Multivitamins 101: Benefits, safety and risk

Multivitamin Use: Around 30% of the US population regularly takes multivitamins.
Indications for Multivitamins: Commonly indicated for nutritional deficiencies, confirmed by blood tests.
Pregnancy: Specific prenatal multivitamins are recommended for pregnant women, rich in folate and iron.
Dietary Restrictions: Multivitamins can fill nutritional gaps for people with food allergies or vegan diets.
Elderly Population: Advised for older adults due to decreased nutrient absorption.
Bariatric Surgery: Essential for those who have undergone bariatric surgery.
Cancer Risk: Most studies, including a large 2022 meta-analysis, show no increased cancer risk; some indicate a slight decrease.
Health Benefits: The 2017 Cochrane review suggests no significant improvement in overall mortality or cardiovascular risk, but some benefits in cognitive decline in the elderly.
Risks in High Doses: Potential risks with high doses of certain vitamins, particularly in older individuals.
Weight Loss and Immune System: Multivitamins do not significantly aid in weight loss but can support the immune system and improve cognitive function.


This information is provided for general knowledge and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your doctor for any questions or concerns you may have about your health.

Multivitamins they’re common roughly 30% of Americans take them regularly we’re going to look at when they’re needed and when they’re not nutritional deficiencies that’s a clear reason for multivitamins we’re talking about lack of vitamin B12 D fate and others blood tests tell the story they confirm what’s missing in such cases multivitamins make

Sense pregnancy changes things special multivitamins become crucial they’re rich in folate and iron folate important it prevents birth defects that’s why doctors often recommend prenatal multivitamins to pregnant women consider those with dietary limits the vegans the allergic their diets might miss key nutrients here multivitamins fill the gaps then there’s the

Elderly with age nutrient absorption falters diets change multivitamins can help bariatric surgery patients face a similar issue surgery affects how nutrients are absorbed again multivitamins are a go-to now the big question do multivitamins up the risk of cancer the research is varied but the latest a big

Study from 2022 with over 700,000 people shows no increase in cancer risk in fact it suggests a slight decrease particularly in lung cancer what about overall health benefits a massive review in 2017 involving more than 77,000 participants found no major benefits no reduction in mortality or cardiovascular risks but for older folks

It did show a decrease in cognitive decline any health risks generally no major ones but high doses of vitamins A and E in older individuals might up the lung cancer risk and watch out for iron too much can be toxic weight loss multivitamins alone aren’t the answer but those with vitamin

D and calcium might help a bit beyond filling nut nutritional gaps multivitamins have their uses they can boost the immune system particularly against colds and flu some especially those with vitamin B can improve cognitive function vitamin D is key for muscle strength and bone health in the elderly safe

Intake for the generally healthy a few months is fine Beyond a year better check with a doctor a final note take them with food it helps avoid stomach issues and boosts absorption especially for fat soluble vitamins water soluble ones like C and B they’re more flexible in timing