Am I immune? Natural immunity – COVID-19

In this video, I’ll try to answer the question that so many people have right now. I’ll talk about what we mean by immunity. Also, I’ll touch on how immunity works, and then I’ll share some studies that I believe are relevant to this topic. And then finally, I’ll tell you what I think it means to you, based on our current knowledge. If you stick around to the end, I’ll touch on a few of the things that interfere with your immune system and make you more susceptible to disease.
#covid #immunity #natural #vaccine

DISCLAIMER: I have no financial interest in the production, sale, or distribution of this product. Information is provided for educational purposes and the best interest of my patients. This video does not aim to give medical advice. All medical advice should be obtained through your personal medical provider.


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Disclaimer: Information provided in this video on any channel and page and associated text is not intended to provide medical advice nor to diagnose any medical condition, nor does it provide recommendations for treatment of any ailment or disease. This content is for entertainment purposes only. It is the sole responsibility of the viewer and/or reader to consult their physician and healthcare professional on any health-related question. Neither the presenter nor the author of this content assumes any responsibility for any loss or injury and/or damage to persons or property arising out of or related to any use of the material contained in this video or accompanying text, blog, content, or links. The viewers/readers are advised to consult their personal physician before initiating any medication, whether prescription, OTC, nutritional or a supplemental product or medical approach mentioned in this content.

Hello and welcome to my channel i’m dr rick kellett am i immune to cobia 19 in this video i’ll try to answer the question that so many people have right now i’ll talk about what we mean by immunity and also touch on how immunity works and then i’ll share some studies that i

Believe are relevant to this topic and then finally i’ll tell you what i think it means based on our current knowledge if you stick around to the end i’ll touch on a few things that interfere with your immune system and make you more susceptible to disease

If this is the kind of content you like please put one of two words in the comment section below either natural or vaccine oh and hit the like button when people talk about immunity they often think of it as a black or white issue yes or no immune or not immune

Some people may think biological immunity is like legal immunity a person that’s been pardoned is immune from prosecution for crimes they previously committed a diplomat may have diplomatic immunity preventing prosecution for misdemeanors for minor offenses but when it comes to organisms the immunity is less absolute and more a spectrum

I’m going to spare you the details of the intricacies of the immune system which is very complex and functions in ways that we still don’t completely understand there are many videos available online if you’re interested but in brief we want to focus on the part of the adaptive immune system that

Gives us acquired immunity to a specific pathogen instead of general non-specific protection we get from our innate immunity this acquired immunity involves the actions of a series of different types of white blood cells including t cells macrophages plasma cells and b cells which make antibodies as you likely know antibodies are the

Proteins in our blood that bind the invader or toxin entering our body telling our adaptive immune system what to attack so we have an infection or get vaccinated and then we’re good right well as most of you know the answer is yes but for how long

If you consider diseases that we now are vaccinated against we realize that some vaccines appear to work much better than others immunity to measles and hepatitis b seems to be lifelong after vaccination or disease also many traditionally said that immunity to chickenpox was lifelong but that lifelong immunity was actually due

To one or more unrecognized what we call subclinical infections while an adult due to exposure to sick children or grandchildren we know this from a study done in the 80s on the blood of people who were exposed to chickenpox as an adult they showed a rise in antibodies

After being exposed although they had no apparent recurrence of chickenpox so now it’s felt that chickenpox vaccination provides immunity for 10 to 20 years in the u.s we get a series of dpd vaccines as a child diphtheria pertussis or whooping cough and tetanus immunity from diphtheria lasts about 10

Years pertussis between 4 and 20 years and tetanus 10 years that’s just a few examples but there are many others but they all vary based on the body’s ability to maintain the immune response and the pathogen or viruses ability to mutate so that it can partially or completely avoid our defenses

When either of these things occurs then our immunity wanes and we are less protected think about the flu a new vaccine is offered every year that has three or four different variants or strains of the influenza virus this is done hoping to provide protection from the currently circulating strains

Our immunity is not waning in that short time but the virus is mutating to a variant that we are less able to fight off then consider the common cold which is mostly caused by rhinoviruses but also by adenoviruses and coronaviruses there are an estimated 200 or more strains circulating around and

Scientists haven’t been able to come up with something that will provide wide enough immunity against this vast number of pathogens but dr kelly i’m not interested in all that i want to know how well protected and how long that protection will last after having coveted or being vaccinated

The fact is that though we have no shortage of virologists immunologists epidemiologists and politicians on tv telling us what they think is going to happen much of what they say is conjecture and what we know or think we know this month may change due to new

Information 3 6 or 12 months from now first i want to talk about a study put out by the cleveland clinic online earlier this year i’ll provide links to these studies in the comments below this article was not peer-reviewed or at the time of its release and as far as i

Can tell it still has not been released as peer reviewed but the study titled necessity of covid 19 vaccination in previously infected individual speaks exactly to the question that many people have the people previously infected with soros kobe 2 need vaccination in this study on december 16 2020 which

Was before the emergency use authorization of the covet vaccines over 52 000 employees of the cleveland clinic system were enrolled and tested to see if they had previously had coveted then they were followed over the next five months among those who had previously had coveted about half subsequently got back

Subsequently got vaccinated and half did not over the next five months there was no difference in reinfection rate which was basically zero percent in either the previous infected but vaccinated versus the previously infected but unvaccinated so when this study was released many people myself included felt like having coveted would provide natural immunity

For some unknown amount of time some experts said that it could be four or five years the strength of this study is in its size and design however limitations of the study are the short length of the study and it was done pre-delta variant finally it is still in a preliminary

Form not peer review but what it does seem to tell us is that over a period of five months pre-delta the natural immunity from having coveted was equal to that of covet plus vaccination it doesn’t say whether one is better than the other next we have a report from public health england

From june of 2021 titled new national surveillance of possible covenanting reinfection they publish population surveillance data on possible chronovirus re-infections in england england has a high level of genetic sequencing of the sars cov2 infections to identify the variants that a person has of nearly 4 million people with confirmed covet 19 they identified

Almost 16 000 with possible reinfection which is approximately four in one thousand three infected these are reinfections that had not been sequenced so they couldn’t say they were not the same as the original infection then they had 478 probable re-infections which were sequenced and found to have a

Variant that was not circulating at the time of their original infection this comes to around 1 in 100 000 reinfection rate thirdly 53 were confirmed reinfections with sequences showing different variants in the initial and subsequent infection which came to about one in one hundred thousand reinfection rate it seems that the possible reinfection

Is much closer to the actual number but it’s still in the pre-delta studies and the numbers are quite small next another large study this one done in qatar and published in the ama journal online is of over 260 000 passengers that arrived at the international airport in

Qatar between february 18 and april 26 2021 they had recorded their vaccination status or past covet infection and every person that arrived was tested using pcr of the group that was fully vaccinated 0.82 percent or just less than 1 percent tested positive for sarge kov2 of those unvaccinated and no history of

Infection the number was 3.81 that were positive then of the group that had previous covet but no vaccination the positivity rate was 1.01 percent there are different opinions regarding the false positive rate and whether these positives are asymptomatic pre-symptomatic or just overly sensitive pcr testing however the positivity rate is full of

The fully vaccinated and the previously infected group was very similar compared to the unvaccinated group the last study out of kentucky reported recently in the morbidity and mortality weekly report from the centers for disease control this report widely reported in the media that people who had code but were not

Vaccinated were two times more likely than those fully vaccinated from getting coveted breakthrough i’m not going to go through the numbers but i will note as others have that the study authors themselves state that there were at least five limitations or weaknesses to this study a few of which are the lack of

Integration between vaccination databases being a retrospective study possible biases due to vaccinated subjects not getting tested for covid as well as the data only over two months in one small state and i might add pre-delta i’m not sure how much weight we can put

On this study i do agree with one of the final statements that says all eligible persons should be offered vaccination if you want to read more i’ll give you the link below so what does all this mean to you and me all the evidence that i’ve seen shows

That if you have had covet or been fully vaccinated it greatly decreases your chance of severe disease hospitalization and death but how long will it last or will kobe go away i have to say i don’t know i don’t think we know i believe the answers would be a lot

Clearer if we were still dealing with the strain of covet from wuhan china but the delta variant is different and we have very little published peer-reviewed real-world data on its consequences we know this immunity is waning over the past six months either due to viral mutations but also due to decreasing antibody

Levels we know that hospitals and icus are again filled with covic patients at least in parts of the u.s and that 95 of those admitted are unvaccinated but no one knows what will happen if we have a different variance next year or the next but if you’ve been vaccinated or have

Had covet and have a healthy immune system you have some acquired immunity unfortunately we really don’t know how long that will last we may need an annual booster as we do for the flu we’ll just have to see what the evidence is as the time comes

Our hope is that we can continue to find ways to help our bodies fight the infection and the future mutations will make the stars kobe 2 hours less virulent as i mentioned there are things that we do that suppress our immune system and make us more susceptible to covet or other

Diseases these include excess stress some medications not controlling our blood sugar and not getting adequate vitamin d c or zinc smoking excess alcohol a diet high in processed food and even a lack of exercise there are others and there are also things that we can do to help improve our immunity

I hope to make a video on these soon i want to thank everyone for watching and those who have subscribed and commented i really appreciate it thank you and be well You