Vitamin That Helps With SIBO?

(USA)This video is a reaction to a recent one discussing a vitamin that helped an individual resolve his SIBO.

I discuss my thoughts on the topic and potential impact of vitamin B1 (thiamin) with SIBO.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have heard in this video. Reliance on any information provided in this video is solely at your own risk.

What’s up I’m Dr Daniel ricciardi gut health expert licensed pharmacist and fitness Enthusiast I help clients resolve bloating gas and digestive problems so they can look and feel their best this video today is going to be a little bit different from previous ones in the past week I’ve actually had

Several people reach out and send me a video from a different YouTube channel and ask my thoughts on the video so in order to provide a proper thoughtful response to these questions I thought it was necessary to make this video today to give a little background about three

Weeks ago a video was posted from a different YouTube channel called EO nutrition the operator on this channel is a certified functional medicine practitioner and naturopathic nutritional therapist he has a considerable number of videos on vitamin B1 which is thiamin and a specific type of thiamin called ttfd the video that he

Posted a few weeks ago is called this vitamin protocol fixes sibo chronic fatigue brain fog and fibromyalgia which is a chronic pain condition the video is an interview between the owner of this YouTube channel who is the practitioner and the client that he helped and it discusses how the young man who was

Being interviewed went from being extremely malnourished and underweight which is evidenced by the photos and the thumbnail of this video you can kind of see the before and after it’s very extreme into being a healthy young man in his early 20s I watched the video and the exact vitamin protocol that was done

Of the ttfd was not specifically stated like dosage or anything like that but we can safely assume that a relatively high dose of this ttfd was probably used and it was also not mentioned if there was a sibo-specific protocol that was done for this client as well all right so I know

A lot of people probably won’t do this but I’m going to be completely honest with you if I’m not an expert on a topic or if I don’t know something I’ll tell you I’ve never used or even heard of this ttfd before but because it seemed to help this guy’s sibo pretty

Significantly and he’s doing way better naturally I’m very interested to learn more about it so I spent the last week or so searching for researching and reading as many scientific articles as I could find on this topic so if this ttfd thymine supplement is working naturally we can assume that a thiamine deficiency

Is probably present thymine deficiency has been linked to both alcoholism and malnutrition but it does seem like the number of people who have thymine deficiency may be greater than just these two categories this 2021 review by cells Journal it discusses thiamine deficiency here it shows that the

Minimum amount of thymine you should get in your daily diet is just over one milligram per day which is really easy to do through diet and supplementation still a large percentage of people seem to be having a thiamine deficiency which is very thought provoking it went on to explain that thymine deficiency is

Common in patients who are obese have diabetes are pregnant have psychiatric illness and a variety of other conditions and it also suspects that being sick like basically having an acute illness various medications eating a diet high in processed foods and a diet high in carbohydrates and all the

Responsible for depleting the amount of thymine that you have stored in your body essentially you can be lacking vitamins despite having an excess of calories thiamine is really important because it is a necessary nutrient for a ton of body processes one key one is the creation of a molecule called ATP or

Adenosine triphosphate this is basically the energy molecules for the body therefore not having enough thymine means that we won’t be able to produce energy or at least not optimally kind of like if you’re trying to make your favorite dish but you don’t actually have the key ingredient to bake it it’s

Just going to turn out gross thiamine can also have a role in gut motility there are a number of studies that were conducted in animals that showed that thiamine and ttfd may increase gut motility I did look for similar studies on humans but unfortunately was not able

To find anything similar to these that was relevant to what we’re talking about taking a step back and looking at the big picture the most common reason that people get sibo is having gut motility problems it has been well researched that the vagus nerve is important for normal gum motility the neurotransmitter

Which is a signaling molecule in the body called acetylcholine is important for stimulating this vagus nerve and then taking it one step further thiamine is a necessary nutrient for the production of acetylcholine so if we kind of put all of this together based on these scientific truths we can make

An assumption that if you are deficient in thiamine it can negatively affect gut motility it could be a root cause of sibo now we’re actually going to do the reverse here and talk about how sibo can potentially cause low thiamine so it can kind of be a little bit of a vicious

Circle sibo is known to be associated with malabsorption meaning that if you have sibo your body may not be as good at absorbing nutrients vitamins and just calories in General this 2022 review by the Journal of gastroenterology noted that in the high amount of bacteria that are present when you have sibo can

Actually steal the body’s supply of thymine that it gets through food and supplements to be fair bacteria do produce some important vitamins neutral nutrients and short chain fatty acids that we do need to thrive but obviously having way too many bacteria is not going to be good for my personal

Experience I had to eat over 3 000 calories per day just to maintain my body weight which was about 160 pounds or I believe that’s about 73 kilograms now I can do this only by eating about 2 000 calories a day so if this isn’t some

Sort of proof that sibo can lead to malabsorption I don’t know what is this is definitely a very intriguing topic to explore and additional studies are surely needed to more fully understand the existence prevalence of the link between a thyme and deficiency and sibo perhaps a study involving recently

Diagnosed sibo patients and then have them all be directly measured to see their thymine levels in conclusion by no means does this video cover everything related to thymine deficiency in sibo nor do I claim to be an expert on this topic I did want to provide my full

Thoughts after doing my due diligence and doing some research on the topic but with that said if you have tried many rounds of sibo treatment continued to have recurrences and are feeling stuck it means that you probably have not identified the root cause yet so it is possible that thymine deficiency could

Be a root cause and therefore in this case it may be helpful to look into that is all for today if you enjoyed this video please like And subscribe to my channel I post a full-length video every Monday evening in YouTube shorts throughout the week all my content is on

Gut health and fitness related topics since you stayed till the end check out this video here next for more information on sibo treatments thanks so much for watching I’ll see you next time