You asked, I delivered: the BEST FRUITS for you gut, including my top SUPER FRUIT!

You asked, I delivered:
the BEST FRUITS for you gut, including my top SUPER FRUIT!

Check out what I have to say TODAY!

0:00 Intro
0:37 Blueberries
1:17 Avocado
1:37 Prunes
2:09 Apples
2:49 Papaya
3:13 Kiwi
4:04 Kiwi benefits
5:34 CTA

Have you ever wondered what are the healthiest fruits for your health well in this video today I’m going to go over the top five fruits that I recommend as a GI doctor and stick to the very end we’ll give you the super fruit that I recommend that everyone should eat

Starting today guys let’s talk about poop how do you Dr Islam here AK your poop Guru and G microbiome expert Bor toy gastrolog train at the Mayo Clinic Kam gastro for all your GI needs and considered subscribing and are you looking for more foods to make your gut

Better check out my previous video on the best diet for your health I’ll a link in the description down below and now the countdown Begins the first fruit are blueberries blueberries are nature’s super fruit these tiny little things pack a big punch they’re full of antioxidants vitamins and minerals and

They taste so so good they’re like Nature’s multivitamins they’re fantastic for your brain health they’re fantastic for your gut health they can make your skin look beautiful all right not really but they are one of the best fruits you can incorporate into your health I would recommend have blueberries every single

Day add it to your breakfast add it to your lunch add it to your coffee all right that sounds a little disgusting but try to incorporate blueberries every single day coming in at number two are avocados avocados have healthy fats in them which are great for your gut health

Fats should not be something you should be scared about there are healthy fats and unhealthy fats and avocados fall under the healthy fats but not only that they’re rich in potassium and my favorite ingredient fiber coming at at number three prunes yes your grandma was right prunes are very effective when it

Comes to helping out with constipation but not only that it’s also a great way to get you nutrients vitamins and minerals that you need to help you going and make you flowing as well prunes have what are called sorbitol which are natural sugars to actually draw in water

Into your col to help out when it comes to constipation and bowel issues as well and once again it’s high in fiber and high in antioxidants try to include prunes into your diet it’s what I do every single day coming at number four are the classic apples yes an apple a

Day will actually keep a doctor away I don’t know if that’s true or not but apples are one of those fruits which are very effective to help when it comes to bowel issues and help out with your gut they’re high in fiber low in calories

And they taste good as well and it’s a very effective way to get you the nutrients that you need however I do have to stress that apples are considered high fodmaps which means these are fruits that can cause some bloating and sensed in diarrhea and those that are sensitive so just be

Aware of that and know what your body is doing and how it’s responding whenever you incorporate apples coming at number five but certainly not the least are papayas papayas are loaded with natural digestive enzymes which I love because for a lot of my patients they can’t digest their Foods effectively and

Sometimes taking a natural digestive enzyme can help out with that which papaya is full of them they’re great for digestion and they taste so good all right guys are you ready this is my super fruit the fruit that I recommend everyone to incorporate that’s going to

Get you the best bang for your bug are you ready you guys ready here it comes here we go kiwis yes kiwis kiwis are literally nature super fruit they’re full of fiber my favorite they’re full of antioxidants vitamins and minerals and guess what we actually have research

To show that kiwis can help you take a dump off the Epic dump yes if you’re having issues with constipation bowel issues or not feeling regular having at least two kiwis a day with this skin can actually make you go more effectively more efficiently and make you feel

Better when it comes comes to your digestion there’s so many reasons why kiwi is the super fruit let’s list them all number one it’s rich in vitamin C it’s packed with vitamin C even more than oranges and you need Vitamin C to help out with immunity to help build

Collagen and protect your cells from stress from all the inflammation going on inside your body number two it’s rich in fiber I’m a fiber fiend and you should be too you want an effective way to get the most amount of fiber add Kiwis into your diet which can give you

The fiber that you need to get you going and get you FL it has antioxidants which we need these antioxidants that are in kiwis like polyphenols and coronoids and they’re fancy terms but these are antioxidants you need to get rid of inflammation our body constantly is inflamed having

Things attacking us having things just kind of mess us up and having antioxidants will give you the superheroes you need to find off the stress that occurs every single day qwi also contains its own digestive enzyme one called actinidin which can help out with digestion of proteins and other

Minerals that you need kiwis have also to be shown to help out with your heart it can help lower blood pressure reduce blood clotting and lower your cholesterol levels because of the potassium that are in CU then lastly can help you poop yes having you take a dump

Is exactly what I want you to do studies and Studies have shown that koiz is one of the most effective ways to get you a more effective bowel movement so of all the foods you can do having the Kiwi is probably going to be the best thing I recommend to help out

With your gut help all right guys here’s my call to action to you if you’re favorite fruit made it to the top five comment down below let me know do you have any other Foods you’d recommend comment down below I want to hear what you guys have to say and today I want

You to try to incorporate one of these Foods in your diet to get you feeling good and to help out with your health before I go here’s my question of the day what are your favorite foods what have you done what have you tried to incorporate to make you feel better to

Help out with your health comment down below I would love to hear what you guys have to say thank you for watching don’t forget to smash that like button like share and subscribe and if you haven’t already don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and newsletter where you can get

Great tips and tricks like you’re learning in today’s video thank you for watching don’t forget come see us love gastro for all your GI needs