Natural Health Reviews – Build Strong Immune System – Body Immunity | National Nutrition

Introducing National Nutrition’s newest Youtube series “Natural Health Reviews”. We sit down with Naturopathic Doctor Jonathan Beatty, as he discusses the immune system and ways that you can support it to keep your body healthy and infection-free.

To read more about Immune System please click here:

The immune system is the police force of the body. It is a complex system of cells that defend the body from invading organisms, regulate inflammation and control abnormal cell growth. Many organs are involved in the immune response, the bone marrow, lymphatic system, thymus, liver, and spleen. Bone marrow produces red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets…

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National nutrition natural health reviews three minutes of the latest naturopathic info with Canada’s leading nutrition experts watch learn and get healthy naturally hi there I’m naturopathic doctor Jonathan Beattie health expert here at national nutrition dot CA today we’re going to talk about some things you can do to help support

Your immune system understanding the immune system in is is an incredibly huge topic there are doctors whose sole specialty is just immunology it’s an incredibly diverse topic it’s an incredibly expansive topic so we’re not going to cover everything immune related today instead what I’m going to try and

Hit you with without getting into all the gory details of why are some of the basic things that you can do that have been shown in clinical studies to help improve the functioning of your immune system the immune system is there to help you fight any number of insults on

Your body it’s there to help you heal from traumatic tissue damage it’s there to fight off infections and it’s there to fight off cancers so a properly functioning immune system is incredibly important and the most important thing that your immune system needs our nutrients a nutrient is the basic

Molecules required to support and sustain life in the absence of disease therefore any level of nutrient deficiency is automatically going to be creating a disease state in the body and if that nutrient happens to be required by the immune system you’re going to see that disease fall into the immune

Category so that might be just being increasingly susceptible to colds and flus do you happen to be that person that gets every cold and flu that goes around yet you notice the person that you know works next to you at work never seems to be sick it might be the difference between them

Having adequate nutrition for their immune system and you having inadequate so some of the things that you can really focus on to improve how your immune system functions our thing like vitamin C vitamin C is incredibly important for your immune system it helps your immune system to fight off viral infections as well

Zinc zinc is a mineral needed by your immune cells if you have a zinc deficiency they can’t respond to infections as important as effectively and so this is why you’ll see things like zinc lozenges that often come with vitamin C in them what you’re trying to

Do is again make sure you’re getting a steady supply of zinc to the cells so that your immune system can fight off that infection when you do contract it now it doesn’t mean you’re gonna get instantaneous symptom relief know your symptoms are created by your immune system fighting the infection instead

What these things do is they reduce the severity of the infection as well as the duration of the infection other things you’re gonna want to look for to support the immune system and there are a vast number of them so I’m gonna hit on some

Of the ones that are just a little bit better studied and very powerful and some of those things are garlic comes to mind as probably one of the major ones garlic is something we eat in a lot of our food but we don’t necessarily eat it

In the quantities required to get a real good immune stimulation out of it and sometimes you can actually improve the effectiveness of garlic by doing things such as fermenting it and that can actually concentrate and enhance the immune benefits of garlic so that’s a simple one that you can either add in

Lots of fermented garlic into your diet or take concentrated garlic supplements and that can really help to boost up your immune system to make sure it’s functioning optimally all year round now in addition to garlic some of the other things that you should look at supplementing with my favorite is a

Strike Alice astragalus is a herb that’s very important for the immune system research has shown that it may actually help to extend the life of your immune cell so it allows your white blood cells to essentially live longer to allow them to do their job more effectively and

It’s very effective at fighting off both viral and bacterial illnesses so this is why I often supplement people with a straggle as’ either in combination with other or on its own other herbs I like for fighting or for boosting the immune system there’s a mushroom called cordyceps which is very effective at

Boosting the immune system as well as it a lot it boosts something called glutathione which allows your body to detoxify against any toxins that may be being produced by a bacterial infection and so cordyceps is very very effective at enhancing glutathione levels and allowing your body to fight off

Infections more effectively so I hope these tips help you boost your immune system help you stay healthy check out more of our videos subscribe to our Channel any questions or comments can be posted below and always remember knowledge is Health You