This Vitamin B3 (NIACIN) supplement 500mg cleared my skin in less than 24h!! Here is my review

I tried Niacin (Vitamin B3) for its skin benefits and here are my thoughts and experience!

Hi everyone so today I wanted to talk to you about a new product that I tried yesterday actually and I don’t usually make a lot of videos but except when I really find a good product that I think is worth sharing so in order to treat some dermatitis of mine I was

Recommended to try nainam but I mistakenly got n nasin is a form of vitamin B3 um just like nasin Amid and it’s helped to not with your nervous system your digestive system and to keep your skin healthy so I want to go over how it

Works and then I want to tell you about my experience so both niine and nin amid can be used in reducing physical and emotional stress by increasing your blood flow reducing blood pressure and regulating other anxiety related hormones all of which promote calmness and a better sleep so that’s good for

Your nervous system it’s also uh it also helps with your metabolism as it’s involved in the in the energy making cycle also known as the KB cycle if you remember and the way it works is that niine gets converted into nasin amid which then gets converted into an ad an important player

In that cycle and then finally it can do wonders to your skin by increasing your blood flow and it’s also involved in the DNA repairing process um which can therefore help uh with preventing DNA based aging and so I tried it yesterday not expecting anything in particular and after just a few minutes

I started turning red having flashes um um not knowing what’s going on then I realize it’s actually of course a side effect of this uh of this vitamin which is totally fine and normal so I could feel my blood flow in every in every place of my body up to my

Face I was just red as if I had I had just had a big sunburn I was feeling hard hot and then after 15 20 minutes it all went away and I experienced a big relief of course but then this morning to my surprise I actually

Noticed a lot of improvement in my skin in only 24 hours for example this part of my um of my body on my chest I usually have some redness and and I can have some pimples too but this morning it was all clear which I have never seen that in a long

Time so I’m very excited about this product I got the life extension brand from the ierb website and that was under $5 so I highly recommend it and I hope you like it I hope you find uh this uh advice helpful and please let me know what you think bye