Top 5 Essential Supplements for Women

In this informative video, join us as we discuss the top five supplements women should consider incorporating into their daily routine. We’ve teamed up with a naturopathic doctor to provide you with valuable insight and expert opinion. While it’s important to note that these recommendations are based on the doctor’s expertise, not on established facts, they can still offer helpful guidance. Discover how these supplements can potentially support women’s health and wellbeing. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and make informed choices. Remember to like this video and share it with others who could benefit from this valuable information. Let’s dive into the world of women’s supplements together!#nutrition


00:00:00 Magnesium Bisglycinate
00:00:22 Collagen
00:00:45 Fish Oil
00:01:02 Vitamin K2
00:01:21 Eye Envision Supporting Supplement
00:01:53 Conclusion

Here are the top five supplements women should take number one is magnesium specifically magnesium bisglycinate it’s bound to glycine an important amino acid that works like a neurotransmitter in our body it’s an anti-aging nutrient and great for our Skin Barrier function make sure the magnesium supplement you choose

Doesn’t contain any fillers or flow agents especially Magnesium sterate number two is collagen I recommend a grass-fed collagen that’s hydrolized meaning it’s pre-digested and easy on the stomach many collagens can be hard on the stomach so it’s important to choose one that agrees with you the fact that it comes from grass-fed cows

Ensures its quality it also provides 10 g of protein per scoop which is fantastic for boosting protein stores and promoting collagen production number three on the list is fish oil look for one that’s higher in DHA an important omega-3 fatty acid DHA is essential for our eyes and cellular function it helps

Turn on the electricity in our body along with natural sunlight ensuring we have enough DHA is crucial for overall health number four is vitamin K2 this is especially important for women as it helps direct calcium into our bones preventing osteoporosis and osteopenia vitamin K2 is also great for our skin it

Can be challenging to get enough vitamin K2 from diet alone so taking a supplement is beneficial and finally number five is an eye Envision supporting supplement with the amount of eye strain we experience from devices it’s important to protect our eyes look for a supplement that contains luttin and zanthin important antioxidants make

Sure these antioxidants are derived naturally I recommend a supplement derived from African maragold which is high in luttin and ZX anthon these antioxidants protect the back of the eye specifically the macula carrots bilberry and riy nigram are also fantastic herbal medicines that support the retinal cells and macula for more information on how

To take your supplements properly check out my video supplements you should never take with coffee I’ll see you there