January 23, 2024 | Full Episode | BOOST YOUR IMMUNITY – VITAMIN D

See how an ancient diet found in the Bible saved a man from kidney failure and how a little time outdoors can do wonders for your immune system.

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Coming up see how an ancient diet found in the Bible saved a man from kidney failure and see how a little time Outdoors can do wonders for your immune system welcome to 700 Club Canada if you missed yesterday’s program on brain health you can catch that episode by

Visiting 700 Club Canada or you can watch these on our YouTube channel well we’re continuing the theme of boost your immunity and today we’re talking about vitamin D and how important that is to our overall health right absolutely I mean it’s called the sunshine vitamin right and when you think about Canadians

The majority of Canadians are actually deficient in this very pivotal vitamin it’s true just because simply because of our weather we don’t get enough and so we need need to take supplements in order to be able to boost that in our own system that’s right or get outside a lot

More well up first if you want to start feeling better and improve your overall health it could be as simple as getting outside Watch do you feel tired and run down at the end of the day or do you struggle with soreness throughout your body these could be signs you’re running low on a crucial nutrient vital to your health you’re not alone it’s estimated that over 42% of Americans are facing this

Health crisis too start getting what you need today here’s how I spent my in most of my childhood in Texas a very sunny and warm state so after ID moved to Michigan uh and I was here for maybe 10 years um I started having having a lot

Of the same symptoms my patients were experiencing meet Dr Jim Dow he knows firsthand what this Health crisis is doing to us he sees the impact it has on the patients he treats at the arthritis institution of Michigan looking for answers he stumbled on something that took him by surprise when I started

Taking vitamin D many of these aches and pains I was having in my hands and feet um and neck um seemed to go away um and my energy level went up um my sleep improved and the same thing was happening in the handful of patients who

I had started measuring D levels in Dr Dow shares what he learned in his book The Vitamin D cure so if you want to improve your health and start feeling better it could be as simple as getting the vitamin D that you need today researchers are discovering that vitamin

D is a critical part of protecting your health the benefits to your bones joints and teeth are just the tip of the iceberg recent studies are showing that vitamin D plays an important role in keeping your heart strong and safeguarding you from strokes and heart attacks scientists are also finding that

Vitamin D has a strong connection to your immune system people with protective levels of vitamin D are less likely to develop infections and can recover faster than people suffering from low levels of vitamin D so why are so many of us not getting the vitamin D we need to stay healthy our modern

Lifestyles especially since the Advent of computers has placed most of us indoors for work behind a flat screen and we’re no longer Physically Active we’re in the middle of this obesity epidemic or pandemic and these are all things that place us at risk so just living in our modern society are all

Actually risk factors we are spending more time indoors it’s reported that people in the USA and Canada spent more time inside than any other Nation around the world the average American only spends about 10% of their week outside if you want to get the vitamin D that

You need then you need to get some sunshine so getting outside being physically active in the sun is one of the best ways to normalize our D and address a lot of other things related to the lack of physical activity here are a few tips to get more of the sunshine

Vitamin you need take a midday walk this is the best time to get direct sunlight make sure that your skin is exposed the amount of sun exposure depends on the time of year where you live and the color of your skin as the days grow shorter during the winter months you’ll

Need to consider getting your vitamin D from supplements between October and April um above 30 35 to 40° north latitude you probably need to supplement as the seasons change if you’re in the United States and live north of South Carolina then you need need to add

Vitamin D to your daily routine and if you are one of the many Americans who are vitamin D deficient taking a daily vitamin D supplement can boost and protect your health find out how much you need by talking with your doctor there’s a recent study from Harvard University looking at the

Supplementation of vitamin D 2,000 units a day and 1,000 milligrams of Omega-3 a day and they found for the first time that D and Omega-3 the risk of developing a new autoimmune disease by 30% and nothing has ever been shown to reduce the risk of developing an

Autoimmune disease so this is the first time anything’s been shown much less something as simple as uh a supplement we can get over the counter the standard American diet is making us sick the US waistline is growing according to a recent report nearly 2third of Americans are overweight we know we’re eating too

Many empty calories of refined carbohydrates that are driving up insulin and insulin is driving obesity and the higher the fat Mass the lower the D levels and so decorrelates with diabetes development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease and we saw in the pandemic it in the patients who were

Having the worst outcomes with infection were patients who had low D levels diabetes high blood pressure again everything’s tracking in tandem um because they’re all related many nutritionists say the best way to start off your day is to enjoy a nice omelet eggs are a natural source of vitamin D

According to a report in Australia eating just two eggs helps boost your daily requirements of vitamin D they’re also loaded with other vitamins and minerals that you need to stay healthy make sure to throw in some mushrooms too eggs I would put near the top of the

List mushrooms have D2 in them uh which is a plant sourced vitamin D and when you Su dry mushrooms they have even more D2 in them because just like it promotes de production in our skin when we’re exposed to Sun it promotes de production in mushrooms to dry them in the Sun but

Mushrooms are just tasty they add a lot of flavor and they’re they’re loaded with nutrition um uh and other micronutrients in the evening overhaul your dinner plate add vitamin D rich foods like salmon include a healthy salad with dark leafy greens too a salmon steak can have anywhere from 2 to

300 uh units of D in that salmon steak wild caught fish is going to have a higher amount of D in it than farmed fish so that’s your your Preferred Choice of of fish uh and let’s get off all these processed foods and start eating salmon and um leafy green

Vegetables go out for for a walk today with a friend you’ll enjoy the company as you take in the sunshine vitamin next add a supplement if you need some extra vitamin D and overhaul your dinner plate with foods that will support your health your life is a gift from God make sure

You’re doing everything you can to take care of that gift and enjoy It wow that is so fascinating I I just love this video and I didn’t know mushrooms contain vitamin indeed I knew about the eggs I knew about the salmon but mushrooms and I think it’s so fascinating that just like our skin it absorbs the vitamin D so if you leave

Your mushrooms out in the sun to dry out a little bit before you cook them you’ll get more vitamin D there you go some easy ways to begin right absorbing more of that important uh vitamin for us you know it was interesting we talked about brain health yesterday and I was sharing

Uh how I had had some vertigo and one of the first things when I went to my doctor when I was describing in some of these sort of neurological symptoms she said we need to test your vitamin D and I thought well I love the sunshine I

Like how could my vitamin D be a low but I was so shocked by that connection and how it had actually impacted my physical health wow wow that’s so fascinating and you know as Canadians like we mentioned earlier we are deficient because of our weather we don’t get outside enough

Especially in the winter this time of year I love to be in front of my fireplace but that’s not really the Heat or Sunshine that my body and you know just 10 minutes outside in the sun without sunblock can give you sufficient vitamin D but if you’re going

To be outside for a long time of course put on your sunscreen and listen to your doctor but 10 minutes without your sunscreen will do benefits for you yeah that’s great well all week we are offering this free DVD boost your immunity if you’d like your copy you can

Call today at 1855 759 0700 we’ll be right back to see how Jerry avoided kidney failure with help from an ancient diet found in the Bible strengthen your health with boost your immunity from CBN in this free DVD medical experts share Cutting Edge research that can help you beat disease

And build a healthier you we live in this world of of chemical soup and a lot of people don’t recognize that what we put on our skin directly affects our health learn the foundations of a strong immune system system and practical strategies to protect yours so this is

The first time anything’s been shown to reduce the risk of developing an autoimmune disease and much less something as simple as a supplement we can get over the counter discover how ancient remedies meet modern science in defeating disease and enhancing self-care and this man said Jordan I’m

Going to tell you how to eat and live like the Bible says and in 90 days you’re going to be going from wheelchair to working out on the Beach call or visit us online to get your free DVD and boost your immunity the results came back from my

Doctor and he said your kidneys are functioning at 7% this told me if I didn’t get a transplant I would probably die Jerry Graver has been active and healthy for most of his life but in late 2013 he started having some concern in health issues including a swollen

Abdomen his wife Cheryl remembers their onset kept getting worse he was getting tired then he was getting nauseated quite a bit and then he started vomiting and uh he just was very weak and it just really wouldn’t stop he couldn’t eat so I’m like we need to call the doctor and

Get you in while awaiting the results of a blood test Jerry endured intense pain and near constant vomiting a call from their doctor alerted them to how serious his condition was was they said you need to get Jerry to the hospital as soon as possible um he’s in big danger we got

The hospital they took him to mergency room right away and they said his kidneys were failing and it was just a whirlwind things just started happening so fast and he has to have dialysis and our brains were just spinning like what how could this happen Jerry’s prostate

Had swollen shut blocking urine back up into his kidneys causing them to fail he was immediately put on dialysis and soon realized how difficult his life would be be when I had my chest Port you get lightheaded you get dizzy someone has to drive you home and it takes a day to get

Over it and then when I started doing home dialysis with a port in my abdomen you’re supposed to be able to sleep through it and change your fluid out in the morning is so painful you just don’t sleep it hurt he would had this machine

In his room and it was noisy at night and he would just get up in the middle of the night and he’d just be bent over in excruciating pain pain and I would just be crying I just had to go to another room and pray for him you know

You didn’t want to live like this and I was I was getting really discouraged I broke down several times I just didn’t didn’t know what to do I just couldn’t believe it was happening he began researching transplant options and became even more discouraged the success rate on transplants was somewhere around

60% and and there’s a lot of guys that get them and they fail and they have to do it again and you have to take anti-rejection so you can’t be out in the sunlight and there’s just so many it’s just like you wouldn’t have a normal life it’s really

Hard I I was at a loss I just don’t know what to do all of a sudden my normal life is gone it’s hard as Jerry prayed for an answer he remembered a story from The Book of Daniel where God’s servants refused the King’s food and only ate raw

Vegetables and drank water all a sudden it kept going over and over and over in my mind I think God gave it to me bet vegetables to eat and water to drink I said surely it couldn’t be that simple so I told my doctors I’m going to go on

A vegetables and water diet and they said oh that’s ridiculous you won’t get your protein it has no bearing on you whatsoever I said okay but I’m going to do it I was nervous because I’m like well you need to follow what the doctors

Say you know I mean they gave us tons of brochures and literature on here’s the things you should eat here’s the things you shouldn’t eat for kidneys and so I was nervous like are you sure this is the right thing to do because like you kind of always think you should listen

To doctors and what they know but then he was just ad him about listening to God and His word for 100 days Jerry drastically changed his diet I started on the vegetables and water diet all raw all organic and water nothing else no bread no meat no cheese

Nothing and slowly my numbers started getting better he said well a little bit of improvement this week I said okay so I stayed on it and it kept getting better and better it wasn’t fast but it was better and better every time I went I mean it was just a mundane

Routine tried not to think about it because I kept getting better and better and better and better so I was trying to reach a goal how he could do something and be so disciplined for 100 days to do something like that but he just felt like his life was at stake and that’s

What he had to do to get better it took 100 days for me to get there but at the end of 100 days I had normal function and they they wouldn’t accept it and they even the nurse even told me he said I think we must have misdiagnosed

You Jerry and Cheryl know that it was God who gave him the path to healing and the strength to walk it out it’s easy to say Jesus is all you need but it’s different when Jesus is all you got he gave me a second chance and looking back it’s such a simple

Thing it just takes discipline I kept telling myself I’m on I’m on a deserted island and all I got is vegetables and water to eat so you survive until someone rescues you after the 100 day diet inspired by The Book of Daniel Jerry was successfully removed from dialysis his kidney function has

Been normal for more than 7even years so the first thing he said he wanted to do was go out to Burger King and get a Whopper I’m like I’m not sure that’s a good idea you might get sick but he did and that’s okay but he got right back on

His fruits and vegetables after that you don’t know how wonderful status quo is till you don’t have it now I got status quo we’re so so thankful to to the Lord for what he did and how he blessed us and just gave him a new life and his life back I mean just

Looking back I just can’t believe it it was such a journey I said you just grab on those six words you know vegetables to eat water to drink and I went from facing disaster to a normal life again this is how you know that God’s word is

Alive and active like you listen to testimonies like this and you know that we can sometimes with health or how do we start to get healthy can feel a little daunting as to where do we begin but even as we allow God’s word to speak

To us he cares for every part of our being including our body and he gives us in his word ways that we we can improve our health and live healthy that’s right you know when I was a kid I always remember someone told me the acronym for

Bible b i e basic instructions before leaving Earth right I mean the Bible gives us everything that we need in life and in 2 Timothy 31617 it says all scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is

Wrong in our lives it corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work and just like what we saw he used what he leared the knowledge and wisdom from

The Bible to apply it to his life to heal his body and look at that transformation it is just incredible well we have a pamphlet to offer on faith a free copy if you call today at 1855 759 0700 and when we return Our Guest Emily

James right here teaches us how to live more boldly can’t wait stay tuned what do I enjoy most about what I do well that’s easy I love connecting with people especially when someone says I am so glad I can talk with you you I really need prayer that’s God’s perfect

Timing I talk with people all the time who want prayer for a family situation sometimes it’s prayer for an emotional or physical need or even a financial breakthrough it’s so amazing that I can share about God’s love and encourage people I love this Bible verse for it is

God who works in you to Will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose God is at work I’ve seen him answer prayer won’t you call today 85575 n700 God bless you well we all here and use the word bold and often when we say I’m going to

Be bold it has to do with how we are going to accomplish something great boldness though from a Biblical de definition is acting by the power of the Holy Spirit on an urgent conviction even in the face of a threat it involves us stepping into the Abundant Life that

Christ promised us while navigating challenges with courage but rooted in the Assurance of who God is and his promises for our lives so let’s look at three important reasons why living boldly is so important for us number one we see in Scripture that Jesus bought boldness Jesus died on the cross so that

We would live out our purpose not for us to run from our purpose and calling because of something someone did to us or maybe a lack of finances or severed relationship he finished it at the cross so that we could live our life victoriously second we see that the Holy

Spirit Spirit empowers boldness Psalm 138:3 says when I called you answered me you greatly EMB bolded me as people who have the Holy Spirit living in us we need to operate with that power and sometimes that means taking these steps based on the conviction that we see in

God’s word and knowing the Holy Spirit and that his power is greater in us than anything that we may face third we see in Scripture that boldness is contagious acts 4:3 says when they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled ordinary men they were

Astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus these everyday ordinary men had been with Jesus and people noticed it by the way in which they lived your life just like them is a testimony and when you step out in faith that is an opportunity to share the

Faithfulness of God and this is why we must Embrace bold living and we want to encourage you to do that today to embrace this challenge to live boldly but we don’t do it naive we do it remembering that God goes before us he equips us to be courageous ambassadors

Of his love in the world world and to step out in bold faith and so if that’s you today you would like to take those steps that step of bold faith we would love to pray with you you can call our prayer lines at 1855

759 0700 and let me just pray for you for that boldness God we just pray that as we know that your Holy Spirit lives in US that we would take these steps of faith and in boldness would step out knowing that you go before us in Jesus name we pray Amen we would love for you to become a 7 100 Club Canada monthly partner this year and if you call now we’ll send you a gift entitled how to believe for healing it will give you a boost of encouragement you’ll also receive our monthly newsletter front lines call our number at 85575

N700 and take a look at this a routine doctor’s appointment would end up and devastating news cancer is one thing but triple negative which is one of the worst case of cancers there there is you know the shocking part for me was just hearing the word cancer the savior is the

Healer man is not discover the power of Prayer in cbn’s newest teaching we’re going to give you some principles to hold on to all things are possible to them who believe get the how to believe for healing collection including an exclusive video with Ashley key and Gordon Robertson a personal workbook

Plus a special teaching by Gordon if a patient doesn’t have any hope then they’ll have they won’t live for anything Prayer Changes Things that’s the truth get the how to believe for healing collection available now what a great episode I really enjoyed today and thank you thank you so

Much for sharing everything you did Emily about your experiences with your vitamin D deficiency now I have a question have you ever done the Daniel Fast yeah I have actually we’ve done it I’ve done it as a group like collectively with my church I’ve done it

On my own I find it’s a it’s a pretty good balance if you’re not doing like the full water fast um especially for those who may have you know who may be diabetic or something this tends to be a really good way of of fasting so I have

Felt it has it has really helped me Center my prayer life around God in those moments yes yes that’s awesome I I I do the Daniel Fast every single January I actually look forward to it I’m currently on it and you know like what you said it helps you reenter and

Refocus your prayer life and it kind of hits the reset button right as well on not just on your prayer life but on your body as well so it’s a really great way if you’ve never done the Daniel Fast I encourage you uh there’s a lot of

Information online on how to do it properly but especially in the Book of Daniel which is what we learned earlier I really encourage you to uh to to to try it it can be difficult but with God we know all things are possible and that’s where our strength comes from

Yeah I took away a lot of takeaways today especially you know first of all I’ll be eating a lot more eggs in the morning as we hear that they have such a great significant source of vitamin D but again as we’ve been saying it’s these these steps each day that we can

Take right and maybe it’s not a whole month of fasting but maybe it’s a day or a week or even a morning and just beginning there but I’ve Loved how we’ve we see these small significant changes and how they’ll impact our everyday life um as simple as again getting outside

More as we see the sun okay how can I get up from even my desk today and go outside for a moment so that I’m absorbing that Sun as you said right those 10 minutes without sunscreen and what a significant difference it can make that’s right and even setting up

Your desk or your workstation by a window you’d be surprised the sun even coming in the window you’ll get your vitamin D that’s great well we’ve got a couple prayer requests to pray for today we’re going to pray for Trish she says please join me as I pray for my daughter

We are believing for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby and we have another prayer request from Lori an she says please pray for healing in my left knee my colon and my lungs so God we lift up Trish and laurianne to you we just pray for a healthy pregnancy for Trish’s

Daughter a healthy baby in Jesus name and for laurianne for full healing from the top of her head to the tip of her toes in her body in Jesus name yes amen amen and our power verse today is 3rd John 1:2 dear friend I pray that you may

Enjoy good health and that all may go well with you even as your soul is getting along well we thank you so much for watching we’ll see you next time tomorrow on the 700 Club Canada a young woman turns to prayer after being diagnosed with heart failure as well as

More tips for taking charge of your health