Boost Your Immunity 2 – Vitamin D

In part 2 of the Boost Your Immunity series, Dr. Dowd explains how a little time outdoors can do wonders for your immune system.

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Do you feel tired and run down at the end of the day or do you struggle with soreness throughout your body these could be signs you’re running low on a crucial nutrient vital to your health you’re not alone it’s estimated that over 42% of Americans are facing this

Health crisis too start getting what you need today here’s how I spent my in most of my childhood in Texas a very sunny and warm state so after ID moved to Michigan uh and I was uh here for maybe 10 years um I started having a lot of

The same symptoms my patients were experiencing meet Dr Jim Dow he knows firsthand what this Health crisis is doing to us he sees the impact it has on the patients he treats at the arthritis institution of Michigan looking for answers he stumbled on something that took took him by surprise when I started

Taking vitamin D many of these aches and pains I was having in my hands and feet um and neck um seemed to go away um and my energy level went up um my sleep improved and the same thing was happening in the handful of patients who

I had started measuring D levels in Dr Dow shares what he learned in his book The Vitamin D cure so if you want to improve your health and start feeling better it could be as simple as getting the vitamin D that you need today researchers are discovering that vitamin

D is a critical part of protecting your health the benefits to your bones joints and teeth are just the tip of the iceberg recent studies are showing that vitamin D plays an important role in keeping your heart strong and safeguarding you from strokes and heart attacks scientists are also finding that

Vitamin D has a strong connection to your immune system people with protective levels of vitamin D are less likely to develop infections and can recover faster than people suffering from low levels of vitamin D so why are so many of us not getting the vitamin D we need to stay healthy our

Modern Lifestyles especially since the Advent of computers has placed most of us indoors for work behind a flat screen and we’re no longer Physically Active we’re in the middle of this obesity epidemic or pandemic and these are all things that place us at risk so just living in our modern society are all

Actually risk factors we are spending more time indoors it’s reported that people in the USA and Canada spent more time inside than any other Nation around the world the average American only spends about 10% of their week outside if you want to get the vitamin D that

You need then you need to get some sunshine so getting outside being physically active in the Sun is is one of the best ways to normalize our D and address a lot of other things related to the lack of physical activity here are a few tips to get more of the sunshine

Vitamin you need take a midday walk this is the best time to get direct sunlight make sure that your skin is exposed the amount of sun exposure depends on the time of year where you live and the color of your skin as the days grow shorter during the winter months you’ll

Need to consider getting your vitamin D from supplements between October and April um above 30 35 to 40° north latitude you probably need to supplement as the seasons change if you’re in the United States and live north of South Carolina then you need to add vitamin D

To your daily routine and if you one of the many Americans who are vitamin D deficient taking a daily vitamin D supplement can boost and protect your health find out how much you need by talking with your doctor there’s a recent study from Harvard University looking at the

Supplementation of vitamin D 2,000 units a day and 1,000 Mig of Omega-3 a day and they found for the first time that D and omega-3 lowered the risk of developing a new autoimmune disease by 30% and nothing has ever been shown to reduce the risk of developing an autoimmune

Disease so this is the first time anything’s been shown much less something as simple as uh a supplement we can get over the counter the standard of American diet is making us sick the US waistline is growing according to a recent report nearly 2third of Americans are overweight we know we’re eating too

Many empty calories of refined carbohydrates that are driving up insulin and insulin is driving obesity and the higher the fat Mass the lower the D levels and so decorrelates with diabetes development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease and we saw in the pandemic it in the patients who were

Having the worst outcomes with infection were patients who had low D levels diabetes high blood pressure again everything’s tracking in tandem um because they’re all related many nutritionists say the best way to start off your day is to enjoy a nice omelette eggs are a natural source of vitamin D

According to a report in Australia eating just two eggs helps boost your daily requirements of vitamin D they’re also load with other vitamins and minerals that you need to stay healthy make sure to throw in some mushrooms too eggs I would put near the top of the

List mushrooms have D2 in them uh which is a plant sourced vitamin D and when you sundry mushrooms they have even more D2 in them because just like it promotes de production in our skin when we’re exposed to Sun it promotes depr production in mushrooms to dry them in

The Sun but mushrooms are just tasty they add a lot of flavor and they’re they’re loaded with nutrition um uh and other micronutrients in the evening overhaul your dinner plate add vitamin D rich foods like salmon include a healthy salad with dark leafy greens too a

Salmon steak can have anywhere from 2 to 300 units of D in that salmon steak wild caught fish is going to have a higher amount of De in it than farmed fish so that’s your your Preferred Choice of of fish uh and let’s get off all these processed foods and start eating salmon

And um leafy green vegetables go out for a walk today with a friend you’ll enjoy the company as you take in the sunshine vitamin next add a supplement if you need some extra vitamin D and overhaul your dinner plate with foods that will support your health

Your life is a gift from God make sure you’re doing everything you can to take care of that gift and enjoy it