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Assalam alekum, today I am going to tell you about something that you can improve your body’s health by eating just one spoon of it daily. For this, what you have to do is take 100 grams of walnuts, wash it properly and dip it in water.

After this, take 100 grams of almonds, wash it properly with water and then dip it in water for three hours. When we dip these nuts in water for three hours, their bitter taste will be removed. Nuts protect our body cells from harmful effects and free radicals. Apart from this, they

Slow down our aging process. After dipping the walnuts in water for 3 hours, take them out of the water and dry them properly with the help of a knife. Cut them into small pieces. Vitamin A, B, C and K are found in walnuts which are

Very beneficial for our health. After this, take out the almonds from water and after drying them properly, remove their peel and Cut them into small pieces with the help of a knife. This is an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. It is very beneficial for our heart and blood vessels

Because it is rich in unsaturated fats and minerals. If you like my video, then please like and subscribe. After this, wash 100 grams of raisins thoroughly with water. Raisins contain potassium, iron and magnesium which are very important in helping our heart, kidney and liver function normally. This also helps.

Wash it thoroughly with water and dry it. After this, take 100 grams of dry Aloo Bukhara. This dry Aloo Bukhara helps in normalizing our heart and blood vessels. Wash it properly and then After this, dry it thoroughly. It helps in reducing the flood build up in our body which comes

Out of our body in the form of urine. Apart from this, the flood which collects in the form of cavities in the tissues of our body. It is very helpful in treating it. After this, take 100 grams of dried apricots. This dried apricot

Is an excellent source of Vitamin K in our body. It improves the health of our heart. Apart from this, it causes cramps in our muscles. It is very suitable for this, then take a lemon, add one spoon of carbonate in it and

Leave it in water like this for 15 minutes. Now the lemon has been washed properly in the mixture of carbonate because we have to use the lemon along with the peel, hence it is It was very important to wash in this way. Its biggest advantage is that it

Protects our body against cold because it is rich in iron and potassium, thus it reduces the cholesterol level present in our blood and protects us from cold. It makes our heart function better by normalizing blood pressure. Now what you have to do is put all these natural ingredients in a blender and

Grind them well. After grinding all these natural ingredients, take 100 ml honey which is beneficial for our body. It will give strength to our body and will make our immune system better. Add this honey in this mixture and stir it properly. This honey will also help our cardiovascular system in fighting diseases. This

Mixture has become a store house of vitamins. Now all this mixture After preparing the mixture, what you have to do is transfer it to a glass bowl. This will strengthen your brain and improve your immunity system. On a daily basis, you

Eat one tablespoon of this mixture after breakfast in the morning and consume the remaining pus. Store it in any refrigerator, you will see how the health of your internal structure of your body will improve. Take care of yourself, stay happy, Allah Hafiz .