Hello everyone welcome back to my channel in this video i wanted to share with you my thoughts on a live multivitamins for women i do have my husband’s bottle here as well um this is a vitamin that he’s currently using so while i’m doing a review on mine i will

Share with you the nutritional information on that one too by the way if you are new here welcome my name is tanya and on this channel i am sharing my 100 pound weight loss journey so workouts meal plans and everything in between supplements vitamins you name it

I’m sharing it on my channel having said that if you’re on your own weight loss journey and you need some inspiration motivation or just someone to talk to girl go ahead and hit subscribe and stay a while for everyone else welcome back all right so let me just go ahead and

Say this i am a vitamin junkie i like to try everything under the sun and alive is actually one that’s new for me we usually buy smartypants vitamins in my opinion they are absolutely amazing when it comes to the taste i’ll do a separate video on the smartypants vitamins so make sure you

Stay tuned for that but i wanted to try these out because my husband was buying them for himself and he’s been using them for three months now and he said they were good and on top of that they are cheaper than the smarty pants vitamins so i wanted to go

Ahead and give them a try to see what they’re all about so i did that and these are the ones that i picked up these have eight b vitamins and also a powder blend with fruits and veggies this is what the men and women’s vitamins look like of course the formula is different

And just to give you an idea of how these taste in comparison to the smartypants vitamins they are more sweet and less tart these definitely do have more of a vitamin b taste so keep that in mind now this is a typical multivitamin and that the ratios for the

Vitamins are pretty much standard it’s not set apart from any other multivitamin that i’ve tried one thing to note about gummy multivitamins is that they don’t contain iron i don’t think it’s stable in a gummy form based on what i remember but i could be wrong so double check that

Information but yeah it doesn’t contain iron so just keep that in mind if you were to buy the tablets you might have it in there so let’s go ahead and look at the supplement facts in the back of the bottle for both men and women this is

Going to help with heart bones cellular energy immune health and skin it’s free from gluten gelatin dairy yeast derived ingredients wheat peanuts and eggs so one of the drawbacks of a gummy vitamin is of course the sugar so there’s four grams of sugar per serving which is two gummies per day

Not too bad but it’s there so anyway i think these are pretty good i do prefer the gummies by smarty pants more however i’m not using it anymore and i’ll talk about that in a later video so be sure to check out my next review which will be on the smartypants

Vitamins but as far as the ally vitamins go it’s a good choice for the price point hopefully this was helpful go ahead and give it a thumbs up if it was and consider subscribing for more videos just like this until next time