JUST 3 Vitamins You Need For Better KIDNEY Function

Discover the key to optimal kidney health in our latest video, “Just 3 Vitamins You Need For Better Kidney Function.” Worried about kidney disease or chronic kidney disease? Learn how Vitamin B, D, C, and E can enhance kidney function naturally.

Vitamin B is a powerhouse for kidneys, promoting overall health and function. Dive into the benefits of Vitamin D, essential for kidney support and well-being. Explore the roles of Vitamin C and E in improving kidney function and providing vital antioxidants.

Our concise guide offers practical kidney health tips, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet. Whether you’re seeking to prevent kidney disease or enhance kidney function, our tips and insights have you covered.

Optimize your kidney health with our actionable advice on kidney nutrition and chronic kidney disease diets. Don’t let kidney issues hold you back—take proactive steps towards a healthier lifestyle today
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Disclaimer: The content and materials on the Healthy Haven Channel is provided only for general and educational purposes; as such, they should not be used in place of knowledgeable medical advice or care. For treatment of any illnesses or health problems you may have, go to your doctor.

#KidneyHealth #VitaminBforKidney #KidneyFunction #VitaminDBenefits #VitaminCforKidneys #VitaminEforKidneys #ChronicKidneyDisease #KidneyTips #HealthGuide

Hi everyone who loves staying healthy and being proactive are you excited to join us on a journey towards better Kidney Health today we’re delving into a topic that affects a whopping 79% of people with kidney disease vitamin deficiency our kidneys the silent heroes in our bodies do the crucial job of filtering and

Detoxifying but unfortunately they often get left out when we talk about essential nutrients so here’s a thought for you did did you know that a significant number of people with kidney disease lack vital vitamins this shortage not only puts their kidney function at risk but also speeds up the

Progression of the disease now you might be wondering how can we make sure our kidneys get the right vitamins without overwhelming them especially if you’re dealing with kidney concerns we’ve done some serious research and talk to health experts to bring you a groundbreaking approach in this video we’re going to

Uncover three key vitamins that can be real game changers for Kidney Health but hold on we won’t just throw the names at you we’ll guide you on how to safely include them in your diet and there’s a big secret about some vitamins that might be doing more harm than good to

Your kidneys especially if you have kidney disease it’s super important so be sure to watch the whole video closely now let’s Dive Into the Heart of the matter now let’s talk about a group of vitamins that are like super Heroes for your health the B vitamins there are

Eight of them B1 thamin B2 riboflavin B3 nin B5 pantothenic acid B6 peroxin B7 biotin B9 fate and b12 cobalamin these vitamins are like the workers in your body doing different jobs to keep everything running smoothly think of them as the team behind the scenes making sure your body body has

The energy it needs and helping your nerves do their job but when it comes to your kidneys these vitamins play an even more important role they are like the Builders of tiny red blood cells making sure your kidneys get enough oxygen to work well they also help your body deal

With proteins and fats which is super important for your kidneys to stay healthy if you’re someone dealing with kidney problems here’s the Scoop studies suggest that you might need a bit more of some B vitamins like B6 B9 and b12 but here’s the catch don’t go overboard

With taking extra vitamins as too much of some B vitamins can cause issues the secret to keeping these superheroes happy it’s all about the food you eat imagine your plate as a colorful mix of different foods like whole grains chicken fish eggs veggies and nuts this

Mix not only gives you the B vitamins you need but also makes your meals tasty and enjoyable so the next time you’re putting together a meal think of it as creating a beautiful picture with different colors each food you pick adds something special to your plate making

It a happy place for your kidneys in a nutshell be vitamins are like the heroes in your body especially for your kidneys they may have long names and numbers but they’re like the construction workers of your health so let your plate be a canvas and let the B vitamins be the

Artist creating a masterpiece of Health for your kidneys all right let’s talk about a vitamin that does a lot of good things vitamin C you probably heard it’s good for stopping colds but it does even more cool stuff it helps wounds heal makes your bones and teeth strong and keeps

Your heart happy now if you’ve got a tricky thing called chronic kidney disease CKD vitamin C becomes like a superhero it fights something called oxidative stress kind of like putting a shield around your kidneys to keep them safe here’s the fun part having a normal amount of vitamin C doesn’t seem to make

Those annoying kidney stones more likely it’s like having a yummy snack that’s also good for you but there’s a catch you’ve got to be a bit of a manager too much vitamin C can make those stones more likely and we definitely don’t want that so where can you find this

Superhero vitamin C it’s hiding in some tasty foods like oranges strawberries bell peppers and broccoli it’s like a Treacher hunt at the grocery store these foods not only make your meals more exciting but also give your kidneys a little boost if you’re thinking about taking vitamin C pills here’s a good

Idea talk to The Experts first it’s like asking for advice before making a big decision they can help you figure out the right amount so you get all the good stuff without any problems in short vitamin C might be a bit of a hidden hero but it’s doing a great job it’s not

Just about stopping colds it’s helping your body heal keeping your bones and teeth strong and giving your heart some love and for your kidneys it’s like having a guard that keeps them safe imagine your plate like a rainbow with oranges strawberries bell peppers and broccoli adding the bright colors of

Vitamin C it’s not just about eating it’s about making a picture of Health with every Tasty Bite so let’s give a cheer for vitamin C your kidney quiet superhero all right let’s talk about our last vitamin hero vitamin D this vitamin is like a superstar for your overall

Health it helps keep your bones and teeth strong your heart in good shape and even lifts your mood but here’s the thing people with chronic kidney disease CKD about 79% of them don’t have enough of this vitamin because their kidneys can’t make it work properly so where do

We find this superhero vitamin well it’s hanging out in fatty fish enjoys a bit of sunlight and sometimes needs a Little Help from supplements when it comes to these supplements go for the Vitamin D3 kind but be a bit careful with how much you take always have a chat with your

Doctor before making any big decisions about it there’s also something called renal vitamins that have a mix of B vitamins active vitamin D and a Sprinkle of vitamin C these are like a special team formulated Just For Kidney Health now you might be wondering about other vitamins how do they fit into the

Picture especially for those dealing with kidney disease our bodies need at least 13 different vitamins to work their best and they all need to be part of your daily diet to keep things running smoothly here’s the tricky part though if you have chronic kidney disease getting all these vitamins from

Food can be a bit like solving a puzzle for for folks with healthy kidneys it’s easy peasy but for those with CKD it gets a tad complicated the challenge is that many foods rich in potassium and phosphorus which you need to limit for a kidney friendly Diet also happen to be packed

With essential vitamins imagine it like trying to choose between two things you really like like having to pick between your two favorite ice cream flavors it’s a bit tough but here’s the deal when it comes to vitamins you can’t skip any they all play a role and for those with

Kidney concerns finding the right balance can be a bit of a juggling act so what’s the takeaway from this Vitamin Adventure well vitamin D is like the Final Act wrapping up the show with strength hardiness and a dash of Good Vibes and when it comes to the whole

Vitamin crew they’re a team each playing its part for your body’s big performance imagine your plate like a colorful Mosaic with different foods bringing their unique vitamins to the party it’s not just about eating it’s about creating a masterpiece of Health with every delicious bite so here’s to

Vitamin D and the whole vitamin Squad your body’s unsung heroes all right let’s talk about something important how some vitamins can be a bit tricky especially for people with kidney issues there are these vitamins called AE and K that can cause problems if you have too much of them taking regular multivitamins might

Sound good but they can sometimes give you more vitamins than your body needs and that can be risky for people with chronic kidney disease CKD so here’s the deal vitamins a e and K should never be taken as extra pills without checking with a doctor first especially if you’re dealing with kidney

Issues it’s like having a chat with an expert before making any decisions instead focus on eating foods that naturally have these vitamins but and this is important if you’re thinking about taking extra vitamins it’s smart to be careful always talk to healthc Care Professionals to make sure it’s

Safe and helpful for managing kidney disease now let’s finish up and think a bit What vitamin pills are you using to take care of your kidneys your experience might help someone else on a similar Journey thanks a bunch for sticking around throughout this video I wish you all the best for good health

Peace prosperity and success can’t wait to catch you in our next videos in simple words remember not to take extra vitamins AE and K without checking with your doctor especially if you have kidney issues eat foods that naturally have these vitamins but be careful about taking too many extra vitamins always

Talk to healthcare Pros to make sure you’re doing what’s best for your kidneys and hey what vitamins are you using to take care of your kidneys your thoughts might help someone else thanks for hanging out and see you in the next video