense from public health perspective certainly doesn’t make sense from the perspective of

Medical ethics and it’s especially egregious when individuals are subjected to mandates when their right of informed consent and the right of informed refusal to a medical intervention is taken away and they’re facing a choice about getting vaccinated under threat of losing their job losing their livelihood

Being shut out from their ability to to travel or to access certain public or social goods or or venues and to me the the the ethics of vaccination in this case are very clear because the vaccines do not prevent an infection and transmission then we have to look at individual risk

Benefit analysis and we have to inform individuals of what the risks and benefits are this is a central principle of medical ethics the right of informed consent and the right of informed refusal for this intervention is being taken away from millions of americans that are now subjected to vaccine mandates and soon

The right of parents to consent or refuse on behalf of their children will also be taken away and this this to my mind is very concerning and this was ultimately the thing that as i saw it unfolding around me uh first at the university and then spreading to other

Institutions in society i decided that i had to stand up and try to do something about it and that that’s what led to my legal challenge of challenging first the university and also the state of california department of health on their vaccine mandate on behalf of individuals that have natural

Immunity individuals that are similarly situated to me to nudge the university and the state to to recognize the science to go through the careful fact-finding process that you get when you take a case to court and to to require these institutions to answer for the reasons for their policy and to

To in my case challenging the policy on constitutional grounds on equal protection grounds my legal argument is that this violates my equal protection rights under the 14th amendment of the constitution and i think it’s a strong argument on the on the merits of of the empirical evidence that we have available