The #AskDrA Show | Ep. 228 | Diet Guidelines, Gummy Vitamins & Visceral Fat

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On this episode we’ll talk about:
1:07 – What happens if I donโ€™t follow the diet guidelines? ๐Ÿ“
2:37 – Should I worry about the calories with the gummy vitamins? ๐Ÿงธ
3:52 – Does the sleeve take care of the visceral fat? ๐Ÿค”

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On this episode we’ll talk about if you don’t follow your diet guidelines we’ll also be talking about should you be counting your calories in your gummy vitamins and we’ll talk about the visceral fat does the sleeve remove It hello everyone I’m Dr is with endobariatric dcom and welcome to episode 228 I believe so yes 228 of the as Dr a show thank so much for joining us and thank you so much for sending me these really good questions I like these questions for this week if you want to

Send me your questions be sure to do so you’re more than welcome to do so using the hashtag please don’t forget use the hashtag ask Dr a that way we’re able to grab those questions ad them here to the show and I’ll be here to answer them and

Also if you like the content on uh weight loss surgery gastric sleeve weight loss in general be sure to hit that subscribe button let’s get into the show all right so the first question is um I want to know what happens if I don’t follow the diet guidelines well

First of all I’m going to split this question in two if you don’t follow your doctor’s guidelines the diet guidelines those first 21 days you’re putting your life at risk you’re putting your health at risk because those first 21 days those first 3 weeks while your sleeve is

Healing it is very important it is crucial you follow that diet guideline to the tea precise Perfect all right because if you don’t that sleeve is is tender is just recent recently crafted you want to wait for that sleeve to heal and then you start re regular food or

Soft food and then regular food what happens if you don’t follow your diet guidelines afterwards well you simply can have uh uh not that great weight loss you may not have the desired uh results down the road maybe years down the road you can have weight regain

Yeah I mean that does not put your life at risk immediately those first 21 days crucial crucial follow your diet guidelines your doctor’s guidelines to the tea to ensure you have a nice recovery and then enjoy life with a sleeve for the rest of your life second

Question is should I worry about the calories with the gummy vitamins because the gummies are sweet they have some calories do they count yes they all count I mean a calorie is a calorie it counts it adds up but if you’re doing gummy vitamins you’re probably the first few months

After your surgery uh maybe maybe 3 to 4 months uh after your sleeve you’re not even doing 1,000 calories a day intake so what happens if you’re intaking a a six calorie gummy nothing happens a 10 calorie gummy nothing happens so put your mind at ease you can use the gummy

I I like the gummy vitamins but don’t get me wrong I like them the first four to six months after your surgery and then after that switch them over to a regular vitamin all right that way you avoid those extra calories and it’s much simpler but for the first few stages

After your surgery gummies are really good it’s a good option they do have some calories minimal minimal throughout the amount of your of your whole intake of the day it doesn’t add up all right so put your mind at ease do the gummies and the third question is does the

Sleeve take care of the visceral fat the answer is yes not targeted of course of course but once especially men us men we have more visceral fat than women and when you we get a a sleeve when uh women or men get a sleeve it’ll definitely

Lose the weight from where you have most of it it could be your organs it could be outside it could be uh a specific area uh like women uh buttocks thighs arms yes but visceral as well so if you have fatty liver if you have visceral

Fat men that we carry most of our weight here centrally it’ll it’ll make it go away why because we’re eating a very few amount of calories a day the vast majority of the rest of the energy of the day will come precisely from that stored fat all right so there you have

It those are it for uh today’s episode’s really good questions I’m telling you send me your questions I’ll be more than happy to uh ad them here to the list and answer him for for you and uh if you like the content if you can leave me one of these

It is very useful I appreciate your help and don’t forget to hit that subscribe button I’m Dr is with endobariatric dcom where we are changing lives one slave at a time take care and God bless